Using Free Bot To Make Money Online in 2021

Did you know you can actually sell an article without actually writing one? Making money online is just a few clicks away from you. Several people are using this trick every day, and you can get money following the same scheme they do.

You won’t probably get rich with this overnight, but if you do a good job, the earnings you will have could replace your 9-5 job. Just by a laptop and internet connection, you can make thousands of dollars every month. 

Writing is not for everyone, and though if that’s your case, you can still offer article services to other people without bothering yourself writing one. 

Let’s break down the instructions into simple steps.

Put Article Generator in Service

Article Generator is based on AI and can help you generate great content according to the keyword you give. You add a keyword in the article builder and instantly give you articles based on the keywords. With a limited amount of time, this bot could help you create numerous articles.

article generator website home page

Although there’s quite a lot of AI-based article generator you can use on the internet, particular elements make this tool stand out among others, including:

  • Free usage. While other tools will require you to pay, this article generator doesn’t charge for anything and is accessible to anyone who wants to make use of it. People can make use of its benefits without paying for account registration or subscription.
  • Around-the-clock accessibility. You can this tool any time of the day. In fact, you can even use it through your smartphone. 
  • No Usage Limit.  Compared to other free article generators that ask for a subscription fee for you to have unlimited access to their site, this tool has no restrictions or limitations in usage. You can use it to create articles as many as you want.  
  • Bulk Article Creation. Among all the mentioned features, this one is the main reason why it stands out over other alternatives available. The user interface of this content builder allows users to generate content in bulk real fast. 

Article Generator would help you create content for any purpose in various languages. Whatever niche you’re in, either sports, finance, business, beauty, the generator will do the work for you, according to the keyword you provide. 

However, the articles given to you have copyright licenses, so you could get punished if you sell them under your own name. This leads us to the second step.

Take Advantage of QuillBot

QuillBot is a tool used in rewriting any kind of written content with its hi-tech artificial intelligence. This tool rephrases contents by modifying sentence structure and by replacing some words with their synonymous word while maintaining the essence of the original content.

Aside from changing the content structure, QuillBot also provides a summarization and grammar check of the article. More than 10 million of the populace all over the globe are using QuillBot to create compelling content. 

quillbot website home page

Now, what you have to do is to take advantage of this tool. Instead of rewriting the content yourself, head over to QuillBot, then paste the article you’ve got from Article Generator. QuillBot will do the rewriting job for you, so you can actually sell the article without the possibility of getting accused of plagiarism. 

However, the number of words you can paraphrase in QuillBot is limited to 400 words; you have to divide the content into parts and rewrite each part one by one. 

Check the Content Using a Plagiarism Tool

Either you’ve written an article from scratch or use a tool like QuillBot to rewrite it. Checking for plagiarism is vital because it’s important for your article not to have an identical sentence or paragraph structure. 

Let’s say you’ve written original content. Although you’re confident enough that you didn’t get anything from the internet, you should still check for plagiarism because something similar must have been published online without you being aware of it.

screenshot of sample plagiarism check

By checking for plagiarism, you can be at ease that your content is 100% original. There are a handful of tools that you can put into service to check for plagiarism, including Grammarly, SmallSEO Tools, Plagiarism Detector, and a lot more. 

Launch a Winning Freelancer Profile

Once you’ve finished creating content, checking the grammar and plagiarism rate, you have to launch a freelancer profile on an online freelancer marketplace to offer your service.

Launching a freelancer profile is essential to your journey’s success. With millions of remote workers right now, you have to make your profile stand out. It needs to be enticing to set yourself apart from the competition. 

In creating a powerful profile, you need to highlight your skills and anything that could back up your claim. In this case, you will be offering articles, so you could put copywriting as your skill, and your article samples will support that skill you’ve given. Of course, you can count on Article Generator to give you sample work.

Including your employment history, education, and relevant certifications might also help in building reliability. Make your profile overview brief yet compelling. Cut out unnecessary words that just make your overview too long. Remember, you’re not writing a novel. You’re highlighting your value.

a man writing on his paper and a laptop in front

Basically, you extend your services to people seeking assistance in article writing. Make your fee lower than others to increase your potential of getting chosen because, in the first place, you’re not the one who will do the work. So, cutting off a few bucks won’t really hurt.

To succeed in this online money-making scheme and to do this a long-term job, make sure to bring value to your clients. Don’t just aim to land a project, then send them low-quality and grammatically incorrect article content. 

Although you’re using a bot to do the work, don’t neglect to check for grammatical errors. Putting yourself in your readers’ shoes could also help. 

Read the rewritten article and analyze if you could understand it or not. If you can’t, you can compare the original to the rephrased version and do some revision yourself. If you think you can comprehend every sentence quite well, then it’s good to go. Put the article content in a word file, then send it to your client. 

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