12 Laws Of Karma That Will Change Your Life

Most likely, you have heard of famous lines like “what goes around comes back around” or “you reap what you sow.” Karma was introduced to many people as receiving back everything they give to the universe. If you do good, good things will come to you. If you do evil things, don’t be surprised if you live a life full of misfortunes.

Hindus and Buddhists believe that the way they currently live would determine their life status in the next life. The meaning of karma varies from person to person. However, no matter how you perceive karma, whether you fully believe in its system or not, you cannot repudiate the fact that it has a significant role in your life. 

Everything has energy, even your emotions, and thoughts. Essentially, all things you do build up corresponding energy that can rebound to you in forms you do not even realize. If you want to lead a good life, conforming to these 12 laws of karma could increase the chances of having good things run after you. 

The Great Law

The majority of people mainly talk with reference to this great law, best-known as the law of cause and effect, when talking about karma. To put it simply, this great law asserts that all your actions will yield inevitable consequences. How these consequences will look depends on the pursuit undertaken. 

Hence, in order to receive and manifest your desires, you have to be worthy. For instance, if you aspire to receive much love in your life, make sure you love yourself. If you want to gain respect, your actions should be deserving of it. The energy you bestow is the same energy you will receive. 

The Law of Creation

If you believe that things can come magically in your way, you should wake up from your dream. Accept it or not, life doesn’t just happen to us spontaneously. This law underscores that you need to take action instead of foolishly waiting for a miracle to happen. You need to be an active participant in getting the things you want. 

Waiting for things to come your way should never be an option in achieving your hopes. Initiate things and don’t wait passively for things to materialize out of nowhere. Lay the foundation of things you want to happen. 

In order to manifest the karma of the law of creation, you need to release unnecessary things in your life to create a space for your desires. Take into consideration how you can use your talents, skills, and strengths to build something that will serve not only you but also others. 

The Law of Humility

The law of humility relates life changes into reality acceptance. You need to acknowledge things that are happening around you so you can change them. Before you can actually start working on things you want to change, you must be humble enough to accept your own shortcomings and weaknesses. You need to confront the vexed truth regarding your behavior to alter course. 


For instance, you often blaming other people on the outcomes of your mistakes and actions shows that you are not well-in line with reality— you live a life of denial and refuse to take accountability for your endeavors. If you don’t learn how to humble yourself, you will keep denying your wrongdoings, thus not working on them, and as a result, there will be no improvement in your character or abilities. 

The Law of Growth

The fourth karmic law revolves on personal growth. It says that the key to achieving growth is in your hands since every change in oneself. If you want to change things in your life, commence with yourself. In order to positively impact the world, begin taking control of yourself, not others. Focus on yourself.

The law of growth teaches us to perceive things we can’t control as an inevitable fate. Some things are really beyond our control, and we have no other choice but to accept them at the end of the day. The way you deal with things will conclude how your environment would heed change. 

The Law of Responsibility

The people in your life and the situation you are in are the by-products of your choices. Hence, if something about them doesn’t suit you, it is solely your responsibility to make a change. The law of responsibility is like a gentle reminder that everything that happens to your life is because of no one else but you. So, you should not look at certain circumstances or people to find the root cause of your problem. Heedless whether outcomes are positive or negative: you are responsible. 

The Law of Connection

You must have heard of Newton’s third law of motion, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Everything is connected, so every action will affect us and our environment one way or another.

Like karma’s great law, this law of connection states that everything in life is interconnected regardless of how unimportant it may seem. It is based on the belief that all things in life are linked, including your past, present, and future. Thus, removing past bad karma is important if you want to have power over your present and future. 

The Law of Focus

You are given one brain to concentrate on one thing at a time. Doing so is crucial since a divided mind is more vulnerable to negative thoughts, attracting negative energy. 

The law of focus doesn’t imply that you should not or cannot multitask. In lieu, it only suggests that it will be hard to realize your full potential if you are unfocused or cynical. Rather than doing two or more things at the same time, shift your attention to one specific task to accomplish it excellently.

The Law of Giving and Hospitality

The rule of this law is simple: You will be asked to prove your faith in things you believe in life. It concentrates on the connection between your faith and practice, emphasizing the significance of your actions harmonizing with your beliefs. 

Thinking is portrayed by behavior. Accordingly, the law of giving and hospitality asserts that sharing and giving should be made out of personal conviction and not on account of external factors. For example, if you want to give money to others, it should be because you really want to help and not because you want to earn something in return. This law orbits on being generous and selfless. 

The Law of Patience and Rewards

The law states that it takes patience and work to reap a reward. So as to accomplish big things, you need to commit your time while appreciating every little success that comes along the way. Puzzle out your true purpose and persevere to achieve it, although it may take a lot of you a long time of sacrifice. 

The Law of Here and Now

The law of here and now is about accepting the reality, and Buddhists link it to the idea of truly living. It encourages believers to stop reflecting on the past and wandering into the future over and over. It boosts conviction to live freely in the present time and appreciate it. 

A woman holding a hat

Although this law goes against the law of connection that says “past, present, and future is interconnected,” making plans for the future by seeing through the past is not advisable. Old habits limit the ability to build new regularities. 

The Law of Significance and Inspiration

This certain aspect highlights that any beneficence, big or small, will influence the environment. Every time you dispense loving committal to the world, you might spark positive behavior from others. Hence, attracting more positive energy into your life. 

The Law of Change

This principle says that history will only repeat itself unless you take a different step to stop the cycle. If you are not happy with a particular outcome of your action, then you have to learn from it and take a path different from what led to this outcome. 

Without changing anything, results will always be the same. The change will only happen if you free yourself from previous patterns.

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