Self Motivation – Fear VS Love

What motivates you to achieve your objectives? Is it a desire for the outcome or a fear of failing to meet your objective? Are you driven by fear or love?

Fear motivates you when you push away from a negative consequence. You are motivated by love when you are pulling yourself toward a positive outcome. Furthermore, how you feel, whether you’re avoiding what’s feared or approaching what’s desired, affects how well you function.

Worry Impairs Your Ability To Think, and Fear Leads To Worry.

Fearful thoughts can cause anxiety when you are motivated by fear. This has both long-term and short-term consequences. Your emotional, mental, and physical health may suffer in the long run.

In the short term, studies show that your cognitive function is impaired, making achieving your goal even more difficult.

A Motivated And Effective Brain Is A Happy Brain.

Jan Hills explains that when you strive for a positive outcome, your brain’s dopamine system is activated. This can make working toward your goal feel less like a chore and more like an exciting journey.

Intrinsic Motivation Comes From Being Engaged.

As Dan Ariely explains in his video about intrinsic motivation, when you’re more engaged in what you’re doing, you’re more likely to be motivated to keep going for the sake of keeping going. As you progress toward your goal, it becomes easier for you to be present and feel a sense of accomplishment.

Being Driven By Love Drives You Towards What Can Go Right.

When you think less about your fear and more about what you want to achieve, facing your fears becomes much easier. When you’re motivated by love rather than fear, you’re drawn to what can go right rather than what can go wrong… and that’s a more self-caring way to be motivated.

Rituals To Keep You Motivated

You understand what you’re supposed to be doing… However, you have a severe case of “I-don’t-feel-like-it.” Simply put, you lack motivation. Have you ever felt like that? You’re not alone…

According to research, motivation is at an all-time high. Today, more than half of American workers are dissatisfied with their jobs. Here are the rituals that will keep you motivated. 

The Practice Of Self-Talk

The act of talking to yourself, either aloud or mentally, is known as self-talk. These are the messages you are telling yourself about yourself all day, good or bad.

The messages you give yourself can either encourage and motivate you or limit you because they are negative. Version one of self-talk will cause you to doubt yourself at your next social gathering. You may even refrain from saying too much for fear of being embarrassed or making yourself feel bad.

Worse, you may develop a phobia of social situations as a result of your insecurity about your interactions with others.

Version two of self-talk gives you permission to try again, to be human and interact with others. We can’t all be on point with humor and social interactions all of the time, but it’s worth the effort to try.

Self-talk is critical because these are the messages that determine whether you should try again or not. The messages you send yourself can either help you succeed or hold you back, paralyzing you in fear.

Remove negative people from your life.

Anyone can have a bad day and become negative or moody. Some people, on the other hand, appear to have bad days every day of their lives. If you have any of these people in your life, it may be time to cut ties with them.

The attitudes of those around you will influence your own attitude. If someone has a negative attitude, it is likely that they will bring down those around them, especially if their negativity persists over time and in a variety of situations.

It is difficult to cut family and coworkers from your life. You can, however, limit your time and exposure to these people.

Be Thankful

Recognize the things in your life for which you can be grateful. This is a great way to find the positive in your life and create positive self-talk. Finding things to be grateful for in life on a daily basis helps to improve your attitude, which leads to better, more positive self-talk.

Starting a gratitude journal is one way to practice gratitude. Use it to record the things for which you are grateful each day.

Some of the items will be large, while others will be small. This will help you focus on the positive aspects of your life, even if they are as simple as seeing a rainbow or spending time walking and talking with a friend.

Don’t Be Afraid of Failure

Don’t be afraid of failure because it is often the path to success. Some of life’s most inspiring success stories involve people who failed numerous times before succeeding. They would not have become hugely successful if they had given up the first time after failing.

Fear of failure prevents many people from even attempting to succeed. They maintain their current lifestyle because they are afraid of failing.

Positive Thoughts Should Replace Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts occur. It’s difficult to constantly feed yourself positive thoughts. You can, however, begin to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Every situation has an opposite or positive side. It is up to you to begin looking for the positive in order to start turning your negatives into positives.

For example, if you have a habit of telling yourself that you are fat, you will feel fat and self-conscious about your appearance. Stop telling yourself this message if you aren’t fat! When negative thoughts enter your mind, stay positive. This will give you the motivation to try again in the future.

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