9 Signs You’re Surrounded by Snakes

Fake friends come in various forms and shapes. Perhaps, you also had an experience having a friend that turned out not to be a true one. Snakes can be deadly, and so are fake friends— you need to know the signs if you’re surrounded by one. 

It may be pretty hard to let go of the happy memories, but if a friend of yours is constantly giving gloom-ridden force in your life, you better think twice and reconsider your friendship. 

Here are the signs that you are surrounded by snakes:

1. They drain and exhaust you.

Examine the people around you and dart your attention on people who make you feel tired and sapped out of energy. As obvious as it seems, the people who drain your energy and exhaust you aren’t meant to be in your life. These snakes are energy vampires that will take away your good day.

If you feel like you need to be constantly on guard when you are with a particular friend, ponder real hard if that person should really remain in your life. At the end of the day, you’re better off having few friends than a lot of not-so-great friends. Don’t feel guilty cutting people out of your life. 

2. They think they are more deserving of the good things than you do.

To put things simply, friends who want to have the things that you want are one of the signs of a snake friend. They are not just simply jealous but rather envious. An envious friend is more likely to trade you for the accomplishments and achievements you have, whether it may be on a professional or personal scale.

In the back of the mind of an envious friend, he thinks that he is more talented, skillful, and smarter, and he works harder than you do. Yet the world seems to be unfair to them because, despite all of that, he doesn’t possess the things that you want. 

Most of the time, snakes believe that the things in your life aren’t actually a fruit of your labor, but were just something that was given out to you easily. They think they are better since the rewards they receive are based directly on their contribution.

3. They were willing to sacrifice you to get the things they wanted.

Your friend is a snake if he is willing to do you harm if they can get what they want. They would be willing to step on you just to climb higher, seeing you as some sort of a ladder. 

If your friend is willing to sacrifice you to their advantage, they are likely to snitch on you if an opportunity comes. These people hold on to sensitive information that was shared with them so that they can use it when the time is right. Unfortunately, they fail to realize that they need you way more than you need them.

4. They only show up when you cut the cake.

There’s no doubt that life is busy and stressful, and it can be too overwhelming sometimes. Hence, there will surely be occasions when a friend may not be able to hang out with you. It’s okay if this isn’t a constant occurrence, especially during times when things are tough for you. 

If a friend constantly ditches you during the hard times but is always available to party with you, try to re-evaluate your friendship. A friend who is just present whenever you cut the cake is what some people call a “shadow friend.”

Shadow friends were considered snakes because they are only available whenever it is sunny outside— when things are good. They just want to grab a bite of your celebratory cake but don’t want to give some ingredients to help.

Pay attention to people who are around you when things are good and when things are challenging. Remember the faces of those who still stick around even when times are bad. Go on and try to fake poverty, fake misery, and watch those snakes run away.

5. They talk about others behind their backs.

If your friends feed on the drama of others, be wary of them. After all, if they can spread gossip about others, they could also do the same to you. 

Heed attention to people who are interested in uncovering dirt on other people, to those who use the dirt as ammo in order to shift the public’s perception. Typically, these snakes pit friends against each other to their advantage.

You have two options if you have such friends. Either you distance yourself from them or let them taste their own medicine. 

6. They don’t really care about you, they only care about what they can bring on to the table.

There will always be exploitative people who will capitalize on you any chance they get. For these people, you are just a tool that is meant to serve their purpose. And when the time comes that you’re no longer useful, they wouldn’t think twice about getting rid of you just like how they would to a broken wheel. 

Friendships that are based on one-sided utility are dangerous since exploitive friends are parasitic. They would want your money, your time, and your connections, offering you the bare minimum in return. 

When you have value, people will flock to you, pretending they are your friends just to suck out on you. Don’t let them. Know your worth and the things that you bring to the table, and never be afraid to eat alone. You can make progress without these parasitic friends of yours. 

If you are working hard to climb up the ladder, do not let these snakes piggyback off your efforts. They will eventually leave once they realize that they cannot suck out on you.

7. They have expectations of you.

No one is entitled to your time and actions, so if someone within your circle acts as if you owe your actions to them, keep an eye on that person. Do not feel obligated to fulfill his demands and needs.

Look out for people who actively take your time for granted and get aggravated the moment you question it. Disassociate yourself from those who force you to sacrifice something important to you in place of the things that are important to you.  

8. They always promise but have never fulfilled any.

Some people love to babble empty words. They make promises and commitments that they cannot keep, saying this one big thing is coming if you would do one small favor for them. 

If you have a friend that acts like this, you should realize by now that they have never really been there for you of their own accord. 

9. They take credit for your ideas or work.

Credit grabbing usually happens among friends in the same workplace. They do nothing but join the conversation, and then they would take the credit for the work that the people below them have accomplished.

Generally, such type of a snake friend is less skilled or intelligent than the actual workers. But because they have invested their time in honing their social skills and have mastered the art of kissing up, they always find their way to take credit for your work or idea.

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