Investing For Beginners – How I Make $15K per Week from Stocks

Investing can be a daunting and complex world for beginners. It’s a world of opportunities, but also one filled with uncertainties and risks. In this article, we will talk about valuable insights into stock market investing, shared by someone who has successfully navigated the stock market. 

We’ll explore topics like why you should invest, how to make money investing in stocks when to start investing, how much to invest, how to buy a stock, how to pick the best stocks, the power of index funds, and addressing the ever-present question: Is investing risky? We’ll also discuss when to sell your stocks.

Let’s get the ball rolling!

Why Should I Invest?

Let’s begin with the personal story of Mervin Tilbury, a hardworking father who juggled a factory job and a side hustle to provide for his family. Mervin, like many people, faced the challenge of inflation eroding the value of his hard-earned money. This story underscores the importance of investing as a means to combat the effects of inflation.

Inflation, the gradual increase in the prices of goods and services over time, erodes the purchasing power of your money. To stay ahead of inflation, you need your money to grow at a rate higher than the average annual inflation rate, which historically averages around 3.8%. Investing in stocks can provide the potential for returns that not only outpace inflation but also generate substantial profits.

How Can I Make Money Investing in Stocks?

The essence of making money through stock investments is twofold. First, as a shareholder, you can profit when the price of the stock increases over time, allowing you to sell it for more than you initially paid. Second, some stocks pay dividends, which are regular payments to shareholders.

Dividends provide an income stream without the need to sell your stock.

The real magic of investing happens when you own a portfolio of stocks that grow at an average rate, such as 10% per year. This consistent growth is fueled by the concept of compound interest, where your earnings generate more earnings. 

Compound interest can turn a modest initial investment into substantial wealth over time.

When Should I Start Investing?

The key to successful investing lies in starting as early as possible. The earlier you begin, the more time your investments have to grow and compound. Starting young also allows you to take on more risk, as you have time to recover from market downturns.

The transcript suggests a structured approach to preparing for investments. First, clear high-interest debt like credit cards. Next, build an emergency fund to cover three to six months of living expenses. These steps ensure you are financially stable before venturing into the stock market.

How Much Should I Invest?

The amount you should invest depends on your circumstances and goals. A rule of thumb, the 70/20/10 rule, can help guide your allocation. It recommends allocating 70% of your income to cover living expenses, 20% for investments, and 10% for discretionary spending. Following this guideline helps balance financial stability and long-term growth.

How Do I Buy a Stock?

Investing in stocks has become increasingly convenient, thanks to a variety of user-friendly investment applications and online platforms. The essential step in this process involves setting up the appropriate type of account, like a Roth IRA or a stocks and shares ISA. These specific accounts are advantageous from a tax perspective, as they often provide tax benefits or exemptions that can enhance your investment returns.

Furthermore, modern investment apps have introduced a practical feature that further simplifies the investment process: the ability to buy fractional shares. This means you don’t need to commit to purchasing whole shares of a stock, which can be relatively expensive for some high-value companies. Instead, fractional shares enable you to invest smaller, more affordable amounts in a particular stock. 

How Do I Pick The Best Stocks?

There are two primary approaches to stock analysis: technical and fundamental analysis. Technical analysis focuses on charts and patterns to predict short-term price movements. Fundamental analysis, on the other hand, looks at a company’s financials, leadership, and brand recognition to assess its long-term potential. Long-term investors often lean toward fundamental analysis.

The transcript recommends a simple approach, with a focus on the fundamentals of companies, as the key to long-term success. It also encourages investing in index funds, which are discussed in more detail later in the article.

What’s an Index Fund?

Index funds are a way for the average person to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks with minimal effort. They aim to replicate the performance of a particular market index, like the S&P 500, which consists of a broad range of companies. 

Investing in an index fund allows you to own a small piece of all the companies in the index, spreading your risk and offering the potential for solid returns.

What’s The Best Index Fund to Invest In?

The transcript provides recommendations for three types of index funds: S&P 500, total stock market, and emerging markets. Each offers a unique way to diversify your investments and access different segments of the global economy. The choice of index fund depends on your goals, risk tolerance, and personal preferences.

Is Investing Risky?

Investing is an endeavor that carries inherent risk, but the key to successful investing lies in how you define and manage that risk. When you invest, you’re essentially exposing your money to the fluctuations of the financial markets, and these fluctuations can be both positive and negative. However, rather than shying away from this inherent risk, it’s crucial to understand and control it.

One fundamental risk management strategy is diversification. Diversifying your investment portfolio involves spreading your capital across a range of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and more. The idea behind diversification is simple: don’t put all your financial eggs in one basket. 

By doing so, you reduce the impact of a poor-performing asset or a market downturn on your overall portfolio. Diversification can help you weather the storms that sometimes sweep through financial markets.

Moreover, history has shown that despite periodic market crashes and economic downturns, long-term investors who maintain their investments have often seen their portfolios not only recover but also grow over time. The key is patience and a long-term perspective. 

Market crashes are typically followed by recoveries, and the stock market, over the long run, has demonstrated a consistent upward trajectory. This historical pattern underscores the importance of staying invested and not making hasty decisions based on short-term market fluctuations. And there are tips on how you can prepare for a market crash.

When Should I Sell My Stocks?

The right time to sell stocks largely depends on your age and financial goals. Older investors might sell stocks to fund their retirement, while younger investors are advised to hold onto their investments for as long as possible. Emergency needs, poor-performing stocks, or achieving specific financial goals are some valid reasons to consider selling.

In conclusion, the world of investing can seem complex, but it offers opportunities for financial growth and security. By understanding the principles of investing, managing risk, and making informed decisions, you can work toward securing your financial future. Starting early, diversifying your investments, and holding onto them for the long term are keys to building wealth through the stock market.

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