How To Find Solana (And Cardano) NFTs Early

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are shooting up these past few months and the only direction it is heading is forward. With these digital assets selling like candies, how can you be a spearhead on the upcoming releases? Keep scrolling down through this article to know.

The non-fungible tokens make space for artists and content creators to generate revenue from their digital crafts. No longer do artists need to pin their hopes on galleries and auction houses to put their arts for sale. 

Instead, they can be licensed to put it forward directly to customers in the form of a non-fungible token, allowing them to make a bigger profit compared to the traditional art auction we are familiar with. Artists can also receive commissions from royalties whenever the art they own is sold to another person. 

Non-fungible tokens benefit its creators, but what good does it bring to buyers?

Paintings or any other traditional artworks are valuable because they are rare and unprecedented. However, when it comes to traditional files, the art crafts can easily be duplicated. And this is where NFTs come in.

With the non-fungible tokens, online crafts can be “tokenized” to constitute a virtual certificate of ownership that is sellable. This makes non-fungible tokens (NFTs) a good collectible, especially when you own a rare one.

Among several crackerjack non-fungible tokens in the market, Solana and Cardano are some of the bests, so there’s quite a competition in having hands on them.

Yet, uncovering non-fungible tokens (NFTs) was made easy like never before.

While there is an online tool like Rarity that will lay you out everything about upcoming Ethereum NFTs— from its image, discord, Twitter account, price, amount, and even the release date, there is also a platform that navigates upcoming Solana non-fungible tokens.

Finding Solana Non-Fungible Tokens is a website that provides information about the rarity of Solana NFTs. Although the details it offers as of this moment are quite limited, it helps users see Solana’s compiled list of upcoming drops. The index shows the type of non-fungible token project, the links to other social media accounts, the release time, the number of NFTs that will be released, and the selling price. 

However, there is no image of the NFTs provided on the platform. Some sections in the record regarding the non-fungible tokens that are about to get dropped soon may be blanked out, but you can still find the missing details if you search manually.

Let’s say SolBears NFTs. If there is no official website link included in the list, but there is a social media account that is linked, for example, Twitter, then you could visit Twitter to look for the official website for updates. 

If you plan to buy a non-fungible token like Aurory, you need to connect your well-funded wallet to buy one. 

Uncovering Cardano NFT Release

If Ethereum has Rarity, and Solana has, Cardano have Wen CNFT

Wen CNFT provides loads of images about the Cardano non-fungible tokens collection, which HowRare. is lacking. Yet, the platform is not as user-friendly as the previously mentioned platforms. 

The details that are provided about the upcoming drop are limited as well. The platform is still working on it. 

For instance, you clicked on one Cardano non-fungible image that will be released soon. The only information that you could get is a link to its Twitter page. On some NFT, there were no concrete details touched on, and instead of knowing the exact drop date, you could only get the diffident “soon.” 

But again, just like how you can manually check out Solana NFT’s, you could do the same with Cardano. 

To look into Cardano NFTs’ upcoming drops, be more attentive with their updates on their social media pages. Most often than not, creators put down the links to discord and official website on Twitter. 

Rarity vs vs Wen CNFT

Among the three platforms that are used to see the upcoming drops of NFTs, Cardano and Solana outrank Ethereum. 

The complete information that Rarity offers gives every individual an equal opportunity to view and access information about the upcoming drop of Ethereum NFTs. Yet, although it may seem great, it doesn’t give a competitive edge to those who are really willing to work hard to gather information about the release. 

On the other hand, because of the details in and Wen CNFT is insufficient, only those who are really eager to know more about the drop will dig information manually despite the hassle. 

The patchy draw-up points of the upcoming drop of Solana and Cardano give a competitive edge to those who are enthusiastic about finding more about the NFTs. While Ethreum’s NFT drop is presented in a silver lining, Solana’s and Cardano’s NFT will be for those who know how to overcome stumbling blocks. 

The surfacing of non-fungible tokens is stretching out in various areas, from entertainment to the professional world. With this being said, if you plan to buy a non-fungible token, you need to be attentive to the firm’s issue compliance and potential as a regulator.

Essentially, a business like Cardano or Solana, that operates in this kind of industry must possess a legal testament, disclosures, terms, and conditions, and legal representation to give a wide berth to possible legal conflict consequences. 

Non-fungible tokens are pretty much considered a modern type of investment, so there are quite a lot of things that are yet to learn from them. However, right now, it passes as a good digital collection, as well as a profitable investment depending on what you will buy.

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