3 Reasons You Always Feel Tired

Are you feeling tired all the time? As if no matter how much sleep you get, you can’t always get out of bed in the morning. You’d feel like you still deserve a minute of resting on your bed and feel a helpless, tired mind and body.

I’m sure you’re not the only one. Most people nowadays work full-time with a lack of energy to show at work. 

This is what most of our elderly are experiencing. But I’m sure you’re there’s a long way for you to go before you reach the ‘senior citizen’ stage. Indeed, chronic tiredness is happening to our younger generations. But what do you think really is the reason ‘why are you always tired?’

Factors that Affect Energy

Based on our team’s research and personal experimentation, we observe the following conditions on why we are always tired.

You might think it’s because you’re lacking iron, has a gluten sensitivity, and other reasoning. But skipping the fundamentals and searching for miracle pills won’t do you good nor give you a permanent solution.


Stop Using Caffeine the Wrong Way

If you’ve already done your research, you might know that caffeine actually lasts 5-7 hours in your body. Although this is not entirely wrong, caffeine even lasts longer than these hours.

The caffeine’s half-life lasts for 5-7 hours, while the other half is still in your system for another 5-7 hours. For instance, if you drank coffee by 5 pm, the caffeine’s half-life is still in your system by 12 am. 

By 6 am, there’s a possibility that a quarter-life of the caffeine is still in your system, which can affect the deepest and most restorative sleep of the day. This type of sleep affects many processes in your body, such as forming memories, processing information, creating connections, and healing tissues.

And caffeine can inhibit these processes. So tweak your caffeine intake a little bit. Instead of taking it in the morning, after lunch, and in the afternoon, make sure to take your coffee at least 14 hours before going to bed or so, avoid drinking caffeinated drinks past 12 pm.

Photo of Sleeping Man

Give Yourself More Opportunity to Sleep

For adults, 7-8 hours a night is typically the goal for better sleep. This means you should also stay in bed a couple of minutes (or even hours) before the actual time you’re planning to sleep. 

Work on your sleep debt or sleep deprivation by taking power naps in the afternoon or any breaks you had in the office. A 15-20 minutes nap could make a massive difference in your body.

Adjust your Circadian Rhythm

If you don’t know what Circadian Rhythm is, it’s a natural process that tells your brain the daily schedule of daytime and nighttime, which is highly dictated by the amount of sunlight you see before going to bed.

This is one of the few reasons you should avoid facing the screen before night time since the blue light of your phone, tab, or laptop gives you the idea that it is still daytime. So your brain is not giving you the melatonin you need for a night of deep sleep.


Are you familiar with the common phrase, ‘what’s good for the body, is good for the mind‘? To my surprise, it is actually right!

Exercise has something to do with psychology (the study of mind and behavior) and physiology (the science of life) so if people would want to feel active and energized they can easily feel that way by exercising.

Person Wearing Black Shorts and Blue Lace-up Low-top Sneaker Holding Black Barbell

Proper Posture

Even a simple power posing or feeling confident lowers your cortisol or stress hormones and does the opposite for your testosterone or estrogen, helping build muscle and bone mass.

Fixing your posture would allow you to go around throughout the day, feeling confident more than ever!

Move Your Body

Some people might think that using your physical energy in the morning can make you feel tired for the rest of the day. Mainly because you’re using so much power to work out or go to the gym every day.

But that’s not the legitimate case. People who actually expand their energy have a higher baseline to boost energy.

So get up, get moving, walk for several minutes, avoid sitting down straight for 8 hours, and do something that requires physical activity that could last even for just 3-5 minutes.

The energy you get from doing these would show you the benefit of exercising or engaging in physical activity.


We’re not going to say much on this matter, but you already know how significant eating the proper kinds and the right amount of food in your meal thrice a day is.

Simply avoid sugar, package foods, canned goods, or any unnatural preservatives. Drink several glasses of water a day that can keep your body and mind hydrated.

But if you’re planning to start a program diet, make sure that it is suitable for what you want to work on. Every type of diet has its own purpose. One type of diet may not work for you while it may work for your friends and vice versa.

Fruit Salad In White Ceramic Bowl


But even if you tried to put every healthy meal on your plate but wasn’t able to get enough sleep or exercise from yesterday, you might still end up being tired. It’s the combination of these three things with a reasonable effort, you’ll have the energy to work with.

Visit and scan the basics and start from them. Make sure to absolutely nail them starting tomorrow, or if you can, start making a change today!


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