The Biggest Risk Is Not Taking One: 15 Risks Everyone Needs To Take In Life

Life is much like the game of poker. Players place bets and gambles to win the jackpot. Although luck and skill also play a role to carry the day, the most crucial factor in winning is the willingness to take risks. 

Risks are present in our everyday lives. No one can escape it. In fact, you could just walk down the street and suddenly get into an accident, or you can fall ill at any moment. These are everyday risks that no one can stay away from, but there are also risks you can take by choice. 

In circumstances where you get to decide whether to take the risk or not, keep in mind that there is merit in saying “yes” despite the possibility of failure. Risk-taking does not only exposes a person to dozens of positive outcomes beyond the comfort zone, but it also improves self-esteem. It helps in letting go of the fear of failing. 

It’s okay to be afraid and hesitate, especially when things can get a bit messy but always remember that Kiyosaki Robert has said, “The biggest risk a person can take is do nothing.” Taking risks can possibly bring you pain when things go wrong, but it can also make your life worthwhile when they go right. 

Don’t miss these 15 risks you should take in life:

1. Speak up for what you believe in

Sometimes, silence may truly be golden, but other times, you need to voice out your conceptions and notion even there are chances that it would be too controversial, or incorrect. Still, don’t be contented to stand on the sidelines because you are afraid of how people would react.

Speak up for what you believe in, even when there are people who are hostile towards your viewpoint. You can either prove your point and convince them or learn something valuable if what you believe in was wrong. 

What matters is that you have articulated your point of view. You can’t fully live your life without expressing your perspectives boldly.

2. Pursue your passion

Have you counted the number of opportunities you have missed for being a cowardly fraidy cat? Unfortunately, quite a lot of people don’t run after their dreams because the other road that’s waiting for them looks more convenient and easier. They go for something that is within their reach instead of following their nearly impossible dreams and passion. 

If you are one of them, it’s not too late to pursue your dreams that make your heart race. We are only given one life, and there’s no other life waiting after death, so better go for your passion while you still have time. 

3. Care about others

Allowing people to enter your life after a faded friendship and bad breakup can truly be a scary thing. It is frightening to give others an entry pass in your life when you know there’s a big chance of getting your heartbreak once again. 

mother and daughter bonding

But you have to take the risk of having someone to care about again. Don’t let your mind wander in the possibility of future heartbreak, and just enjoy the beauty of having someone close to you. 

4. Learn and try out new things

All too often, we let fear of the things unseen hinder us. There is so much more to explore in life and trying out new things not only helps in vanquishing anxieties but also gives us a chance to learn and expand our minds. 

Start learning how to surf, play balls, or rock climbing. Doing incredible things without embracing some risk is impossible. If you want to broaden your view of the world, eradicate all expectations of the worst and jump out of your comfort zone and do things you’ve never done before. 

At the end of the day, you might find that the things you’re most scared of, are actually the things that will bring you the best memories. Nothing beats the thrill of a new experience.

5. Watch a show you usually avoid

There is nothing wrong with watching action and bloody movies for the pleasure of exhilarating fights. However, if you watch too many such shows or films, you might miss out on something important. 

Try watching documentaries where you can gain substantial information from, or comedies to brighten up your day. By doing so, you might find inspiration to endeavor new things in the future.

6. Create art to put on your wall

Is there a big spot in your wall that you have been wanting to be occupied with artwork, but haven’t found the perfect piece that fits? Try painting some art for yourself. You don’t need to be a professional artist to paint, consider it as expressing yourself. 

Although your piece may not end up looking the way you expected it to be, it could also end up great for a portion of the price of a professional-made painting.  

7. Take a new fitness class

Start taking fitness classes a little different from what you’ve already done before. If you’re used to working out, try yoga. If you’re not new to yoga, try other weirder fitness classes like underwater spin class or aerial yoga class. 

8. Fail to succeed

The downside of taking chances is the possibility of failure, but don’t let it stop you. If you badly want to start something — a business or any project — push it through even if there’s a chance that it may come to nothing. 

hiring moment

In Silicon Valley, big companies promote their employee to hire people who dared to start their own company that later becomes bankrupt. This apparently shows us that people who take risks, even when they failed, have good opportunities to welcome them when things don’t go in the expected direction.  

9. Launch an imperfect product

If you wait for your product to be perfected before launching them to the public, you’re bound to fail. No matter how much you disagree, no one really creates a perfect product on the first try. You need to launch it first, see results, and review the masses to know areas that need improvement.

10. Run the risk of losing friends

While friendships can be wonderful, they can also be binding. For instance, you observe that a person needs to improve himself, may it be in attitude or another aspect. Telling it to someone you are not fond of is quite easy because you’re not shackled that it might offend them. 

But telling the truth to a friend or loved one is another story. You think of whether you will hurt them if you tell the truth. If you are in this kind of circumstance, tell them in a way they will understand. Gently and respectfully. 

11. Take the risk of not being good enough

Believing that you are always good enough is a big mistake. Accepting the fact that you are not is necessary to assess aspects that need improvement to succeed. If you don’t take the risk of not being good enough, you will never recognize if you really are. 

12. Put yourself out there

Even though we also tend to judge others and ourselves, we don’t like it when others judge us, and because of this, we keep a safe distance from others. We hide our true selves to please others. But to tell you frankly, you won’t find life pleasurable if you hide in a box to avoid getting hurt. 

Break down your walls and put yourself out there. You are not born in this world to live in other people’s expectations. 

13. Admit when you don’t know

Admitting when you don’t know is a sign of strength and not a weakness. Perhaps, you have heard of the Chinese proverb that says, “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”

man in trouble as he faces his laptop

Once you acknowledge things you don’t know, you make room for learning. On the other hand, if you refuse to admit incomprehension, you will never perk up.

14. Be vulnerable and open up

It takes so much to be vulnerable and open up to others. After all, who would want to subject themselves to an opportunity that could possibly hurt or embarrass them? Perhaps, no one would want to go through that.

However, it’s okay to sometimes be vulnerable to people you truly trust. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable lets you accept and embrace various aspects of yourself, which can promote great authenticity and confidence.

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