The Great Reset Of 2021 Explained

When you’ve heard about the term the “Great Reset,” what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? 

I know for sure that it’s not something to be taken lightly. It holds a powerful title and probably a powerful ideology too. At least, that is it for me. What about you?

Is it true that matter how many references you’ve read, pages you’ve opened, and research you’ve made, there doesn’t seem to be a perfect answer to the question, ‘What is the Great Reset?’

Let me be as concise and clear in this article, which hopefully, would help you understand more about the Great Reset and its realistic envision for the citizens of the world, and the result it may bring upon every one of us.

The Great Reset of 2021

The great reset was proposed by the World Economic Forum (WOF), an international Non-Government Agency (NGO) with influential and wealthy members, which may be businessmen, stockholders, and everyone with almost unlimited money on their names.

Why did I say so? 

It’s because the membership is not for free. You need to pay $628,000 only for the membership. And since members were able to pay as much, then there’s no doubt that the whole agency would expect them to spend more when they became a part of it.

The agency’s primary goal is to talk about the world’s problems, social injustice, and other considerable conflicts globally and discuss probable solutions that need to be created.

I mean they’re influential so they could do so, right? Let’s see about that. 

The WEF calls for change to current regulations and policies of the world that prioritize us, citizens of the world, and businesses as second.

They set a significant emphasis on education, re-allocating government funds for greener energies, and placing restrictions on companies that take a bailout from the government.

But since the pandemic happened, our time’s gradual changes faced us with this rapid pacing that wrecks some industries while providing an opportunity for other fields.

In all honesty, the times and things we’re used to are always up to a great change. It’s just now we’re forced to adapt to these changes earlier than we expected.

Imagine online banks, remote working, cashless payment, becomes undeniably effective nowadays. This whole event just became the catalyst for them to take the initiative and make things happen. 

For this reason, they thought of how they can make use of a single opportunity to address all of our problems for a “fairer outcome” and “sustainable future,” thus giving birth to the idea of the ‘Great Reset.’

However, there are other interpretations of this proposal. Since the WEF video referred to it as a “You will own nothing and be happy” kind of thing, others might have called it a “Communist order” or taking private ownership and equally distributing it for everybody.

But they haven’t fully agreed to the term “communism,” and the closest thing I could find in the article by Klaus Schwab, who even admitted it as a “responsible capitalism” of forcing equitable distribution of global resources.

No one can explain the Great Reset in the simplest manner. But looks like it’s more of a wishlist rather than the actual plan because let’s be real. Who do they think will implement their ideas? It’s definitely not the rich people. But is it the government? Or are regular people just like us?

If most people disagree, it will stay just as add the thousands of proposals or ideologies they wish the government would implement. 

Rather than the great reset brings positive and bigger change, it leads to more “great confusion for the rest of us. (oh, funny how this cost $628,000).

But again, since these are just proposals, I doubt that this will happen anytime soon nor will happen ever at all. Instead of waiting for the ‘Great Reset’, here’s what we can do to make a difference today.

Our Great Solution

  • Take the initiative – start within yourself. If you think something needs to be changed or if you want to do something you haven’t done before, have the willpower to work on it without relying on other people to provide the first steps for you. The internet is waving at you. Make use of the free and unlimited resources we have and get started.
  • Get Knowledgeable – education doesn’t need to be formal nor expensive. This is what most millionaires have been repeating over and over again. You can learn without paying thousands of dollars for tuition fees or immerse yourself in debt just so you can learn from that famous university across the city. Sooner or later, people would realize the importance of self-learning and learn from experienced people directly.
  • Learn your Life’s Financing – it’s about time that more people learn how to save money, leave below their means, and invest in the long-term. You can even join open discussions and encourage one another about finances.
  • Work for Ourselves – not everybody has the motive, time, money, and resources to open up a business and be their own boss. But at the same time, relying on somebody else and leaving from paycheck to paycheck is not always sustainable. If you can learn a skill, then you can always learn how to make more.
  • Admit to your own mistakes – many people always put the blame on others when they are the ones responsible for their mistakes and the results of their lives. Just be a bigger person and be critical of yourself to start seeing the world clearly, and make decisions accordingly.
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