How To Make Money On Instagram Theme Pages (2022)

To make a living from Instagram, you don’t have to be an influencer. Imagine being able to benefit from the time you spend on Instagram. You might make money from your account instead of wasting hours every day scrolling aimlessly.

We understand how appealing it sounds. What if you could generate money from Instagram without putting in all of this effort, time, and dedication?

Of course, we’re not talking about the same level of money, but you might turn this method into a real empire with a bit of effort. So, what is this plan, exactly? Theme pages for Instagram.

What is an Instagram Theme Page, and how does it work?

On Instagram, niche pages, also known as theme pages, are popular. They post frequently, have a high level of engagement, and typically have tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of followers.

You can be unknowingly following a few specialty pages. They don’t create content on theme sites. They organize popular content in a given niche while providing credit to the original creator on their account. These accounts include a large amount of popular content in a specific area. Because these accounts recycle viral content, their posts frequently attract a lot of attention and produce a lot of likes or video views.

Because of the strong interaction, niche accounts are frequently highlighted on the explore page, which raises engagement even more and drives thousands of users to such profiles per day.

These accounts are frequently targeted by brands or persons looking to expand their accounts in a specific area since they have a large following and high interaction. These individuals would be willing to pay a fee to be included on a niche page.

What should you post first?

There’s research to be done before you start capturing images, editing them, and putting them in a feed. We previously discussed the necessity of conducting an Instagram audit, which included a review of your business objectives. Your Instagram theme should reflect what makes sense for your company and be in line with its objectives.

Pick a color scheme. The simplest method to create a consistent-looking Instagram theme is to incorporate your company colors into your posts. Here’s a fast example from Shopify, which uses one of their logo colors, turquoise, once in each row of the feed.

Maintaining White Instagram Feed

One of the most popular Instagram themes is a clean white feed, which is simple to achieve with the appropriate tools! Beautiful individual photographs aren’t enough in today’s competitive market, so creating an Instagram feed that flows beautifully is what differentiates the most successful Instagrammers from the rest.

This post will teach you how to convert your personal Instagram feed to an all-white layout.

How to Keep a White Instagram Theme Clean

White Instagram feed themes are among the most popular for both influencers and businesses. Your theme contributes to developing a recognizable brand, and your fans will appreciate the consistency.

It’s All About the Lighting

If you want a pristine, white Instagram theme, the first thing to work on is your lighting. It’s crucial because if your photo isn’t well-lit, it’ll be far more challenging to brighten it without it seeming dull, grainy, or underexposed. In contrast, whitening it will simply take a few tweaks if your shot is well-lit. Fortunately, you have a plethora of lighting options to choose from!

You’ll want to photograph most of your images against a bright/white background to maintain a crisp, white tone across Instagram. Shoot your flat lays on a white bedsheet, and your lifestyle shots against a white wall or building, for example.

Brown Feed

To create a retro brown Instagram feed, use underexposed and warm photographs. Use VSCO’s free M5 filter to create a brown Instagram feed. Then, to produce the perfect brown Instagram feed, reduce the exposure and lower the skin tone.

How to Create an Instagram Affiliate Marketing Program. If you’re new to affiliate marketing, the good news is that getting started is very simple.

To get you started, here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

The first step is to choose an affiliate network.

If you’re seeking affiliate marketers (also known as influencers) to work with for the first time, the simplest method is to use an affiliate network!

Affiliate networks will provide you with monitoring technologies, reporting tools, and payment processing, as well as exposure to a network of influencers that already use affiliate links on their platforms. 

Calculate Your Commissions

It’s now time to figure out your commission rates, or how much you’ll pay an influencer for each sale they generate.

This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Here are a few suggestions:

Analyze Your Profit Margins: Because commission payments are deducted from your profit margin, it’s critical to know how much profit you’re willing to forego in exchange for a higher volume of sales.

Analyze your competitors: How much do your competitors charge in commission? What is the standard in the industry?

Inquire with your affiliate network: Affiliate networks have a lot of experience and will most likely supply you with a lot of useful information!

Develop a Profitable Affiliate Program

Make sure your affiliate program is one that influencers want to be a part of when you’re putting it together.

Building a tiered program with the potential to earn extra incentives is one method to incentivize influencers. This can incentivize influencers to promote your products and services while also appropriately compensating them for their efforts.

Use Instagram to find influencers to collaborate with.

There are a plethora of ways to locate influencer affiliates to work with on Instagram!

To get the most out of your affiliate efforts, you may want to intentionally hand-pick influencers based on your Instagram marketing goals.

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