How to Start an Online Business With Less than $60

Are you aware that you don’t have to spend thousands and thousands of dollars just to start a simple, and effective business? We’re in the new Millennium, and what’s catchy nowadays are online businesses.

Whether you’re a student, stay-at-home bud, or working adult, you can start your own brand without spending too much.

Know your Online Business Method

Out of any other beginnings, the method, or an established and systematic approach of practicing a market, whether online business or not, must be considered.

You can consider these questions: What are the means that I can use to start? What are the things that I have to consider? Do I have all the tools? How can I get all the tools, services, and help that I needed? How much would all of these costs? Is it expensive, cheap, or for free? Can I start by spending less than $60 on it?

And today, we’re going to focus on the Amazon Affiliate Program or so-called Amazon Affiliate with additional methods.

Decide on a Topic

Choose whatever you like, it’s free! We recommend you to base it on the things or hobbies that you’re interested in or passionate about. It could be writing, photography, marketing, technology, and many more!

Content creator

When you focus more on the things that you like, and you already have a background, it’s easier for you to keep up with the topic, and get more out of it.

Plus, it’s fun! You and your fellow audience will have something in common.

A website is necessary

You might say ‘I could just use my Facebook and Instagram to promote my online business. I don’t have to pay for anything at all!’

You can do that. We have nothing against you, you’re not the only one, and definitely not the first one.

But have you observed those pages who, after a long-time, found success and built their own website? It’s because, in online business, websites are necessary! It’s your accessible shop!

Just like a physical store that defines your brand, the online set-up also helps to make a name out of your products or services. You can consider the website as a marketing strategy that helps you advertise your products anywhere while making credibility for yourself.

This is the only expense that we have. Everything else (the processes) are for free! You can choose a plan – even the most basic packages, and create a domain name, the web site’s name or identity, exclusive just for you.

Become an Amazon Associate by signing up, getting approved, and linking certain articles to Amazon. When people click on this link from your site, you’d get a commission.

Write Content

Ironically, what you’re reading right now is an effective example of written content from a website.

The most popular, and easiest blogging websites to use is WordPress. You can purchase your domain name and map it to WordPress or get it directly from WordPress and make use of the website to write quality articles.

Brainstorm content ideas or search for it online using keywords. If you’re into Amazon-related articles, you can type Amazon as your keyword, and plenty of result suggestions will show whether through a phrase or question.

Based on the article content or keywords, Google has an algorithm that would allow you to rank higher or on the first page of the search result. Consequently, more people can immediately see your page.

Add Plugins and Allow Advertisements

With the use of your website, plugins are important! This would help your website to get more out of the built-in feature from WordPress, and get more functionality.

What you can do is to download SEO Plugin, add this on your website, and edit the article accordingly. Excellent website, with excellent articles leading to excellent earnings as well!

Another thing to consider is allowing ADS, yes Advertisements, from Google Ads or other notable brands on your website. Just like how Amazon Associate works, you’ll earn money if people click on these ads.

Putting up your personal business is such an inspiration for many. The most common issue in putting up a business is how one can manage to spend so much money for a short period of time. But worry no more!


Everyone has their beginnings. It’s not perfect, but the goal is to make it worthy. Starting cheap or for free doesn’t mean that the result should be lacking. In fact, we can consider them as smart investors, making use of the resources available.

Always think of your goal, and how can you effectively manage it through Online Business, and by spending less than $60 capital.

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