The 7 Best Side Hustles To Start

Side hustles can be a good way to make extra bucks. The good thing is that— you don’t have to wait until you’re at a legal age just to find ways to get one. There are a lot of opportunities for side hustle out there, so it can be pretty challenging to choose the best ones. 

That is why we put together a list of the best side hustles a person of any age can start. You don’t have to be an expert just to begin with these hustles. It’s okay to start small with the bare minimum skills, and just like a Pokemon, you evolve, becoming more skillful and powerful over time.

Below you will find a detailed description of each side hustle that everyone can go for to earn money, allowing you to save and invest money that would have been impossible from merely having a nine to five job. 

Here are the 7 best side hustles you can start at every age:

1. Service Business

The service business is a good one to dive into if you’re between the ages of 13 and 16 because the cost to start isn’t very high. Basically, a service business is providing services that meet customers’ needs, making their lives easier. 

In this hustle, your top priority is to tend to your customer’s needs and satisfy them. This field of hustle includes hospitality, maintenance, consulting, traveling, and transportation. However, by the age of 13-16, it’s very likely for you to have the capital to venture into a big-time service business. Go for something that’s economical— for instance, cleaning.

You could wash cars for as little as $2-$5. All you need is an investment in a sponge that you would use to clean the car, a bucket for water, and a bit of hard work. 

If you have savings, you could buy pressure washers for as little as $149, which you can use to clean people’s driveways. You could charge $50 per drive. 

2. Selling Candies

People find it hard to say no to candies, but despite their popularity, many people think that they may not provide a piece of cake. But the truth is, it could actually be a good business if you know how to do it right. 

In fact, there’s a 15-year-old teenager who managed to build a £50,000-a-year tuck shop by merely selling fizzy drinks and sweets every breaktime at his school. This young boy named Nathan John Baptiste was dubbed the “Wold of Walthamstow” because of his prodigy entrepreneurial skills. This boy was making about £230 a day or £50,000 a year before getting shut down. 

It’s nice to keep in mind that money can be made every time there’s a demand. This demand is highly present at schools where there are a lot of kids who are into candies. 

You can sell candies from your backpack, or better yet, you can make your friends sell them for you. Of course, in exchange for a commission. For instance, you could give them 25 cents for every candy bar they sell. 

If you’ve passed this age, you could train your children to do this, so they’ll hone their entrepreneurial skills at a very young age. 

3. Sports Referee

Being a school referee is also a good side hustle that people tend to ignore. In this job, you will be paid to get fit, also making you mentally strong since you will have to make decisions quickly on the playing grounds.

Interestingly, you would also get to meet a lot of interesting people. If you’re young and have nothing to do with your life, $16 per game won’t be a bad take-home pay.

4. Tutor

If you’re aged 16-18, becoming a tutor can be a profitable idea. You could earn about $20 per hour teaching academic subjects to those who seek help. 

Tutoring isn’t limited to academic subjects too! In fact, your options don’t only include school subjects. They could also include skills that other people are interested in learning. 

Even if you weren’t the best guy in school, you could make good bucks in this side hustle as long as you have valuable skill to offer.

5. Dropshipping

If you know how to navigate the internet and the computer, dropshipping might be the best-fit side hustle for you. 

Basically, dropshipping is a business where you advertise and sell someone else’s products and then sell them to third-party suppliers. These third-party merchants will be the ones to fulfill the orders, shipping them directly to the customers. 

In this business blueprint, the seller doesn’t need to handle and make inventories of the product directly. 

Unlike what many so-called online gurus are claiming, being a dropshipper won’t actually make you a millionaire. This is because the market that we have now is highly competitive, and the profitability is at rock bottom. Despite this fact, this is still worth doing because this is a pretty good way to learn how to run a business with little to no start-up cost.

You could think of dropshipping as a video game— the more you play it, the more you hone your skills, and the more they become valuable. Even if this won’t flood your bank account with tons of money, this could serve as your training ground in running a business.

6. House Hacking

This one applies to those who earn enough to pay a downpayment on a duplex house and pay for its mortgage. This is called house hacking, which is one of the fastest ways to improve your net worth while you are still in your twenties. 

Since a duplex has two separate living areas, the idea of house hacking is for you to rent one side and live on the other. Hence, the person who would rent out will be the one to pay the bigger portion of your mortgage for you.

7. Coach Other People

By the time you reach your 30s, you must have already acquired skillsets that can be valuable to others— something you’re very confident in. This could range from business to fitness to carpentry. There’s a market out there that’s waiting for everything that comes to mind. 

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