11 Characteristics All Poor People Share

Most people who want to make it to the top are confused why they are not yet secularly successful in life. They might even think, ‘I’m doing the best they can,’ but there’s still nothing left for me to achieve.

Have you ever wondered this yourself? Is it really possible for the most hardworking and diligent people to feel as if they’re against the world? In order to help you get the answer to these questions, you have to examine the common traits that unsuccessful people share and why it is not a surprise.

Not Open to Learn

Most unsuccessful people won’t admit that they have to learn specific high-income skills and adapt to certain knowledge in order to aim higher. Even correcting them is considered ‘rude’ and ‘disrespectful to their dictionary.

You can call these people that millennials use as the ‘modern Karen,’ who speak ill-mannered towards other people concerned about their welfare. If they’re not ready to learn, they’re not gonna make it anywhere.

A Quitter!

When things may not go well or turn out the way you hope it to be, you might lose interest and persevere less. But giving up too soon can cause you to miss out on taking chances and finding success.

Have you heard any stories about self-made Billionaires that go to sleep all day, cancel all the meetings, or break up company ties to other successful companies in the world just because they made a bunch of mistakes?

The truth is, everything that we want to achieve in life requires time, effort, diligence, and perseverance more than what we used to give. Because if being financially successful is easy, everybody could be rich by now.

Woman Leaning on Table seems like giving up

The Desire to Get Rich Quickly

I’ve read and reviewed many overnight success stories from random websites I’ve visited for the past several months. All accounts have different settings and characters, yet the plot leads to the same path – getting successful quickly and easily.

But do not believe in this type of scam. Be careful what you put yourself into. Remember, sustainable wealth is a process that could be accelerated at some point but never rushed. Achievements take time.

Some people driven by a desire to get rich are mistreated by many fraudsters, not unless people literally win a lottery or stumble upon huge inheritance.  Avoid the get-rich formula and stick to the process!

Financial Indiscipline

Let’s say you’ve seen this amazing new phone in the market. It has 3 cameras at the back, an HD quality selfie camera, a speaker with great bass audio, and several other features that you’ve been longing for in a smartphone.

But you realized that you still have your phone working just fine. Would you be tempted to buy a new phone or take some time until your current one wears out?

Impulse buying is the enemy of everyone with a financial budget. It’s tough to stop it, especially if you have the sudden urge to buy anything you want. But financial indiscipline with this money-wasting behavior can only keep you poor and in debt forever.

Not Owning Up to Mistakes

Unsuccessful and egoistic people always try to point fingers and blame others for their mistakes. They have this superior complex of not owning up to what they did.

They always play the ‘blame-game’ as if they haven’t made any mistakes in their lifetime. If it’s not the government, a friend, a family member, fellow marketer, or co-employees, they would always try to find someone or something to blame even if they got caught red-handed.

But people who are irresponsible in their mistakes won’t go far. They cannot face reality and the consequences of life. Unfortunately, this quality won’t help anyone to solve problems and would only create enemies. On the other hand, taking responsibility and facing the consequences is a good leader’s characteristic.

Young African American couple having conflict at home not being apologetic

Hanging Out with Bad Companies

A fact known to many is how people group themselves according to hobbies, passion, and sometimes even financial levels.

Most unsuccessful people are hanging out with a group of their fellow unsuccessful peers. Hence, they lead in the same path. On the other hand, if you hang out with successful people or people who are financially better than you, you can gather information and learn ideas that help them grow into a financially successful person.

Having No Ambitions and Goals

People without any goals or ambition wake up every single day doing the same repeated worthless routine. Before they know, the day is over, and they still haven’t achieved anything worthwhile.

Only the most focused, determined, and hardworking people have an eye for the future and have plans to reach it, while those who don’t possess any of these qualities are always unsure of what lies ahead.


A greedy person wants to get and hoard everything he can for himself. They don’t think of other people’s welfare as long as they’re living a comfortable life. They are so selfish that even investing a portion of their income is difficult enough for them. Thus, they end up with nothing.

Person being greedy and Holding Fan of Us Dollar Bills b


Just like the common phrase says, “Ignorance is bliss”?

Ignorant people always thought that things may work out for them regardless of what they do or don’t do. They choose not to do anything that can help improve their life for the better. But, there’s no output if there’s no input in the first place. Things don’t just happen. You have to get up and make it happen.

Never Seeking Help

When we were younger up to adulthood, help always has and will always be necessary no matter what career we lay the foundation for, especially when it comes to financial matters.

We cannot do things alone! That’s not how we were expected to live our lives. Let’s not be proud and seek help when you need it. Even millionaires and the president seek expert’s help and mentor’s advice to make everything in the right place.


“You can’t run a business without taking risks. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all”, as per Richard Branson.

The doubts of “what if” or the reality of the ‘unknown’ can hold people back. Some people are afraid to invest or take action just because they fear that things may not go well. But it’s essential to take risks every now and then.

Fear is a result of underestimating your skills and capabilities that can potentially help other people in need. Certainly, caution is needed when investing, especially when it comes to the financial approach. But if you overdo it, it can bring harm rather than good.

Starting a new hobby, venturing into a new business, or shifting to an exciting career does not mean you’re going to fail. It could be just the beginning of a prosperous life.

Overall, you have learned the traits shared by most unsuccessful people. At this point, how would you categorize yourself? How would you use these ideas to help you plan your next game? Would you simply be a quitter without giving chances for improvement or would you be willing to fight setbacks, set higher goals, and achieve success?

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