Getting Traffic From Google Is So Easy

Every website owner literally goes haywire trying so hard to increase their traffic from different sources all because they want to be seen and probably get conversions as well. It is why they pay for marketing strategies, they employ the use of search engine optimization and try to increase their rankings all in a bid to promote their visibility because if a thousand persons visit their site in a month, half of that could convert to actual clients and this is what they want. Some have gotten frustrated with the process especially with the constant changes that Google keeps rolling out.

It becomes a tad difficult to keep up especially when you’re not getting as much traffic. So we are going to show you how you could increase traffic to your site in really simple steps.

Get the right blog post

So you do know how it is important for you to get your content right so that people will want to stay on your page. One of the mistakes people make with blog posts is to write on topics that all the major sites have written on so when those topics are searched for, you do not get traffic because you don’t have the rankings. At other times they write on topics that are just too small that no one would search for those. So this is usually the problem. You need to find the right topic that can strike a balance between too competitive and enough competition.


When you get an idea of what you should write about or a topic for a blog post, you need to do competition analysis. So you would need to search for that topic to know if it is too competitive or if you can subdue the other minor pages with the post. What you’re in search of are low-quality results. Results from sites with no names or sites that you have never heard of before, forum results and results that are not really on point. So when you see those kinds of results, you will know that this is a topic you should write about because it isn’t very competitive.

Search Volume

So when you find a topic that is less competitive, you need to ensure that there are enough people to actually search those topics. You need to check the search volume on the topic. So you could use the following ways to do that.

Alphabet soup method

So here you could go on Google and type in the keywords you would want to use in no particular order. Google will give you some auto-suggestions. Now if you do get auto fills from Google, this is a validation that other people definitely search for those keywords or topic and this is because Google can only get that auto fills from other people’s searches. If there’s however no autofill, then that’s not a topic you would want to write.

Inverted Pyramid

This method uses the inverted pyramid as a tool. So the tip of the pyramid is the point where people search out specifics and at this point, there isn’t a lot of traffic but at the base, the top of the inverted pyramid, there are a lot of people searching the topics on that line. So you need to kind of visualize what topics are too specific and those that are like baseline so you know which of them can generate much traffic.

Common sense

The next step here is to ask yourself or popular opinion if your topic or keyword is commonsensical. Would someone search for those topics on a regular day? If it passes the common sense test, then it is probably a good topic to write about.


With content, what you should do first of all is to Google the topic. Then look at the auto fills, the posts on the topic and the related questions that people ask. This is so you get the whole picture of what people would want to know about the topic. So this would create a map for what your content must meet. This step is really important because all other steps get you the right topic but this step will help you fill in the crack in Google and write what searchers are exactly looking for.

Sometimes people get lazy and write blog posts that people wouldn’t even search and this is the primary cause of the problem. So focus on getting the right topics and of course give value in your contents. With all these, you can be sure to enhance the traffic to your sites.

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