9 Most profitable and in-demand careers to pursue

At graduations, it is common to hear from speakers encouraging young fellows to pursue their passion. The concept behind this is if you try living and working for something that you really love, you will work harder at it, then prosperity and success will eventually follow. 

Unfortunately, things don’t work out that way in real life. Turning a passion into a profit is quite a bit of hard work. If you feel so passionate about a field that is in decline, running after it could mean years of struggles trying to win and keep a job. And in the circumstance that the job you will find doesn’t pay enough living wage, you could encounter trouble paying utilities even when you are employed.

Several university degree holders work at bars, restaurants, and nightclubs, which is not essentially related to what they studied for. Perhaps because many people are choosing a course that is either too competitive or has a low demand, this means they are choosing a career that is already packed up with qualified individuals or a career that doesn’t really need many employees at the moment.

High-demand careers open up an opportunity for a job and give a platform to create a job in the same field. Thus, if a career offers a profitable job but can only accommodate around 10% of the total graduates, it can’t be considered a high-demand career. 

If you are yet to decide which career is worth pursuing or want a career change, this article is for you.

Most In-Demand and Profitable Careers

By taking some factors like job growth, earning potential, and educational requirements into consideration, here’s a rundown of careers that has promising opportunities in the coming years.

Medical Sciences

Despite being a challenging course to study and having many stringent requirements, the medical profession ranks among the highest in-demand fields. This career has a balance between supply and demand in the job market.

The COVID-19 pandemic breakout in 2020 has highlighted the importance of healthcare in society. In order to secure citizens, many countries have invested money and effort to enhance the quality of their healthcare systems. And because of that, opportunities for people pursuing a career become broader.

doctor injecting from syringe

As the population continuously grows, the medical career field will continue to advance. Health care and health science is surely a promising career choice because of the increase of average life expectancy and the progress of medical technology.

According to statistics, the health department could expect 20% growth and substantial salary increment within the next leap year.  

A medical career has a wide variety of professions, including nursing, biomedical engineering, neurology, gynecology, and so forth. Surgical technologists rank best among the highest paid in the field, making around $50,000 salary.

Environmental Science and Engineering

Connecting an individual’s knowledge of the environment to modern building materials and construction strategies is the main objective of this career. 

People in this field are meant to prepare, create a review, and update environmental investigation reports. They are likely to design projects that should lead to environmental protection—for example, an air pollution control system or a water reclamation facility.

Climate change and its possible effect on the global economy in the future is one of the most crucial issues in the environment today. Hence, people in the environmental science and engineering field are commissioned to enlighten the masses on climate and ecological changes as well as their impact. 

The government and private institutions are investing more in green technologies, including other environmental solutions. This expands job opportunities related to this field. 

Computer Science

In the present economy, individuals who can create and improve software are considered highly marketable. This makes the field of computer science an essentially popular well-paying job among people who wishes to land a job right after graduation.

Computer Science is a field that focuses on the study of computational systems. People in this area of expertise mainly focus on software and software systems, including their theory, design, application, and development.

woman on desk in front of laptop, monitor, tab

The main areas of computer science incorporate artificial intelligence, networks, computer systems, security, database systems, human-computer interaction, numerical analysis, graphics, software engineering, programming languages, bioinformatics, and theory of computing. 

Computer science affects almost every virtual industry and even each individual’s personal life. Surely, this profession would remain relevant in the coming years.

Information Technology

Among the most top-rated career in this golden age of computers is Information technology. Most online applications that people use are all result of information technology. IT is considered the fastest-growing career that commends high pay.

Besides landing a good-paying job, information technology gurus can also utilize their knowledge in entrepreneurship ventures.  

Business Administration

Business administrators cover the duty of analyzing and overseeing financial operations, marketing and promoting, approving purchases and expenditures, and facilitating training programs.  

secretary showing papers to her boss in the office

Business administrators are responsible for formulating new ideas to advocate growth and are bound to manage an organization’s on-hand resources and legal affairs. An entrepreneur may come up with a brilliant idea perfect for start-ups. However, growth will be nearly difficult to achieve without the help of business administrators. 

Graduates in this field are equipped enough to fit into various positions in the business industry. Possible ventures in this area cover business developers, analysts, or CEO. This is a flexible career to venture into as individuals can make choices between working remotely or in a company and can even take more than one job at a time.  

Applied Mathematics

Mathematicians are tasked to help an organization by applying mathematical theories and strategies to formulate a practical problem’s solution. To solve practical problems in the government, engineering, business, and science, applied mathematics graduates collect, analyze, and present data and findings to generate solutions. 

More than just adding, subtracting, and crunching numbers, applied mathematics plays a big role in industrial businesses. This entails solving pollution, traffic jams, climate change, unemployment, and inflation. 

This degree is a necessity in almost every field and pays really well.


This field of study tackles how people make choices and how these choices can be applied to real-world problems. Economics basically focuses on the production and distribution of goods and services. Furthermore, it investigates how institutions, government, businesses, and individuals make choices in allocating resources, seeking the utmost level of utility.

meeting of few people in a table

The study of labor and trade is the foundation of economics. And considering that there are various applications of human labor and that there are many variations in acquiring resources, people in this field are responsible for deciding with strategy and method yields the best result.

An Economics degree would help you boost connections in various fields despite the industry you work in. Throughout the labor market, there is a high demand for personnel in this career. 

Engineering Degree

The engineering field embraces a wide range of specialized areas, and each has its own specific emphasis. Among the engineering fields are Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Aeronautical and Petroleum Engineering receive the highest salary among these fields.

Engineering is recognized as a hands-on and indulging career. Though it may be challenging to spend your time studying all day long if you will choose this field, the end reward is pretty much worth the sacrifice. 

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Robotics play a vital role in the industrial sector furnishing robotic science a tremendous scope of career—individuals in this field assist in advancing the process of manufacturing. girl playing with robotsRobotics engineers are responsible for robot designing, testing, proper functioning, and maintenance. In India, this is recognized as a prestigious professional career.

Opportunities in this area include working on big manufacturing plants, medical fields, life sciences, aerospace, automation sector, mining, and engineering. Additionally, there is a high demand for robotics engineering in the gaming space and their manufacturing units.

There’s an oceanwide opportunity in robotics, and individuals may even find themselves in high-profile research organizations like NASA and ISRO.

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