How To Make $400 A Day From YouTube

Making money with the internet, especially on YouTube, has been a craze continuously going on. While others think that the platform has been already saturated with over 37 million YouTuber channels, others think that the platform still has a lot to offer, even to those just starting up.  

Surprisingly, there are several ways to earn through YouTube— people can make it a platform to showcase their talent in singing, dancing, and help others through tutorials. The best part is that you can earn money from it without showing your face or reciting your script.

The drill in creating YouTube videos is simple and easy to follow. You need to work on the content creation first.

Look for the Heart of Your Content

A niche can be considered as the heart of content and is vital in sustaining a profitable and lucrative business. If you enter a market that you’re not passionate about, it will be tough for you to keep running your business. On the other hand, it would be an enjoyable experience to sweep big profit from the market if you go for the niche that you really love. 

For example, you’re involved and personally interested in fishing. As someone who is passionate about that area, you will be able to tell which type of reel will sell better and which type of content will temp the audiences to go for what you are offering. 

Going for a niche you’re interested in will give you a better advantage than niches you don’t actually like. 

Produce a Powerful and Enticing Title and Content Script

Let’s be honest. No matter how profitable or promising your niche is, you are bound to fail if you don’t produce quality scripts. 

In creating a YouTube content script, keep in mind that your main goal is to hook your audience. One of the reasons humans love movies, books, and shows is that they can relate and connect across universal stories. This means that you should make it your goal to appear like you’re telling a story. 

Storytelling is widely used in marketing scripts to evoke viewers’ emotions and inspire them, allowing a relationship to be established between brand and viewer. 

All lines matter in writing a script, particularly in shorter videos. You need to be consistent in hooking your viewer’s attention from the beginning to the last part of your script. Ensure that your script will drive the goal of your video forward, make the “why” behind your intent clear throughout the lines. 

Aside from connecting to your viewers’ emotions, connect with them using terms they will easily understand. Written content might contain complex words and sentences, however, this will not work in the video script. 

aerial view of table with several random papers and magazines in it

Your video script needs to be so simple that even those who don’t have enough background on what you are talking about will understand you. 

No matter how substantial your script is, if your audience will not understand what you are trying to imply, and if they can’t connect to your content, you will not receive much traffic, engagement, and leads. 

Admit it or not, not all marketers are comfortable in writing. Some get overwhelmed just with the thought of writing a script. If that’s the case for you, outsourcing or hiring someone else who would do the job for you will help you a lot. 

If overwhelmed just with you’re not willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a script, you can also use a paraphrasing tool, which will rewrite someone else’s script for your use. However, if you resort to this, make sure not to commit any plagiarism violation if you don’t want to get in trouble.

Hire a Professional Voice-Over Artist

You will not be showing your face on the video, so you need to, at least, have a good voice-over artist that will give your video life, enhancing the overall quality of the videos on your channel.

A good voice-over artist can give a video a taste, boosting the branding of your brand. Evaluate whether female or male personality would suit well in the video and hire someone that will meet your criteria.

A piece of subtle background music would also be great in helping the video achieve a more significant effect. In some cases, the voice-over artist talks with a piece of music in the background, and some interludes across sound effects.

a radio dj host

Remember to create a YouTube channel that has strong brand awareness. Your videos should sustain a signature feel. In simple terms, viewers should be able to identify a consistent tone in your videos, and when they hear that voice, your channel will be the first thing that comes to mind. Build the identity of your brand through the voice you will use.

If you think paying a voice-over artist would cost you so much, there are websites that you can use to convert your script into a voice. Learn how to make use of them.

Work On the Video’s Visuals

Let’s face it, filming is a hassle, too time-demanding, and especially hard if you’re not attractive, young, and affluent. The internet space is not a very friendly place to be, and it takes a lot of courage to put yourself on display when you know that people will judge you. This gloomy outlook cause restricts some creators from growing their channel to full potential.

To be fair, some simply value their privacy and don’t want to put up themselves on the potential negative consequence of being known. Either way, the primary goal of this article is to help your hundreds to thousands of dollars without being seen. 

an audio mixing view

For your YouTube visuals, you can use animation or combined short video clips from free stock video and images platforms like Pexels and Pixabay. 

The things mentioned above are those that you need to take care of when it comes to content creation. But have you heard that you can actually create more than one channel on YouTube?

Create a Network Under the Same Niche

Before building a strong network, you need to focus on one YouTube channel first. The instructions above will help you establish a strong branding and audience. Once you build up one strong channel with loyal supporters, you can begin creating multiple small YouTube channels. 

It is worth bearing in mind that developing a strong foundation doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it might actually take you months or years before getting the results you actually want. And even if you spend seven years creating videos for your YouTube channel, if you don’t use correct strategies, you will not see lucrative results on your end. 

What you’re going to do with your established YouTube channel is use it as a vehicle to drive traffic for your new YouTube channel. 

Let’s say you started a channel under the Shopify and dropshipping niche, and you’re receiving no less than 10,000 views for every video. You can create another channel under the same or related niche, like Amazon FBA or drop service. Your YouTube channels must be in line with each other because you will have a hard time sending traffic to one and another if it isn’t. 

The progress of this method will be slow, but you will surely see valuable results if you strictly follow the tips listed above. 

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