6 Things You Can Do Now to Change Your Life Forever

Learn this first to change your life. In order to change your life, you need to learn this thing first. 

One time, I was traveling on a plane, and a young man, sitting a couple of seats away from me was complaining the entire trip. He could not play his favorite video game because of how slow the wifi was. Let’s not forget that we are flying, we are 30 thousand feet above the ground.

From there we can go from one city to another, from one country to another country safe and sound. 

In the past, it would take people months, if not years to go from one country to another with a high probability of death. And here, we are having lunch, we are having a good time, you have in-flight entertainment but no we complain and we are worse.

Society of Entitlement

We live in a society of entitlement that somehow we believe someone, something, somewhere, is responsible for filling up our life with excitement, joys, and happiness, and awesome relationships. We feel that all these things make our life great. Somehow, something is responsible for that. 

I was that guy, I was sick and tired of my life and I was complaining about it. Until I met my first mentor and I told him that my business is not doing well. I am struggling to make money. The customers are so cheap that they are not spending their money and the government, why do they charge so much? Why do they tax so heavily? They are not helping me, they are not helping my small business.

I was complaining and my mentor said to me if your business sucks it is because of a suspicious person, you suck if your sale sucks it’s because you suck as a salesperson. If you are not getting enough leads, it’s because you suck as a marketer. If your employees do not respect you, they don’t hear what you say, if they are lazy then it’s because you suck as a leader. Unless and until you take 100% responsibility for your own life, your life will suck.

Take responsibility for your life

If you want to change your life then you must learn to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in your life. That includes: 

  • The level of your achievement
  • The result that you produce
  • The quality of the relationship that you have 

Everything that is happening now in your life, you are 100% responsible for. Yes, we can blame the government, you can blame the virus and pandemic situation, you can blame your neighbors, you can blame your parents, you can blame your kids, you can blame everybody else.

But until we take charge until we say, “you know what if this is not working is my fault”, nothing will change. 

Let me share a poem with you 

Chapter 1 of My Life

I walked down a street,

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk,

I have fallen, I lost, I am helpless,

Is it my fault? If it sticks you forever,

You can’t find the way out.

Chapter 2

I walked down the same street,

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk,

I pretend I don’t see it,

I fall in again, I can’t believe, I am in the same place,

But it isn’t my fault,

And it still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter 3

I walked down the same street,

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk,

I see it there, I still fall in,

It is a habit, my eyes are open,

I know where I am, It is my fault,

I get out immediately.

Chapter 4

I walked down the same street,

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk,

I walk around it.

Chapter 5 

I walked down a different street.

So stop whining and complaining. You don’t like your job, who applied for the job in the first place “you”. You don’t like your business, who started that business for first place “you”. You don’t like your employees, who hired the employees in the first place “you”. You don’t like that you are in debt who chose to spend that money in the first place “you”.

It was your words, your decisions, and your actions or inactions not doing something that created that result and you will be judged by it. 

Nothing Will Change Until you Change 

You created your own result. You can watch 1000 motivational videos and read 1000 motivational blogs or quotes and pumped up and sight up and all these things and guess what unless and until you take 100% responsibility for your own life. Nothing is going to change. You don’t like your circumstances changing them. You don’t like your problem, fix it. You don’t like that person, get rid of it. That is what we have to do. 

If you are unhappy, you are not fulfilled and you ain’t successful, please keep it up to yourself. The rest of us do not want to know and do not want to hear about it. Keep those fabulous stories to yourself. 

Our Challenge

If you are serious about changing your life and take responsibility for your own results, I challenge you to participate in our hundred work challenges and that work is to read 100 of our blogs in 7 days. It is very different from Netflix and other entertaining programs, I know but if you are serious about your life then you must do this because here in our blogs you will get to learn thousands of things that will help you in changing your life.

Upgrade Yourself

The second thing that you have to do in order to change your life is that you have to upgrade yourself. As every app becomes perfect and its best with every update likewise you can also help yourself in upgrading your own version. 

Upgrading yourself includes many more things. In the way, to upgrade yourself you have to develop the habit of kindness towards everyone. When you become kind to others, the universe falls in the favor of you. It is a fact and no one can deny it. You have to develop the power of love as it is the only positive force that exists in this universe. With the power of love, you can achieve everything in your life.

If procrastinating is your habit then you have to change it because it will not help you to change your life in any way. Everyone who becomes successful works hard and there is no shortcut to success. 

Upgrade your Skill Set

Everyone who takes birth on this planet earth has some special abilities and talents. Even if we see animals they also have some unique features and skills on their own. By using that skill they live their life happily. Likewise, we humans are also born with some special skill sets and talents. Some can draw beautiful paintings, some can act better, some are good at jokes, and some are good at sports.

We all have something unique in ourselves, the only thing we have to do is to understand our passion and field of interest and start working in that field without thinking much about results.

Woman Holding a Smiley Balloon


We all want to change our life but only a few are able to change. It is because of our mindset. So we must upgrade our mindset and start doing work. Because one thing we should know that we do not know the results of any work and the only thing that is in our control is our work and we should do only our work. If we work hard definitely we will get results. 

Once a great man from India said, “There is only one thing that is in my control and that is my work, so if you want to be successful, do not look here and there. Hold your neck down and start doing work”. 

I hope that this blog has helped you a lot with what to do and what not to do in your life in order to change your life and if you accept our challenge of reading 100 blogs in 7 days then do comment and let us know. 

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