9 Life Lessons You Don’t Learn at School

Schools and universities are excellent leader builders, teaching valuable skills according to their academic curriculum. Whether it be an ivy league school or just a general college, the knowledge these wellsprings bestow are just the same fundamental subjects based on the structured education system. 

Merely temporarily memorizing learned information, students just become like a walking hard drive that stores information that is programmed to do what they were thought to do. One thing is for sure: Not everything we should learn to thrive and succeed in life is chalked up on our class’ blackboards. 

There are still more life variables to learn aside from what we often hear from schools. Beyond the school’s knowledge borders lies essential skills with the highest stakes that we need in our lives. 

Here are the life lessons school doesn’t teach you:

Negotiation Skills

In the big bad world of adulthood, negotiation skill is vital to help you to either carry off or scram from some seriously tricky situations. If only schools taught students how to negotiate, they would be able to close the best deals in the market. 

2 individuals shaking hands

There’s quite a lot of opportunities waiting for people who have good negotiation skills. Entrepreneurs can score the highest deal in the market. House and automobile brokers can boost their sales, and employees can thrash out higher salaries. 

Frankly, there is only very little room for negotiation in most classrooms. It is a shame since excellent negotiation capability comes in handy in the business world. Fostering children how to master this skill at a very young age can bring forth all kinds of advantages in their prime of life.


The world’s current curriculum isn’t geared towards nurturing a success-friendly culture through raising employee-minded individuals. 

Schools prepare attendees for universities, universities prepare students for employment, and even business classes are structured to help already established businesses and companies thrive more. Schools barely speak about opening up your own business and the things you need to do to get started. 

Self-employed individuals are mostly autodidacts since the center of learning of educational institutions is most favorable on the side of capitalists. 

Entrepreneurship is not easy as counting one, two, three, though. Once you embark on your journey in the business world, you have to commit yourself to lifelong learning. To get a head start, begin self-learning a thing or two about the industry you want to dominate. 


No one is an exemption to taxes, so it is crucial to grasp some understanding of it before entering into the world of work. Yet, schools pay little to no attention to discussing taxes, so employees don’t really know much about them and pay whatever tax is asked of them. 

Tax planning tools

The government imposes taxes to be of use for the public’s advantage. It is used to build and maintain infrastructures, support the education of those who are in need, and improve health care, to name a few. 

Taking grip of the knowledge about different tax brackets and tax settlement is an indispensable erudition life lesson that schools don’t teach us. 


Building a healthy relationship is one thing schools don’t teach. Sometimes they even promote otherwise— competition. 

Learning how to communicate and which actions to take to establish a good relationship is an important part of life, whether in a friendly or romantic relationship. Knowing how to care for a relationship properly and how to handle disputes is something that should not be overlooked, even in schools. 

There’s a long list of things classes should teach about the relationship since it covers almost the entire chunk of our lives. Our lives revolve around the relationships we forge right after we set foot in this world. 

Handling Emotions

People’s emotions are a sensitive topic, especially in the 21st century, where people are resolutely fighting for mental health. The emotions of teenagers are extremely unstable. They often feel like the world is against them, making them feel stressed and depressed. 

The number of people suffering from depression is skyrocketing because no one teaches them to keep their emotions in check. Only if schools would teach students how to handle their emotions effectively shall they be more guided and more in control of their feelings as they grow up. Or at least how to deal with them.

Comprehending how to handle your sentiments is a simple trick to live a relaxed and trouble-free mind. When you know how to address what you feel and why you feel it, you can determine more efficiently how to accept and work with them.

To ease your mind in frustrating situations, you can write down all your thoughts to repress any unwanted outburst.


Almost and every person on earth has tried comprehending this concept of money but failed because of the overwhelming and complicated graphs and jargon they meet. However, investing is not rocket science. You can bolt in into investing even as a novice by following terrific practices like savings, budgeting, credit, as well as banking. 

Although schools won’t teach you how to invest, there is quite a lot of resources online that you can use, so you don’t have excuses for not investing because you “don’t know how.” There is YouTube, Google, and other online sources to get your research done. 

Get as much as many information you can about various types of investments you can make, and study them one by one. However, you should be wary of getting rich quick schemes since, if not all, most of them are mere hoaxes that prey on your money. 

Before investing, make sure you have saved emergency funds that could sustain you for six months if something unexpected happens. No matter how much you want to enjoy the pleasure of sipping wine in a vineyard, enjoy extreme adventures, or fancy travels, it will not happen unless you master the art of investing.

Socialization Skills

Many people find it pretty hard to communicate and convey their messages to others, particularly those who are battling head-on with anxiety. Today, became much easier to communicate through text or chat, which doesn’t involve socialization. However, face-to-face socialization is a significant part of our lives, which we shouldn’t neglect. 

Group of people having fun and playing games

You need to take heed of your body language to avoid misapprehension. To improve your socialization skills, you can practice initiating small talks with strangers, avoid overthinking and master the art of not interrupting others. 

Networking is one of the benefits you can get from developing your socialization skills. When you know how to effectively communicate with others, infinite numbers of opportunities can open up.

Computer Skills

You must have undergone quite a few computer classes in school, but have you really learned something big aside from creating documents? In today’s digital era, knowing your way around office software isn’t the only thing necessary. 

Tech and information are continuously evolving, and almost every work requires basic computer navigation, so learning essential computer skills is important in improving work opportunities and facilitating productivity. 

Car Maintenance

Repairs and maintenance are unavoidable for anyone who owns a vehicle. Given that almost everyone is most likely to encounter such issues, teaching them in school is just quite reasonable. 

A man changing tire

Car maintenance includes understanding how the engine works, changing the oil, and changing the oil. Regular car maintenance can help you save on repair bills, like changing the oil after running it for so many miles. Knowing how to change and filter oil yourself can additionally save you money. 

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