How To Turn $500 into $10,000 Before Christmas 2021

All of us crave to make a lot of money within a small-time- but the money-making procedure is never a walk of rose petals. But what if we told you it was easier than you think? Are you ready to invest $500 and get back a reward of $10000 within a couple of months?

Most of the online marketers have been making a lot of money and when you look at the data, you might think- “is it true?”. In this article, you are going to know about a proven method by which you can multiply your money to an incredible level. Of course, you have to be consistent with the strategy and there is absolute proof of the fact that you can make money sitting back at home with only a stable internet facility and a computer.

The best part is that you can start almost immediately, and once the system is up and running, you do not have to look back. 

Trend Works 

You should always know how to jump on the trend and make the most out of it even before it starts, and that is exactly what we are going to do now.

Based on this trend, you can capitalize on your investment, and here is the step-by-step process of how you can accomplish the same. For this earning, you do not have to have your product, and even when a lot of people are grabbing this trend, you haven’t missed the boat as yet. 

How To Start? Is There Any Proof?

Worried that you are too late to begin and it is already past Christmas? Well, you can start it at any time of the year, and will give you income all year round. It is not about dropshipping and selling your products, it is about doing smart work. Most of the experts have been able to gain an average profit of 700 dollars per day if they could do it right.

The only thing is that in this case, there will be some kind of investment involved if you want to have a good ROI. You must be ready to invest at least 500 dollars. Another interesting factor is that the ROI of this trend is climbing and it will continue to climb as of now. So stay tuned to know more!

First, you have to go to Google trends and there is a graphical representation. Every year, you can see that a trend is peaking in November. Especially from the first to the seventh of November, you can see the trend rising.

So what is this hussle all about? You have heard of the term Black Friday, right? Now, this term is not confined to the departmental stores alone where a lot of stuff goes on sale. In the post-pandemic era, more people are inclined towards the Balck Friday online sales and it is high time that you jumped on the bandwagon to make some money. 

The major way in which you can have huge profits from the Black Friday online sales is through affiliate marketing. So basically you will be promoting products that belong to other people and every time someone buys it, you can get a commission from the brand. Now the good thing about this is that you can start promoting a product that is already selling.

For example, you already know of a product that sold like crazy last Black Friday. You can start selling the product early this year to gain maximum profits. 

You can get the product source, the support team, and everything that you might need to keep up your sales. You just have to create the unique affiliate link and start with the promotion. Here are all how you can start with the product promotions. 

miniature cart beside a "Sale" sign

Optimizing Special Pages

These are the pages where you list the greatest affiliate deals during Thanksgiving week and beyond. How can you make the most of these pages and increase your sales? You include all of the premium tools you use or those others in your industry use on your blog. These can be anything related to your niche and aren’t restricted to hosting deals.

Create a page/article titled “top Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals and discounts on [insert your niche]” to promote the products. Your specialty is the subject of your blog, and you’ll identify the tools that your target audience is likely to utilize.

If you have a sewing/knitting blog, you might promote the greatest deals on sewing machines, yarns, and other items.

  • Make sure the posts are properly formatted.
  • Add a clear CTA for each sale. A simple CTA button that urges action may be found in my Cyber Monday Blogging Deals.
  • Rather than building new special pages every year, you should make it a goal to update your existing pages every year. This is due to Google’s preference for old content that has been updated with new information. Plus, instead of needing to construct fresh backlinks and such, you can use your prior rankings for that page every year.

Examine the results of past Black Friday/Cyber Monday campaigns

You may already be acquainted with other influential bloggers in your field. If not, just Google “top blogs on [your niche]” and read the pieces that come up. You can also conduct a search for “top Black Friday discounts in [your niche]” to see who is ranking and in what order.

Using a program like Semrush to improve your competitor research is still another option. To get started, click this link for a 30-day free trial. This method can help you find a list of keywords that your competitors are ranking for Black Friday deals. You may also use Semrush to look at those pages’ backlinks to see if you can gain links from those sources or even better sources.

You can learn about competition strategies and design your own to improve your rankings and sales.

There are a few other things you may do to keep track of your competitors’ strategies:

  • Make a list of five to ten bloggers who are successful in affiliate marketing.
  • Sign up for their mailing lists.
  • Examine how they promote their affiliate products on significant occasions.
  • Check to see if they’re going to be publishing any product reviews on Black Friday. Determine how many links they use and how they persuade their audience to purchase from them.

Use email subscribers to your advantage

You’ll need an email list if you want to quickly raise your sales around Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, or any other special day. And not just any other email list of random folks; this is the email list that’s brimming with eager purchasers waiting for your product recommendations.

If you want to grow a hungry email list, make sure you provide more value on a regular basis. If you approach it as a “selling list,” they’ll quickly figure out that you’re sending emails just to enhance your sales, and they’ll unsubscribe. Alternatively, they may not even open your emails.

That’s the reason why you need to treat them as your family. Care for them, help them genuinely, figure out all the problems they have, and recommend the products they really need.

Apart from the ways that we have already mentioned, you can also use the procedures like using proper landing pages, writing in-depth product reviews, and building quality backlinks to outrank the competitors. So now multiplying our money is no longer a hassle at all.

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