14 Signs You’re NOT Ready to be RICH                         

The beginning is always the hardest. Hence, several individuals strive towards financial success but are unable to pull it off.

If you desire to get rich, being an entrepreneur and starting your own business is a good place to start. However, you must have money to finance this business. 

Money comes with a little bit of sacrifice. It takes more struggle and more than trials and errors; it requires you to be more prudent, makes you hustle a little bit harder, and obliges you to make sacrifices you are not to take, perhaps at this moment.

In this article, you will encounter red flags signaling you to change, and if your goal is to reach financial success, you should be willing to alter your lifestyle, behavior, habits, and practices. We do not want continual failures, do we?

1. You are unable to save money

A lot of people continually blamed their income, reasoning they do not have enough money to save. I know it could be difficult to save when you have a low source of income. But would having a higher income let you save more? Absolutely no!

People adjust their lifestyle according to what they earn- higher income means having a higher amount to spend, hindering them from saving. We all have spending habits when we have money, and you got to break that! 

Track down the unnecessary things you brought, then readapt a habit of opposing instant gratification from buying unneeded things to enjoy impending financial success. 

Train yourself to realign your spending habits, save 10% of your income until it becomes a routine and make a budget that works best for you. Do this, and your financial situation will undoubtedly improve over time.  

It would seem like you could get rich by spending like a poor.

Woman Holding Card While Operating Silver Laptop

2. You still expect instant riches

People are deluded with the idea that money could come out instantly. 

Have you ever imagined yourself winning a billion-dollar lottery? Or being a damsel in distress waiting for a prince to rescue her out of the dump? Perhaps, waiting for a distant relative to go and tell you that you are the heir of their possessions?

A very few are lucky enough to make this dream come true. However, this mostly happens in tales and soap operas. Reality requires hard work, guile, and perseverance.

So, if you want to be on top, you got to build your ladder to climb. Stop fantasizing, instead get up on your bed and hustle. The Law of Attraction requires an action too! The universe won’t do its wonders to you if you keep doing nothing. 

Get up and go!

3. You insist on waiting for the right time

If you find yourself waiting for the right time, you should take your time and realign this belief. This is one of the biggest misconceptions most people make.

Do not wait for the perfect moment to come. The perfect time is always “now,” and if you insist on waiting for something superficial, you might end up waiting for nothing. Instead, take your moment and make a move.

Imagine if rich people were waiting for an opportunity to get rich, then they wouldn’t be rich. Now is better than perfect and is more acceptable than later.

The present gives you more time to test what is working and what isn’t, gives you a long time to make changes that offers growth. Waiting makes you stagnant, like a rock that doesn’t move, something that has no life. Would you like to be grounded in the same place?

Keep this in your mind, you do not wait for an opportunity to come; you make way for an opportunity, and the best opportunities spring in the present.

4. You take pride in your humble lifestyle

Contentment may be one of the most significant things in life, but not finding a way to improve and aim for a better lifestyle might put you at a disadvantage.

Please don’t get us wrong: being content with what you have creates a peaceful satisfaction, and that’s good. Having something is better than having nothing. But being able to share some excess would be better, wouldn’t it?

No man is an island, and there are cases that people will come to you asking for help. Wouldn’t the world become a better place if you have a lifestyle that could help others?

5. You think hard work is everything you need

If hard work is all that it takes to be financially successful, then the world should have been filled with gold miners. 

You might have heard that you can get what you want by posing little work and having sleepless nights. But the reality does not work that way. Aside from hard work, you should set a goal of continuous learning. 

Learning should be a constant routine in your life- something you do every day. Keep practicing the things you somehow find difficult and develop a new set of skills. 

You see, if learning becomes your habit, you will find yourself achieving more. Along with continuous learning comes opportunities that will allow you to soar higher. Don’t settle for less. 

Continue picking up the pieces- a piece of ambition, hard work, discipline, innovation, and learning, keep analyzing them, and you will find yourself completing the jigsaw. 

6. You do not love your job

When you are working your dream job, you will find yourself loving everything that you do. Every job comes with rough roads, but you still go milestones to overcome that once you love what you are doing. 

But what if you do not?

Every day does not need to be like a party where you enjoy every moment, but something is wrong if you find your job boring and uninteresting every time.

You might find yourself earning more than ordinary people do, providing all your needs, and achieving things most people cannot. However, without a sense of purpose and belonging will burn you out in no time.

Go out there doing what you love, do not be afraid to take a risk. Money will follow when you love what you are doing. 

Woman Sitting in Front of Macbook

7. You fear change

Do you still remember your good old days at middle school and how you turned out that way as you get older? Do you still remember how you wanted to be a better version of yourself?

The world works like that. 

The world is ever-changing, and you have to get along with that. Think of the world 50 years ago- or even 10, from letters to emails, mall shopping to virtual shopping, so much change has happened. 

Time will not wait for you. If you do not go beyond your comfort to get into the other side, you will find yourself stuck in a place without making a difference.

Imagine a world without new inventions and changes, and you will see a dead world where everything seems repetitive and not progressing.

Do not fear change; fear getting caged.

8. You don’t have multiple sources of income

In this economy, relying on a single source of income is inherently flawed. 

Having multiple streams of income could set you up for hard financial times.

Imagine walking down the road and getting hit by a car. Or you have a disease that disqualifies you from working. Would you still be able to put food on the table and provide all the essentials? Probably not. 

That is why you need to have various income sources, don’t put all your eggs in one basket; you might lose all of them at once- learn to diversify. 

You could start an investment, a side hustle like business, or a side project that allows you to save more. 

Having a secondary source of profits gives you access to a more flexible future, protection from possible fluctuations in the market, and of course, could bring you wealth.

9. You need other people to motivate you

If you see yourself relying on other people too much, then that could be some problem. 

Self-reliance is a valuable inner skill that an individual possesses. Remember that no one will always help you and get you through tough times but yourself. Some friends might be a little help, but to achieve greater heights, you need to have the ability to push yourself better and encourage yourself to strive harder. 

Sorry to say that you are still far from getting rich if you can’t even motivate yourself.

10. You do not go beyond your comfort zone

Are you one of those who are afraid to go beyond their comfort zone, fearing the unknown? Someone who wants something stable, something that feels familiar and peaceful.

Then wealth is not for you.

Rich people become rich for the risk they take afar from their comfort. They highly believe that the higher the risk you take, the higher the return could be despite the market’s uncertainty.

Embracing a vague discomfort and disappointment now may lead you to great financial success. 

11. You spend too much on leisure

Have you tried computing the money you have spent on subscriptions like Netflix, Spotify, and such services? How much time do you spend playing addicting video games and mediocre tv shows?

Entertainment is not bad, but if you cannot set up proper learning and working schedules, you are far from getting rich. Rich people know how to set their priorities first. 

Be wise on where to use your time; you cannot get it back once lost. 

Try taking down where you spend most of your time and try setting up a strict schedule for leisure.

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12. Other people find you conceited and entitled

If other people find you self-entitled and arrogant, you should take time to analyze the behavior to show to others. 

The “A” in the alphabet may denote that attitude comes first before “B,” brains. And it will still be a long journey to “S,” the success.

If you find it hard to humble yourself, you will have a hard time moving forward. Don’t make irritating loud shouts of boasting but let your success scream for you. Let people see how far you have gone from where you’ve come.

13. Your religion regards wealth with contempt

Religion is one taboo topic that most people prefer not speaking. 

Some churches see wealth as a hindrance to faith. Hence, look down upon it. Many people were chained with poverty, believing that money would make it hard for them to enter heaven. 

But money is not evil; the greed towards it is. It could be a great tool to help others who are suffering if appropriately used. Countless charities helped a lot of people and could not exist without donations from wealthy people.

Suppose you find yourself chained in the belief that money is evil. Then there is no way for you to get rich. 

14.You have no reading habit

Reading helps the mind to expand and grants us new ideas. Unnumbered brilliant authors had written books to empower and help you with strategies towards financial success.

Reading tabloids would also open up your mind to what is going on around you and how other people reach greater heights. We need a bit of a hint, don’t we?

Technology, of course, gives us the chance to access things we want to know about. 

This ties up the 14 signs you are not ready to be rich. I hope you find a way through success!

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