How to Make $500 Dollars a Day by Selling Whiteboard Videos

The 21st century is the era when everything is changing and upgrading, incorporating newer ways of making money. Whiteboard animation selling is a foolproof method among a flurry of money-making procedures that you might be served upfront.

Whiteboard animation is a process in which a product explainer produces a creative script with engaging illustrations on a virtual background that replicates a whiteboard. It is a trending technique of advertising, and it is used to communicate uniquely. 

Brief Overview

Today’s discussion will encompass the strategies for making approximately 200 dollars a day by selling whiteboard animation on various platforms. You can create them without spending even a single penny, and then you can go ahead to sell them for a generous amount. It might sound like a complicated process, but it will not be a walk of a thorn-ridden path either!

As a novice, you might think that it takes several hours and that, too, the hands of a professional artist to create the whiteboard animation. But truth be told, even a beginner with basic technical skills and a computer can make catchy videos and sell them to corporate businesses and YouTubers- basically whoever needs them for their marketing purposes. So, where do you start?

Where to Start?

These are the following platform that can help you get started in making money online by selling whiteboard animation.

Use Platforms Like Fiverr

If you check out the profiles of whiteboard animation makers on Fiverr, you can see the samples and the price list attached to the same. On average, for a 5-second video, the price can be approximately 3.83 dollars. But if the same video is extended to 60 seconds runtime with voiceover and illustrated background, then the price can elevate to 38 dollars.

So now you have a rough idea about how much you can get paid. It takes about an hour to make 60 seconds of whiteboard animation – so on average, 40 dollars (post Fiverr fees) an hour is what you can approximately expect. 

fiverr website home page

Starting Your Own Youtube Channel

If you have been thinking about creating your own youtube channel on trending topics, and that too without showing you space, whiteboard animations will be your best friend. Create them for your own channel and monetize your channel within no time. Ad revenue is another way in which you can pull money with these videos.

The longer the video, the more revenue you can collect! If you are making the video for someone else, and the client requires you to do a voiceover of their preferred script, you can ask for additional charges. 

Now let us check out the tool that can help you create these videos to begin your earning journey. 

Video Scribe

Even if you are a complete beginner with no idea about whiteboard animation, it will take you just 5-10 minutes of playing around with this tool to grasp the basics. Especially if you have been doing your research well, you can start making 5-10 second videos within a couple of minutes.

It is pretty effortless to add relevant stuff to the whiteboard, like photos and text. There is an in-built library of VideoScribe in which you can search for anything.

sample fiverr order for whiteboard animation

For example, if you want to add the image of an animal or bird, you can just type on it and click on the search button. The database will present you with hundreds of engaging animations, even in the free account. In case you opt for the premium account of VideoScribe, you can get way more impressive options.

The premium account will cost you around 33 dollars or 33 pounds a month, and consider it to be a one-time investment. Imagine the hundreds of dollars that you can make if you are bold enough to make the trivial investment for a single time!

Making Use of Videoscribe Images

  • Choose the images that you want. 
  • You can resize them according to your preference, add transition effects as well as slide them up and down, etc. 
  • Add a textbox and a text
  • Play the video according to the stuff that you have added to the timeline. 

Videoscribe Images options

  • In the video, you will see a hand propping up with a sharpie and drawing all the items that you have recently added.
  • First comes the outline, and then it is filled with color. Hence, it creates the most innovative video ever!

Syncing The Video With Voiceover

It is straightforward to mix the audio with the video, and you just have to double-click on each of the images to make the required adjustments. You can adjust the duration for which the image will prop up and then fit the voiceover time frame accordingly. Initially, it is going to take some time for you to get used to the process, but with every passing date and a little bit of practice, you are bound to get better. 

The Art Of Perfection

If you want to create videos that will be easily sellable, you have to check out the videos created by famous creators- and it will invoke innovative ideas in you as well. 

Take an example of one of the YouTube Channels named – Better Chapter. It creates fun and cool videos, which is why you will stay glued to its whiteboard videos till the end. Remember that engagement and retention is directly proportional to how much money you make- so create your videos with care.

Creators like the Better Chapter have gained 66000 subscribers within a few months, and there is no reason you cannot be the next in line. Just be a little bit persistent and keep on creating whiteboard animation regularly. Eventually, your efforts will pay off, and you can see the inflow of money pretty soon. 

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