You Need to Focus on The Bigger Picture

The second you decide to focus on the Bigger Picture, maybe to raise your standards a little, or to push a bit harder or to cut out some things from your life, be rest assured that you’re going to get attacked.

Not physically but emotionally and psychologically and it will mess with your mind. You are going to get emotionally bullied into giving it up, you’re going to be blackmailed by the people you love and care deeply about.

Everyone is afraid of change. This is because most often than not change is inconvenient and it disturbs the status quo. It creates a shift in the way things have been done and most times people just want things to remain the way they are. This is however very myopic as change is the only constant thing in the universe. Our bodies are changing daily, our homes, our lives, our minds are changing because every day you learn something that alters the way you live and think and this cannot just go away.

The thing is, when you make this decision, they’re going to make you feel guilty of raising the bar too high or moving too fast or pushing too hard. Now if you accept this guilt, it could be the end of you because you will, in fact, start reasoning on their terms. You’ll start thinking maybe they’re right, it could be a little too soon or it may be too hard and all these thoughts can sink your dreams.

So if you decide to go big, to move halfway across the country for that dream job, to quit your current job so you could start a business, to raise your standards at the workplace, to aim higher, you need to consciously decide to be blinded and deafened by your dreams. You need to play deaf to the oh so many comments and advice that will discourage you. You’ll need a firm resolve to push amidst the adversaries, you’ll need to learn the art of selective listening. You will need to chase that dream with all you’ve got. To help you do this you have to put some things in perspective.

Where You’ve Been

A lot of times, when we’re blinded by negative pressure, we forget a lot about where we’ve been.

You have probably been through the fire and the storm and the flood and you had come out with a resilience that no one can see. You certainly do not look like what you’ve been through. So when you are being pressured to drop those dreams because people are scared of the change it will bring, you should reflect on the strides you have made and the battles you have conquered and this will tell you that no one is more responsible for your breakthrough than you.

Where You’re Going

Another thing to consider is where you are headed. You know the size of your dream, you know where you see yourself short term or long term so you alone can decide if the action you take now plays a determining role on your dreams.

We are products of our choices and we get to live with the consequences of those choices. Some people forgo family for the choice of a career, others do the opposite but either way they get to deal with the perks that come with the lives they chose.

Your dreams should be reflected in the choices you make now. No one has seen the size of your dream and frankly speaking they’re probably not going to understand the reason for the moves you’re making. So if your dream is to make millions as an entrepreneur, no one else is going to see it.

You need to ask yourself what you were put in this world to do. Do you want to be ordinary? Or do you want a mediocre life? Or most importantly do you want to lead a substandard life? All these questions will point you in the right direction.

So if your actions correlate with the picture in your head, then you need to stick with it and weather the storm.

Light at the end of a tunnel

The beautiful thing is that when you decide to stick with your resolve and push through, eventually, everyone will get in line. It’s almost like they were waiting to see if you could venture through such big dreams. They were scared that you might fail and only just decided to discourage you. This means that they lack the capacity you carry.
This is why it is pertinent to just keep pushing no matter how big or broad your dreams are because you alone can decide whether to go on with it or to shelf it.

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