Growth Hacks For Your Personal Brand

The importance of having a personal brand is definitely not underrated. With the right techniques and hacks you could grow your personal brand and be making up to a million dollars every year. How? Well, that’s what we’re going to be dealing with in this piece. People often talk about how tedious personal branding is or how long it actually takes for you to completely go through it. Indeed personal branding does take a long time, but its results are very visible. Let’s use some of the influencers you’re aware of. Do you want a personal brand like theirs? Or anybody else you know who is their own brand? Then step right up because we’re giving you simple hacks with which you can do this. Let’s get right to it.

Pick a large nich

This is what your personal brand will be centered on. This is what people see when they look at you or go through your pages, so it has to be something you can deeply connect with. It could be fashion, food, gossip, style, travel, photography, sports, science, or anything you can relate with on a personal level. However, it is important for your niche to have a lot of demographic, hence it has to be big. If you pick a small niche that doesn’t have a broad demographic, chances are you won’t make a lot of money from it. If you’re not sure if your niche has a lot of people interested in it, head over to Google Trends and key in your niche. If your niche, when compared, is bigger than digital marketing, it’s big and highly profitable so use it.

Leverage videos

Personal branding is all about representing yourself in the most professional way you can, depending on your niche. Hence, you’ll need to leverage with videos, lots of it. People need to feel they can connect with you more personally, so publishing videos of yourself working in your niche via YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn will boost engagement and get traffic to your brand. Leveraging videos is more effective than in-person events. When making these videos, be sure to use the keywords that are ranking high (you can use UberSuggest to check popular keywords within your niche) and infuse them into your title and video description.

Interview successful people

Being a professional is far from easy. It takes time, effort, commitment and skill. However, to fast track your personal brand, you will need to be seen with other experts in the business. Assuming your niche is Artificial Intelligence and you’re seen Elon Musk. It’s assumed Elon knows you, hence you must be good at something, your niche maybe, for him to be seen with you. Have interviews with the experts in your niche and post them on your social pages and wella! The engagement will keep rolling in.

Speak at conferences

Be sure to speak at an average of 4 conferences a year. Yes, videos are more effective than in-person events, but these in-person events not only gives you exposure, it ultimately paints you in the right light to people watching. These people in attendance may want to take pictures with you as an expert and post it on their social media pages, and that’s how more people will get to know what you’re really about. Initially, you may not get paid to speak at these events, but that’s okay. Keep applying to multiple events, and accept four of those invites a year.

Help out

Depending on your niche, you will get questions from people who may be trying to understand something or trying out a different niche. Try to answer all these questions genuinely and without hoping to get anything out of it. You don’t need to reach the peak before you start helping, do it in your own little way. It goes a long way in helping your personal brand.


Don’t try to fit into your niche, be the reason people want to join your niche. Stand out, inspire people, shine. Look for those unique qualities you have and infuse them in your niche.

Be patient

Building a personal brand won’t happen in a fortnight, neither will the fruits of your labor mature immediately. You’ll have to keep striving while being patient. However, if you do use these growth hacks, you should see results every quarter of the year.

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