The 7 BEST Side Hustles That Make $100 Per Day

Technology in its benevolence has ushered in many opportunities for a lot of people to capitalize on in recent times. The era of passive income has tremendously accelerated over the past few years as more people are escaping from their regular jobs under the guise of side hustles. There is no way you can work all through the hours of the day; there would be some time where you would be idle.

Understandably, we all need some time to rest and cool off from the rigor of our daily life, but what if we can make money while taking a break from the treacherous landscape of life. Imagine making cool cash as you relax; there will be a rejuvenation in your life that will only spur you to achieve more in every area of life.

It is one thing to know you can make money while in your free time, but it is another issue getting the right side hustle to pay you cool money per day.

Here we will examine seven side hustles guaranteed to leave you smiling to the bank every week.

Selling items you already have

This is one of the easiest side hustles you can do. The internet is so blessed that you can sell things you do not want any more on platforms like eBay or Facebook marketplace. It is so simple that you do not need to buy any new stuff to sell but checking for items taking up space in the house a good place to start from.

Selling things online is a seamless side hustle that entails taking pictures of the item, writing a catchy description, and shipping the item to the buyer. The downside to this side hustle is there is a limit to what you can sell. This is for your good. No one wants you living in a house with just a mattress and a lamp. There is no record of loss even if you do not sell since you can always keep what does not get shipped out.

Man Standing Beside Man Holding Gray Club

Focus groups

Focus groups are another awesome way of making money on the side as you can get paid anywhere from $5 to $500 depending on the company, time frame, and discussion mode. Focus groups are ways to test out new products and services that hire people to give an unbiased opinion about the product.

This forms part of the company’s audience analysis and segmentation as they know how well the product will fare when it is eventually released. This will not be enough for you to forget your regular day job, but if you want to make some extra $100 a month working a few hours a week. If you are willing to put in the work, this side hustle is just perfect for you.

Flipping items on Craigslist

As simple as it is, we have naysayers telling people you do not know what you are picking up. However, you have to be careful when interacting with people online when looking to pick something up, but flipping items on Craigslist is one way to make easy cash. Have you searched for the word “free” on craigslist?

We suggest you do that now; you will be surprised with the items people are looking to giveaway for free. A fully functional piano was put up for free on craigslist but identifying what you want and the item you know will sell is a game-changer if you want this side hustle. For most of the items, you will find diamonds in the rough.

You need to sieve through the rubbles to get the gold. After cleaning and changing the item’s appearance, you can take good pictures and put them on eBay, and boom, you can start making cool cash on the side.

Who says looking for a side hustle is easy? It’s certainly not, and if you are looking to make money, you have to be prepared to put in the work.

Getting a part-time job

The sound of this hustle is like an abrupt scorpion sting that irritates the skin. However, traditionally, getting a part-time job was a no-brainer if you wanted to make some extra cash.

The part-time job does not have to be glamorous or very high paying but just conducive enough for you to work in. You can check on various job websites like LinkedIn, Craigslist, Facebook, and others. As a result of the time, we live in, searching for jobs that can be done remotely is the next best thing regarding the part-time job.

Churning credit cards

This is one of the most common side hustles known to man to this day. It is a practice that entails you signing up for a new credit card, meeting the minimum spend, and getting a signup bonus. So instead of spending money on your normal credit or debit card, just spend money on your new credit card, and in that sense, you get free stuff. Long term benefit of churning credit cards is that it improves your credit score.

If you are good at something, chances are someone somewhere is willing to pay you for your services. It just takes making the right moves.

Freelance Writing

As a good writer, you can monetize your skill by writing for companies and websites on freelance platforms to make some extra cash. This could even turn out to be a full tie gig that pays even better than your current job pays. It is all about dedication and accessing the right channels. Find your monetizing skill and go for it.

Photo of Woman Writing on Tablet Computer While Using Laptop

Making YouTube videos

This is the seventh side hustle we will be looking at. You know those YouTube vlogs you watch before you sleep, well, it takes a whole lot of work. Making these videos is you working for free upfront, but if you create amazing content that people need and easily relate to, you might be on your way to a major jackpot.

This year has been very unpredictable and a lot of people have been forced to look for other ways to support themselves or their families. All in all, finding what works for you is the first step in making side money and the pointers in this article will surely put you on the right path.


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