The Ultimate Guide To Affiliate Marketing On Facebook

Affiliate marketing has been growing drastically these past few years and different ways on how to promote a product to earn commissions are emerging— one excellent method is by using Facebook.

Facebook pages aren’t dead. Facebook is massive and everyone in the world knows that.

The online community is so tremendous reaching 2.3 billion active users every month in 2018, which is nearly a third of humanity’s population. As of now, it stands as the largest social media platform in the world.

Facebook could play a big role in affiliate marketing as well as in people’s product purchases.

If you want to reach out to a much bigger audience to promote your product, there is no need for you to dig deeper into other popular applications and websites.

Everyone is practically on Facebook, from bright-eyed young people to gray-haired elders. Facebook may actually be enough to make you quick bucks.

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The algorithm of this social media platform allows your post to be seen by a larger quantity of people if the post is getting genuine interaction such as shares and likes. Hence, appealing Facebook posts, updates, and ads can give truly profitable affiliate sales.

Whether you are advertising running shoes or web hosting, there’s a large crowd for nearly every kind of product and service on Facebook.

You can use Facebook as your top funnel to grow a big organic presence.

Embark into the money-spinning world of affiliate marketing through the use of this social media giant to bring in more traffic to your affiliate links.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook

As an affiliate marketer, you can’t just simply dip your toes to the world’s most prominent social media network. You need to devise a good master game plan.

Choose A Niche You’re Passionate About

You will be able to keep your audience equally engages if you can consistently put up valuable content for your audience. Perhaps, sharing videos, questions, images, and needless to say, affiliate links posts to services and products.

According to Rachel Miller, business strategies and coach, you can create an entire set of content in just a weekend.

As a Facebook page owner, you will be able to get a glimpse of a lot of insights like post reach, engagement, and page likes. On top of that, you will be able to see the page views, video statistics, and even tack followers.

“I built an audience for make-up, and guess what? It wasn’t a good fit for me because I don’t wear make-up. So, it all went on like a lead balloon. It just didn’t work,” Miller stated.

To device a good strategy, you should choose a niche, topic, or theme that you are really passionate about and advertise a relevant product.

For example, if you are a cryptocurrency freak, promoting products and services related to cryptocurrencies would be a good idea. You could promote exchange platforms like Binance, trading courses, deals, and discounts related to it.

The key to success in affiliate marketing is choosing a niche you’re passionate about. This way, your audience will be more likely to trust you once they find that what you are saying is useful.

Create a Facebook Page

A Facebook page would be necessary to promote your affiliate links, blog posts, and information in a really fun and engaging way.

Although there is lesser interaction with a Facebook page compared to a group, it allows your audience to always be overhauled and abreast of your newest content.

While groups encourage interaction, it’s fairly overwhelming to manage on a daily basis. On the other hand, pages are simpler and undemanding.

Post a Facebook Advertisement

You probably got irritated because of the sheer quantity of YouTube commercials. Ads are annoying, especially if you’re on the momentum of watching your favorite show.

However, if created epically correct, ads could really make an impression on your target audience, increasing your sales.

Facebook ads don’t have strict guidelines when it comes to what your ad can actually look like. However, it demands submitting more than one ad placement request.

The Facebook ad can promote your affiliate links and particular products according to your liking. The content will be up to you. However, note that visuals and messaging are crucial.

Miller expressed the importance of these two, “We went to a new niche last week, or the week before. I went to the niche, and I put like fifty dollars on the ads and engagements to see if there would be traction on it. And the comments were — who is this lady? What is she saying? Obviously, my messaging was really off. They didn’t like me very much.”

People can’t just trust the words of someone they don’t know. As we’ve mentioned earlier, people hardly enjoy ads. This goes without affiliate marketing as well.

If you want to create a lucrative Facebook affiliate business, building yourself as an authority is necessary. You need to beef up your relationship with your target audience.

Thus, your followers will be more stretched out when you post an advertisement because they trust and value the information you give.

In creating a Facebook Ad, it is important to follow the 80/20 rule. Your ad should have 80% shareable educational or entertaining content, and the promotional part should just be around 20%.

Also, note that humans are more of a visual creature, so you need to keep your image or video eye-catching, and not too overwhelming. A good visual could bring you in more sales, and you know what happens if you go the other way around.

The thing about ads is that you can tests them out to find the best fit. Try an ad, if it doesn’t work, you can create another one.

Promote Your Post

If creating a complete ad campaign seems too ominous, you could just consider promoting a post that you or your audience particularly like.

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Once you see one post is giving you good insights, giving it a boost could help you shoot up your sales even more.

This would be a good playball for people who want to level up their affiliate marketing game through Facebook, but don’t have plenty of energy, time, and eagerness to create powerful images for a campaign.

Spend One Morning A Month to Create Audience

“You’re going to screw up. And it’s going to be okay. How many times have we screwed up or done something, and it’s not like been instantly successful. Like it happens. So, here’s the thing, start four or five. If you spend one morning a month creating a new audience, and building out that content, one morning a month, you’ll set it all up, you do one a month and you’ll find it eventually,” Miller expressed.

To get the facts straight, there’s a big chance that you will screw up your content for your affiliate marketing on Facebook. However, you should not stop there.

Spare some time to build content for your audience for a month. If it doesn’t work, it’s okay, you just have to create another content until you land on the most appealing content to your audiences.

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There’s a Facebook group called Grow Your Audience, that is accessible to anyone who wants to find help with their content. The group has a social system that assists people in making 100 pieces of content in a morning.

They offer a whole course on how you can use Facebook to drive traffic and be number one on Google.

Rachel Miller leaves a message for people who think don’t believe it is possible to reach success, “You don’t have to be an extrovert. You don’t have to have your face out there. You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg.”

Get rid of the “can’t” because it is absolutely possible to succeed in affiliate marketing, despite the saturation in the market, if you don’t give yourself excuses.

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