5 Best Ways To Make Money From Home With ZERO Money In 2020

2020 has been one hell of a year. With the ravaging global pandemic, it’s no longer business as usual. However, it’s been all tears for many, and some keep smiling to the bank. The truth is that there are a lot more opportunities now than ever. While some have lost their jobs, some are starting their businesses. E-commerce is booming as the world has become more virtual. In the past few months, we’ve all spent more time online like never before.

Although, we see many who have worked all their lives with nothing to show for it. After working for 12 hours per day for six weeks to earn stipends, they became the casualties of the pandemic. They gave their all in their quest to become wealthy. The problem is that they made another richer. According to Robert Kiyosaki, “your job won’t make you rich”. Your employer pays you just enough to keep you working.

One of the common myths about money is that you need money to make more money. This article would show you how you can make money as an entrepreneur when you’re at zero level.

1. Flipping online/Retail Arbitrage

The peculiarities of 2020 have made flipping a lucrative venture. Flipping includes looking out for cheap products online to resell at a higher price to a buyer. You can purchase stuff that is a limited edition to sell on eBay and other product-based websites. With billions having to depend on the Internet to buy stuff, be sure that you can make some cool cash flipping.

Also, things that you have piled up over the months that still have some monetary value can be put out there on Craigslist, Facebook market deals to survive this time. It could be your shoes, clothes, couch, electronics, or designer bags. Look into selling a lot of these things. And the good thing is that you don’t need much to start out.

2. Food Delivery Services

This is one aspect of the economy with such tremendous growth. People need to eat. Driving food around and dropping it off is not a bad idea. You can make money doing this. Uber does the same. You can too. Everyone is careful about who their chef is right now. You can walk up to establishments and offer them your food delivery services. The chances are that many would patronize you.

Having a paradigm shift on the need to become an independent entrepreneur is the best decision you will ever make. Men like Steve Jobs of Apple, Bill Gates of Microsoft, and Jeff Bezos of Amazon changed the status quo by changing their approach to money-making.

Food delivery

3. Labor Work

To make money, you don’t have to come up with the next billion-dollar idea. You don’t have to go all creative. Look out for opportunities in your neighborhood or beyond. You might have to dig out the gold around you to make your money. If you are a type that can get down on all four to get things done, this should put some doe in your pockets. You can do a couple of things like mowing someone’s lawn, investing in power washers, shoveling the dirt in your neighborhood, walking someone’s dog, and scrubbing the mold on people’s sidewalks or buildings.

The truth is that you will make money in this world if you can provide some valuable skills to someone. You can walk up to someone you know and offer to wash their car at a certain amount. The first wash can be for free. When next you wash for them, you can get maybe $20-$50 per hour.

4. Digital Work (Services)

You can still make money this year if you don’t want to get your hands dirty, be on your hands and knees, hammering away but like to work on the computer. Provide some kind of digital services to businesses. Get businesses that are super outdated with their public information, Web presence, and social media account. Offer to help them improve their online presence. Opening an Instagram account, Facebook marketing, and building a website for them is a great way to start. You can earn as high as $1000 doing this.

For instance, creating websites is quite easy now. There are so many different templates and platforms online that are designed to help you. You can start with the restaurants in your neighborhood and convince them of how your digital marketing skills can boost their sales. They know that it will cost them more when they reach out to corporations for these services.

5. Start Your Own YouTube Channel

Making money through multiple streams makes life better for you. YouTube provides you money-making ventures such as Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and networking.

Dad, how do I youtube channel

YouTube ultimately puts you out there for you to make money online. With a monetized channel, you can make money whenever your content is viewed. Another huge benefit of owning a YouTube channel is networking opportunities. With your online presence, you can link up with other Youtubers and expand your business reach by getting into the network of successful entrepreneurs.


2020 might have been known as a pandemic year, but it came with great opportunities. Some in the rough, others online. Look out for them. Conquer your fear one day at a time. Be optimistic. Step out and take your share of the wealth of the world.

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