6 Secrets Business School Won’t Teach You About Entrepreneurship

Getting successful in entrepreneurship is not easy. Even though you have all the money and education in the world, it’s impossible for you to achieve success overnight.

Every business comes along with loss and profit. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur and want to learn the do’s and don’t’s of entrepreneurship, then keep on reading as we have listed down some of the pro tips that will help you achieve your goals. 

Man and Woman Leaning on Table Staring at White Board on Top of Table Having a Meeting

1. Experienced entrepreneurs do not like risk

Many people perceive entrepreneurs as people who take many risks; they put everything on the line to start a business. It is valid to some extent. Only beginner entrepreneurs are more into taking risks. Experienced entrepreneurs do not like taking risks at all.

They prefer to take calculated moves instead of putting their money and assets on the line. Try to read up autobiographies of successful and experienced entrepreneurs, and you will get to know their insights on taking risks in business. 

2. Make a couple of key moves

Business success is not about doing many smart things; it is more about doing fewer dumb things. After studying successful business owners’ lives, you will notice that they have not made hundreds of intelligent moves, instead just a couple of key moves.

They made a few smart moves in critical times. For example, one decided to get into a particular industry or go for a specific partnership to become successful entrepreneurs. These defining moments shaped their entire lives and careers into what they are today. So, just a couple of crucial moves will help you make your business successful. 

3. Business success is about making fewer dumb moves

The difference between successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs is that the former make less dumb moves in their business. The problem with dumb mistakes is that they bounce back time, and you will have to make all the extra effort again to go back to that point again where you were before making that dumb move.

It is not how much the mistake will cost; it is for how much it will take for you to solve that mistake, learn from it, and then bounce back. 

It is the do-over that is very costly when making dumb moves while running a business. For example, if you start a business, you fail and go bankrupt, and then it will take you years to get back to where you were, i.e., back to normal. This do-over will cost you a lot of time. The more dumb mistakes, the more time it will take for you to bounce back to normal. T

4. Do not get greedy

A lot of entrepreneurs get into trouble and face significant losses in their business because they get greedy. They risk something that they have for something that they don’t even need.

For example, one person who has a successful core business invests in something that he does not need. So, when the stock market crashes, he may lose what he already had and face millions of debts. All this for something that he did not need. All this because he got greedy. You have to never let greed make you do something and always go over the pros and cons before making a business move. 

5. Risk and reward

Almost every business has to face loss at one point. One can avoid this by understanding the risk and reward ratio when making a move.

You need to take a calculated risk to avoid getting into a loss. As discussed earlier, experienced entrepreneurs do not like a risk at all. When they are to make a business move, they do not think about how much money they could make; instead, they should think about how much money they could lose. 

entrepreneurs can face profit loss and gains

6. Questions to ask yourself when making a business decision

If you want to avoid making dumb moves in your business, you need to be very conscious of what you decide. It is crucial to weigh the pros and cons of your decision. You should always consider the risk and reward ratio to avoid loss in business.

Before you make any financial decision in your life, make sure to ask yourself the following three questions:

  • How much money could you potentially lose?
  • What is the downside?
  • Can I live with the downside?

If the answer to the first question is “all your savings” or “your core business,” it is best not to make such a move in your business. Moreover, if the answer to the second question is that this decision would make you lose your core business and you will end up living on the street, then this is something that you should not be doing.

The answer to the third question would be “no.” Therefore, if this is the case, then you should avoid making such a move. However, if the answer to the above three questions is that you won’t lose everything and can live with the downside of the action, then you may go and invest. 

In a nutshell, never let greed or emotions take over when making any financial decision with your business. Always consider the risk and reward ratio, and you will be good to go!

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