8 Practical Ways To Transform Your Life

Have you woken up one day and thought of changing your life? That special day that you have recognized that something is missing, and you’re more than willing to take action to whatever is it. 

To transform your life for betterment, you must understand that change is bound to happen. Not a single person can escape it. You cannot take control of the changes life will bring, but you have the ability to train your brain to shape them to fit your needs. And this demands a lot of practice. 

Whatever change you want to bring in your life, may it be big or small, here are the 10 things you might want to begin with right away:

Do boring stuff regularly

Admit it or not, not all your days are sunshine and butterflies. Some days feel stormy, and you are not really in the mood to do anything with motivation. 

There’s a honeymoon period in everything we do in life. This is where things in life are exciting, where the burning passion inside brings us to the first step. However, once that honeymoon period becomes a routine, things eventually get boring, and the flame distinguishes. 

When life gives you a boring cycle, all you have to do is just get used to it. Don’t do against the wave. It’s okay to live boringly. 

Eat the frog first

We are given a frog to eat each day— you don’t want to do it, and it’s constantly at the back of your mind. If you leave this frog unattended, it will creep into your shadow, forever making you anxious. 

The “eat the frog” strategy is a productivity and prioritization tactic that is used to identify complex tasks. The primary idea is that you recognize the ‘frog’ or the challenging task and ‘eat it’ or complete it first.

Eating the frog is the process of identifying your most demanding task of the day and getting it done before doing any other kind of work. If you are presented with two frogs, you should first eat the bigger one. 

Although eating the frog doesn’t sound delicious for a productivity technique, it is a proven strategy for getting things done fast.

If you want to transform your life, prioritize your to-do list and understand the frogs in it. And the best time to east them? In the morning.  

The main purpose of eating frogs first thing in the morning is to get out of the way. So, you won’t have a hard time stressing about it while you are laboring on other small tasks. 

It’s easy to gravitate towards procrastination when it comes to frogs since they are likely to be mentally challenging, as mentioned before. Beat your tendency to procrastinate by getting the task done right away early in the morning. 

Digital Minimalism

Technology undeniably made life easier. There’s Siri to answer our questions, Alexa to do things for us through simple voice commands, receive an email through a small wristwatch, and a lot more. 

However, there’s also no denying that it has made our world noisier. 

Many of us got stuck in the thought of over-consumption, so the idea of living contently and happily has become less attractive. Minimalism, in all its forms, can help you transform your life more than you can imagine. 

Digital minimalism isn’t about deleting all your social media accounts or completely giving up on technology to reduce its harm. It is about fashioning your digital life around your values and feeling good about the online tools and apps you utilize on a daily basis. 

If you spent most of your time on attention-sucking apps, tools, and devices, you would have less energy and time to spend thinking about ideas that stimulate deep thinking and creativity. 

You need to focus your time on a small number of carefully optimized and selected activities that will greatly support things you value and willingly miss out on anything trivial. Once you shift to this kind of lifestyle, you will notice that life suddenly becomes less stressful, and your focus becomes much sharper. 

Leave a book in a bathroom

According to studies, a person spends about 30 minutes in the bathroom, which is equivalent to reading 20 pages of a book. If the book in your bathroom has about 300 pages, you will be able to finish the book in just about two weeks of taking dumps. 

You will be able to read about twenty-four books a day if you follow this suggestion, which is half the number of books CEOs read in a year. Don’t take your phone with you during your bath time and focus on the book instead. For someone who doesn’t like reading, this might be a piece of valuable advice. 

Take 30 minutes of your physical health

A short 30-minute program can do wonders for your health, but if you’re too tired to do any of these, you could just try walking and taking stairs instead. If you invest in your physical health every day, you will eventually see the compounded result over time. 

Spending a short time won’t change your life drastically, but it will help you build a habit until you finally take your health more seriously. This way, you will find it easier to indulge in aerobic programs without much problem. 

Spare 10 minutes for your mental health

It’s no secret that a lot of successful people in today’s era practice some sort of meditation, which helps in clearing the head and clarifying priorities.  

Meditation is the fastest route to clarity of mind. It helps us connect with our inner consciousness, core, and energy, bringing a clear picture of who we really are and what it is we genuinely want deep down in our hearts. 

With the latter being said, you’ll have the ability to map your goal, destination, and route. And success is bound to follow if you have these things in place. 

Trying so hard isn’t necessary to finding success. Don’t get yourself too worked up to the point that your mind doesn’t have time to rest. Sparing 10 minutes in meditation will help you nourish your roots, which will help in blossoming your nature and potential. 

Show up

Nothing in life happens randomly. There’s always a reason for everything that is happening if we would only look at the cause of things. However, identifying the cause gets pretty hard sometimes, so we just settle with the thought that life is really random. 

Perhaps, you find it quite hard to pinpoint what made you who you currently are, but if you want more great things to happen for you, it is necessary to create more causes with favorable effects. And the most practical way to do this is to show up.

Get a whiteboard

Alright, this sounds pretty weird. But hear this out. 

You had a lot of plans in your head, but only a few of them was carried out— most of them got forgotten. Does this event seem familiar? No worries. You are not alone. It probably happened to all of us. 

Get a whiteboard and write down all of your goals. Let it serve as your visual reminder of the things you have to do.

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