The 8 Step SEO Strategy for Higher Rankings in 2020

Sick and tired of the thousands of SEO Steps claiming to be the most effective? There are those are even willing to give double-digit up to a hundred steps in order to help you get started in SEO.

We’re not saying it’s bad, but this is no longer the case. The latest google algorithm calls out for websites and contents to rank according to specific set of steps or strategies.

What makes this article better is the proven ability of these 8 Most Effective Strategy this 2020! Figure out what they are in below.

Step 1: Opportunity Keywords

Have you seen those paid ads, questions, modes, meta description and bluffs shown within the first page of your search results? Those that you can usually see at the top of results, and a bunch of questions in the middle.

This is clear evidence that the keyword you’re trying to create content from would compete with higher domains.

As a result, it will certainly hard to rank on the first page of google search.

But you can always resort to opportunity keywords. These would analyze whether a certain keyword would have high-organic click-through rate or not! Meaning, it would improve the results and won’t distract the users on which page to choose from.

If the page is pretty clean, people would focus more on organic results, thus giving your page a much higher chance to rank!

STEP 2: Know Your Content Competition

If your target audience is those interested in the digital marketing field, make sure you check who your competitors are, and what keyword is most effective to use.

Knowing what your competitors use for certain keywords would help you to understand how difficult it is to rank. We don’t wanna compete with huge websites such as Entrepreneurs and Forbes.

It can also help you get an idea on what Google wants to see in your content to rank. Running through the search results would help you to observe patterns of keywords, their content strategy and learn that strategy.

Content creating

Then, you can finally create your own content.

Who knows, you can even rank higher as much as they are!

STEP 3: Create Content that’s Different or Better

While you’re at it, make sure to create content that people haven’t heard of or content that is good compared to the well-established results on the first page.

For instance, if you’ve seen search results that are all about “the steps to follow” or “list of the best”, you can instead create an ultimate guide rather than following their pattern.

The audience wouldn’t even get the chance to look for other resources because your page is where everyone can access what they’re looking for.

STEP 4: Add a Link Content or your Hook

Wonder why most pages with backlinks rank the highest? It’s because of two things:

a) Creators link to contents in your industry (aka the hook) and;
b) They include the hook to their content.

For the past several months, the marketing blog post would always create contents about voice search. This is quite popular in search engines.

These pages would also cite statistics and data, and link those sources on their website. Thus explains the hook!

If you prefer something other than citing statistics and data, you can do it in 3 other ways such as:

1. Unique Techniques
2. Ultimate Guide
3. Case Study Results

So the lesson is, if you ever tried to look for the popular keyword research, and create an article on it, you can add statistics pieces of evidence or anything that would lead you to link an article on your website.

Be the reason why people would hook into your website.

But if you’re new to SEO, you can just directly skip this step.

STEP 5: Optimize Site On-site SEO

Instead of covering every SEO strategies focus on two strategies: Using Short URL and Proper Internal Linking.

If you’re URL is super long, cut them down! For example, your title is “The Most Common SEO Strategies For Beginners”, you can make it short, and use “Common Seo Strategies” as a slug.

Nice and short!

Make it an aim to link from High Authority Pages (those with the comes visits) from your site, and link it to the pages that you want to rank for such as the latest ones without traffics yet.

STEP 6: Skyscraper Technique 2.0

This strategy took the SEO world by storm.

It works in a nutshell of finding a relevant piece of content with lots of backlinks, creating a better version, and ask (or email) websites to link unto your website with much-updated information on that topic.

Working on new content

But the original technique missed out one important point, and that is user’s search intent.

What do people look for when they search? The better the content matched their intent, the higher chances to rank it gets.

So if you think that people would dive into a more friendly bite-size strategy (step-by-step; beginner’s guide) than the high-level posts (everything you need to know; advance guide), then match the user’s intent.

STEP 7: Content Design

Make it or Break SEO!

Create awesome content with awesome designs that people would love to visit, and stay! It’s like an art studio where amazing photography or paintings are posted with the elegant environment inside the roof. But, digitally.

If you have the money, it’s worth a shot hiring web designers to help you get through. But if you don’t have enough financial aid, you can do it in three simple ways:

1. Add Screenshots
2. Use Blog Post Banners – these are the custom-made images that go at the top of your post and;
3. Making use of Charts and Visual Aids.

STEP 8: Build Backlinks

Now, don’t get this confused with the hook. The hook is the reason why people would visit and link from your website. This, on the other hand, would make use of the right strategy to get their content in someone else’s websites.

Do this by finding people who share the same market niche or content. Again, you can email a website directly to ask if they can consider your website as a backlink. Doing so would help you boost your views, and rankings as well!

If there are broken link buildings from old yet relevant articles made, you can pitch your content as a replacement for the dead links.

However, make you also know the dangers of backlinking, and deal with it in the most appropriate way!

There are still other effective SEO strategies that you can apply on your websites such as focusing on engagements, building communities and many more. However, with all the changes going on as time goes by, give these 8 SEO Strategies a chance.

It’s worth the try!

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