4 Strategies To Improve Business Cash Flow

If you are one of those people who want to up their game at Cashflow, then you have come to the right place. In this blog, we shall go over the advanced strategies that one can follow to improve their game at Cashflow. Cashflow is an online game that all those people who want to get into investing can play.

We would advise you to play the original Cashflow game at least fifteen to twenty times before leaning towards the advanced strategies and styles. Playing the game only one time would not give you all the lessons as they are compacted into this game, and every time you play the game, it is different.

Every time you play the game, you will get more distinctions, so the more you play the Cashflow game, the higher your financial IQ will be. 

Calculator and notepad placed over stack of USA dollars

1. Stick to small deal cards

If you have ever played the Cashflow game, you must know that you will be provided with two deal cards with each turn. One is known as the small deal card, and the other is called the big deal card. You can play the game by just using the small deal cards. Always go for the option that is mentioned in the small deal card. 

2. Only use the big deal cards.

On the other hand, we have the second strategy, which is quite the opposite. In this strategy, you will ignore the small deal cards and simply opt for the big deal cards in every turn. You will be offered big deals through these cards in the Cashflow game. A big deal begins with 6000 dollars cash, so you will have to accumulate more money that requires a different strategy. 

3. Help other players to get out.

Another strategy that you can opt for is that nobody wins until everybody gets out of the rat race, and that is going to take a different strategy because you can help other players get out. Why is that important? Because once you are all out, then everybody wins. 

4. Put in your real financial numbers.

The best way to play this game is by putting in your real financial numbers. Focus on your real-life assets, liabilities, expenses, debt, and cash while playing this game, as it will provide you with a more realistic approach and improve your learning. 

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