10 Qualities to Have in Your Inner Circle

When it comes to networks, the bigger, the better, right? Not necessarily. 

You must carefully curate your most trusted inner circle of friends in order to get values from people around you. You’ll be surprised how valuable you’ll become to the larger community of people who share the same interest.

But what constitutes an inner circle? What qualities should you look for? Every person differs in the way of conduct, thinking and behavior. Nevertheless, few qualities are constant. 

Do you wanna know these qualities? Let’s find out.


The inner circle is based on the foundation of trust. Thus, every topic you discuss should remain confidential. The moment you ruin the confidentiality, you let go of their trust.


The inner circle may consist of 10 people or, in some cases, probably more. Most of the time, your friends may demand your time and attention.

This is why people should make themselves accessible as much as possible. Although most of you are adults already, a simple act of support is appreciated. 

group of friends looking on a laptop as they gather information

Opportunity Magnet

This happens when your friends can give you more opportunities to seek in life. Whether that’s for interest or work purpose, they should you what the world has to offer.

In simpler words, your inner circle does not need people who are lost in their problems. You must find people capable of thinking big and in the interest of the whole.

A Good Speaker and Listener

Find people who can constantly bring value to the table. One teaches, and the whole group learns, and vice versa.

Sincere and determined people would not hesitate to share relevant information with their friends. They want each one of them to grow a step further. 


Your inner circle is not your workmates. If you care about them, you must pay attention to every detail. 

For instance, what are their favorite food, what are the things that make them insecure, and such? Likewise, you can expect the same thing from your inner circle. 

It’s essential to be attentive and to respect each other’s choices.

inner circle who talks in a restaurant showing attentiveness


There must be mutual respect while communicating. Your inner circle must respect your approach, and you should do the same as well.

Inner circle can only be maintained if there’s respect going on around the people, including respecting other people’s opinions, ideas, preferences, dislikes, and several other things.

Keeping and maintaining your inner circle are two different things. 

Talking behind the back

Talking behind the back is what draws a line between your sincere and disloyal friends. A sincere group of friends would defend and protect you even if you’re not around.

On the contrary, unfaithful friends will let you down. 

Supportive and Humble

When you have a great inner circle, there is no competition among you.

True friends celebrate the success of others and appreciate their efforts. Even if not everybody seems to support you, a small yet genuine group of people are far better than arrogant ones.

Presentable to Look At

Choose an inner circle that is presentable in the way they look, talk, and act. Why? Because the appearance and presentation of one person reflect the image of the group. 

Therefore, each member of the inner circle must put in an effort not to let the group down. If there is a professional meeting, they should dress up nicely and talk accordingly.  

group of inner circle who are presentable to look at.

Extra Factor

Friendship is also about “give and take.” For instance, you have to give respect to gain the same. But it doesn’t limit there. It could be a mixture of many things that may or may not be explained in words. 

Another example is silent gestures. This shows a caring quality that every people appreciates.

When you are sick or are in trouble, a phone call is another ‘extra factor’ that makes this bond stronger. All these extra efforts will maintain a valuable inner circle.

In the end, your genuine inner circle will always be your strength. They do great things for you. In the same manner, you would also be willing to do better things for them.

Choose your inner circle wisely. In other words, you need to be ruthlessly selective. Find people who inspire you, and spend a lot of time with them. Believe me, it will change your life.

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