How To Make $1,000 FAST In 2021

Finding a niche is always the first step before pushing through affiliate marketing. As a marketer, the essence of your promotion is to entice your customers with their value, tempting them to buy. To make it possible, you need to fit your niche well. 

If you attempt to promote a product you really have no single idea about, your audience will notice right off the bat. This is why choosing your ‘cup of tea’ is crucial to your success. However, there is a certain niche where could give you good results even if it’s not within your circle of competence— Health and Fitness.

People, especially because of the pandemic, have become more aware of the essence of a healthy lifestyle. This awareness is the reason why products under the fitness and health niche are booming in various markets, marking a revenue of $96 billion in 2019. People are looking for products or food that would help them in leading a healthy lifestyle. 

Piggyback the Weight Loss Trend

Weight loss is a niche under health and fitness with a low level of competition yet has massive traffic. Weight loss is receiving about 5000 searches every day on the world’s second-largest platform, YouTube. The projected trend for this niche in 2022 is 90%, which is 40% higher than its current trend level.

weight loss niche status on google trends

The trend seems to go down during winter and up by season. Therefore, you need to ride the coming-up trend before it takes off. Before all else, you need to find a product to promote under the weight loss niche. The best place to go is on ClickBank. Go to the website, register, or log in to your account. 

You don’t have to guess which product you should choose because we will talk about a particular weight loss product that is creating new benchmark in affliate market right now– The Smoothie Diet: 21 Day Rapid Weight Loss Program.

People love smoothies because of their delicious taste and the nutrition they bring. This is why they are easier to sell compared to others.

This product has a gravity of 252.7, which means that 252 people successfully made a commission by promoting this. For comparison, the average gravity on ClickBank is just around 100 or less, but The Smoothie Diet marked over double the average gravity. You can clearly see how well the product is selling. The commission for promoting this product is $28.74.

Launch an Instagram Campaign

If you think affiliate marketing is only for people who have their own website, you’re wrong. The internet is huge, and there are several traffic outlets to get converts from. One good traffic source for the weight loss program diet is Instagram. 

Editing images for your Instagram campaign could cost you so much time if you do it yourself or money if you hire someone to do it, but we’re not resorting to either of them. Instead, use Pinterest to grab good content relevant to your product, and save it to your computer, then post it to your product’s Instagram. 

In the description of your post, make sure to give credits to the sole owner of the content. 

screenshot of recipe.smoothie Instagram Account

To your Instagram bio, put on a brief description of your product’s benefit. For instance, “21 Diet Recipes Available for $10.” Moreover, do not forget to add the affiliate link to your bio.

You need to post consistently. Not only once or twice a week, but perhaps, two times a day. This will not be so much work because you can get content from Pinterest or even TikTok. Just don’t forget to give acknowledgment to the owner. 

Kickstart Your Own Pinterest

You could go for the opposite method of the method mentioned above. Instead of launching an Instagram account to promote your affiliate product, getting the contents from Pinterest, you could kickstart a Pinterest account, grabbing Instagram content. 

There’s no option of saving other people’s content on Instagram, but there’s another way to do that. From Instagram, get the link of the Instagram post you want to post on Pinterest. Go to SaveFrom.Net and paste the link to the allotted text box to download the image directly to your computer or smartphone. 

Create a smoothie-themed page on Pinterest. If you have no idea how to start, you could look for inspirations and ideas on other smoothie-themed pages. If people click on your Pinterest page, they will be directed to the product’s sale page. 

Setup a Simple Landing Page

Landing pages are standalone, particularly built for a marketing campaign. It is the web page where your visitors would land after clicking an external link to your site. The essence of a landing page is to persuade a visitor to execute a certain action. 

Some of the landing page builders you can use include Kartra, BuilderAll, Web Flows, or Shopify. Among these given landing page producers, BuilderAll is the one you can actually run for free in the first month. 

BuilderAll can provide you with a landing page template that is perfect for the weight loss niche, and you can just use it conveniently. The process of landing page creation is so simple. Follow these steps:

Step 1: On the platform’s dashboard, open Cheetah Website Builder.

BuilderAll Cheetah Website Builder tab

Step 2: Click Create a New Website.

create a new site tab on BuilderAll

Step 3: Choose Professional Templates.

screenshot of the section for choosig a template at BuilderAll

Step 4: Go to Health & Fitness category and select a landing page template among the hundreds presented to you. Modify it according to your liking.

Health and Fitness Category atBuilderAll

After creating a landing page, you could include its link to your Instagram and Pinterest posts before actually sending them to the sales page. 

Grow Your Business through Facebook Groups

Joining Facebook groups is also a good option. 

Look for groups relevant to weight loss and join their community. You could post campaigns in that group or promote the ClickBank product through recommendations. Make sure to join groups that have active interaction to dominate Facebook algorithm.

screenshot of possible facebook groups one can join in the health and fitness niche

By joining groups, you will receive more exposure, giving you more chances for converts. 

However, hard sell doesn’t work anymore, especially on Facebook. Hence, instead of promoting your offer right off the bat, just be natural and tell people, “Hey. I’ve tried this diet plan for days, and the results were really good,” or anything like this. Don’t be too pushy on promoting your product. 

Facebook group is a powerful tool often used in marketing to attract new customers and increase engagement to current ones. With exclusive community, content, and support, converting a customer was made easy like none before. It will be your direct line to customers. 

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