Depositphotos Reviews 2020: The Pros and Cons of the Royalty Free Stock Photos Website

Suppose you’re a graphic designer, web designer, print designer, or any sort of a designer or editor. In that case, you may need to use stock images to get high-quality stock images to complete your tasks and projects.

Nowadays, internet-users sort to free stock images with good quality. Sure, you can hire a photographer and a model to capture images for you, yet it’s expensive and time-consuming. 

What if the client wants to finish an urgent project? What would you do? The best choice is to resort to free stock photos online.

One of the most popular marketplace for stock images is Depositphotos. In this article, we will learn more about Depositphotos, its pros and cons, and how we can differentiate them from other stock image marketplace.

Bank stock photos

What is Depositphotos

Depositphotos is a stock photography website or marketplace that sells and offers images across several categories with a royalty-free license. A royalty-website offers images, graphics, vectors, and videos for free after initial permission was secured.

At the same time, Depositphotos also offers graphics, vectors, and short video clips that can either come with a specific price or for free depending on the uploader, photographer, and illustrators they work with.

For 11 years today, Depositphotos offers the following plan purchases, including:

-Single Credit Purchases

-Automated monthly and annual billing plan

-Special one-time bulk purchase offers and;

-Free images

Of course, who wouldn’t want to choose the latter option? But does this mean that the ‘free option’ compromises many things compared to the premium ones? Let’s find out!

Pros of Depositphotos

Besides visiting the website anytime you want, and making use of millions of free stock photos, here are some other benefits of using Depositphotos.

Easy Navigation

By using a plan wallpaper, the whole website is easy to navigate. You can type the specific keyword you’re looking for or find recommendations as you click on one picture to another. 

Moreover, additional filters can help you search for the right content such as the ‘date,’ ‘orientation,’ ‘specific features’ of the subject, and thereof.

High-Quality Photos, Vectors, and Videos

Even if the options were free, all these pictures are subjected to a rigorous editing process before uploading online. Meaning to say, not every person who wants to connect with Depositphotos gets accepted. Only the chosen ones.

Nowadays, Depositphotos has over 189 million high-quality stock photos and vectors you and other people can choose from.

Inexpensive and Flexible Plans

Although using a free plan is not bad, there are still better options for a premium user. The good thing about Depositphotos is they offer daily, monthly, or single-purchase plans that won’t burn a hole in your pocket.

The price ranges from $32 – $69, along with the specific offers it comes along with. Not bad for getting hundreds of thousands of copies for different types of images, vectors, and videos online.

Cons of Depositphotos

There are some things that I wished Depositphotos made changes with. Here are the downside of using the website.

License Confusion

This section shouldn’t be in hidden print nor complicated enough for people to understand. 

Since there are plan options that you can choose from, it’s essential to learn the differences between plans and even with Standard (which can produce over 500,000 copies everywhere) and the Extended License (files have no restriction and can be used for unlimited time).

Photos are too Common

The photos from this website can be used by several websites or platforms online, so various options become lacking. The chances are the same images are used by thousands of other users for different purposes. 

Sometimes, different photos look exactly the same, minus a bit of saturation, brightness, and color scheme from one picture compared to another. So if you bought a particular photo, you might find another one with the same look thinking whether that’s the one you bought or not.

Furthermore, when a client or an audience sees the photos, they might doubt your originality and make fun of the photos you use.

In Conclusion

I still believe that Depositphotos has a lot to offer regardless of the small cons I found from their website. Compared to other free stock marketplaces, Depositphotos offers high-quality images with millions of photos to choose from. That’s not bad at all!

If you want to access unlimited photos, you can purchase their affordable plans that are not too heavy on the wallet. Definitely, something they can offer better than their competitors.

The company has addressed concerns and issues in the past, making them even more credible as a marketplace. Overall, Depositphotos is recommendable.

But do you think I missed something in the pros and cons list? If I did, let us know by commenting down below.


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