How To Sell Anything To Anyone Anytime

Do you want to learn about how you can close a sale? Or on how you can sell anything to anyone anytime? Then reading this article is very important for you. You will learn 3 important aspects of making a sale.

In this article, we will be discussing different proven techniques used by top-ranked business influencer and sales trainer Dan Lok. The powerful methods he has taught entrepreneurs and businesses around the world to be able to make a sale, increase sales, understanding the sales process and to learn how they can minimize the risk associated with making a sale.

The 3 Important Aspects Of Making A Sale:

1. Understanding the emotions of your buyer.
2. Clients and customers want to escape a problem; so sell them the solution.
3. Customers buy stories.

Understanding The Emotions Of Your Buyer

This is the first and most important factor to focus on when making a sale. Most purchases made by individuals are based on how they are emotionally connected to buying something backed by logic. In a cluttered marketplace, there are so many products with different price ranges with buyers from different income groups. Some people buy because they want to show off the world, or because if they don’t have that certain thing, their life would be greatly affected.

Let’s take an example here: A random person with his friend went inside Tom Ford’s high-end men’s clothing store. The salesperson approached them to try and make a sale by asking this random person to see if he needed help with something but the random person say’s no but thanks.

Now this random person inside the store had many clothes but he did not own a Tom Ford’s Tuxedo and the salesperson just asked him if he could try one on. After trying the shirt on, the salesperson because he needed to make the sale asks the person “sir, do you like James Bond? And the person replies “Why, yes I do”. Immediately, the salesperson tells him that the suit he is wearing is exactly the one James bond wore in the movie Casino Royale. This random person also recalls the scene from the movie, where James Bond is gambling in the casino wearing the same tuxedo that he is wearing. He, therefore, ends up buying the expensive tuxedo, so in other words, this person bought into the emotions developed by the store salesman.

Clients And Customers Want To Escape A Problem – So Sell Them The Solution

The customers today, they buy things because they think buying a certain product will solve the problems they are having. Since you want to make a sale for your business, your job is to convince them that buying your product will solve all their problems. You need to get in the customer’s shoes and how would they buy their way out of a certain problem.

Some people don’t have the financial capacity to purchase an Entrepreneur course that would groom them and would help increase their earnings to up to 50% yet they would say no to the course and end up buying a very expensive smartphone. Based on researches made by market research companies, shoppers feel happy when they shop. It helps them feel better by escaping depression or a certain stressful situation in their life. Having the power to choose between products, gives the sensation of control back in their life.

So use the below tips, if you ever come across a potential buyer, entrepreneur or business to whom you need to make a sale and knowing that they need it and would say no.


1.  Make the customer love your product.
2. Gain the customer’s confidence in you.
3. The customer should trust your company.

Customers Buy Stories

When you live in a world where a customer has a 1000’s of products in the market and online to choose from. How would you make a sale for them? Why would they buy from your business?
How would you pull them to buy your product if you are also just another Entrepreneur with a regular product?

This could be better understood with an example:

An Entrepreneur in the United States wants to buy a Car. Normally, cars in the United States cost from anywhere with a sales price of $10,000 that can go up to a price of $100,000 depending on the features and specifications. This Entrepreneur can buy either of the $10,000 car and the $100,000 priced cars. But before making a purchase, his perception towards both the cars won’t be based on just pricing.

Since he can purchase either of the cars, he will first try to perceive the cars based on his emotions and then will back his purchase with rationale and logic. Now the salesperson at the car showroom has to understand why the person wants to buy the car. For him to make the sale of the $100,000 branded sports and luxury car, he has to get inside the buyer’s mind. The car showroom’s salesman will be able to sell the car if he can approach the Entrepreneur by making him visualize himself in the branded sports and luxury car and that how well it would go with his image as a business entrepreneur.

Hence, in reality, people buy based out of their emotions, how a product or service would boost their image and social status.

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