8 Things That Cause Your Lack of Motivation and How To Fix It

Have you ever dreamt of owning your own real estate in the future? What about driving a luxurious sports car? Or what about simply thinking of achieving your smallest goal, such as looking for a decent job or even finishing a certain task?

Undoubtedly, we all have different goals in mind. These things motivate us to work hard. But what if you started procrastinating, putting things behind, and losing your momentum? Instead of looking at your goals as an achievement, you feel like you’re just obligated to do a chore. That ‘drive’ that pushes you is no longer present. But should you be worried?

To be honest, losing motivation isn’t rare. Once in a while, you might feel like doing nothing at all. And you’re not the only one. Let me tell you the few main reasons why do we lose motivation and the long-term fixes we can consider to break these pessimistic thoughts.

We Cannot See The Progress

woman sitting in front of desk losing motivation

Some people might think that you should already see the progress after you did something for a while. It’s like going on a diet for a few weeks and not losing 20 pounds!  As a result, you feel like you’re not making any difference, and you won’t be satisfied with what you currently have.  

While it might happen for others, this isn’t always the case. There are just things that are bound to happen for quite a long time. Instead of getting impatient, and thinking of quitting (which shouldn’t even be the option in the first place), take a step back, and breathe.


“Everything Takes Time”. Even though it’s too cliche, it is real! Analyze what you are doing to achieve your goals, and see the difference it would make from the beginning compared today. Do you have to work on something else? Do you need any improvement in a certain field?

The key is to focus on working smarter rather than working harder. Enjoy the journey, and you’ll soon realize that there’s always going to progress, even little ones, but that still matters. And of course, reward yourself from time to time.

Setting Unrealistic Goals

The most common problem people have is to get goals that they cannot realistically achieve. As individuals, we all have different capacities, and no two people are the same.  Comparing yourself to other people and setting your standard based on their goals would definitely demotivate you to work hard.

Sometimes, people tend to set goals that could easily be achievable, while some set long-term goals. But even so, these can add up as a reason to lose interest. If it’s too easy, you’ll realize that there’s no challenge, and satisfaction won’t be present. Similarly, if it’s too hard, you lack a reason to pursue it further.


Now is the time to stop comparing yourself to others and stop setting unrealistic goals. Think of what you really like, what you can really do, and focus on achieving them. 

Set realistic goals that you can possibly achieve sometime in the future. Start achieving short-term goals, which can actually be achievable in days, weeks, or a few months. If you see progress in doing so, start taking things one step at a time, and go for long-term goals. You’ll find yourself more satisfied this way.

Lacking Purpose

why am I here. Asking your purpose

Little did you know that a certain task, work, or goal is something that you’re really uninterested in. This is why when things get tough, you can easily lose motivation in finishing or attaining them.

It may have been something that your parents or other people would want you to do, or it’s something you do for desperate reasons. No matter what the reasons are, it can greatly contribute to your progress. You just can’t see the satisfying reason why you should continuously pursue what other people want instead of pursuing your interest.


One main thing to consider is understanding your drive, understanding what you really want to achieve, and what can really bring joy to your life. Stop lying to yourself, and be honest with the people around you. If you continuously do so, you might end up being unhappy and lose your motivation for a long-time. Don’t torture yourself like that. But if it’s something personal, you don’t have any options but to do it, then try to think on the brighter side. Think differently about it and the result it may bring. It’s only you who can identify if it has a deeper purpose or none.

Everything in life has a reason and a purpose. So if you started to lose motivation no matter what tasks or aspects of your life, then it’s something you should think about.  Learning the root cause of your ‘unmotivated’ feeling, understanding the reasons, and taking action are the coping mechanisms that you can do to feel much better and satisfied! Among the three things we’ve talked about, which one is the most relatable for you?


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