12 Bad Habits of Unsuccessful People

No one is perfect, but we can always make improvements to make our life a little better. Bad habits may not seem to be a big deal, but they can actually weigh down your life and career. To avoid leading a life of failure, it is important to recognize these 12 faulty habits that could bring life quandaries.


Have you experienced feeling stuck without knowing what you really what to do with your life? Got frustrated looking for your passion, a purpose that makes you feel alive? You are not alone. A lot of people are like you— wants to make a change, ready to take action, yet have no idea which direction to go. 

You must have once dreamt of what you wanted to be as a child but changed your mind a hundred times as you grew older. Although indecisiveness is almost natural, not knowing what you really want could bring you closer to failure. 

Those who climb up the ladder of success are mostly those who know exactly what they want to achieve in life. They set a clear target even at a young age and worked on them consistently. 

Some may seem to achieve so much at a fast pace, but that doesn’t mean the quality of their achievements is more remarkable than others. In the long run, it’s taking the path you enjoy that will make you feel fulfilled.

Negative Self-Labeling

The moment you declare yourself a failure is the time you limit yourself from achieving milestones. Once label yourself as a loser, you give early acknowledgment and consent to fail. This leads to continuous defeats in your endeavors. 

Negative self-labeling blossoms from numerous experiences of failures. Other times it’s due to the fact that we have bitten off more than what we can swallow, sometimes it simply stems from a lack of skills. Regardless of the reason, refrain from labeling yourself a loser and find a way to cope up with your unpleasant experiences of defeats. 

Start acknowledging your shortcomings, take essential remedial action, and dare to try again. Negative self-labeling is a destructive way of evading the reality of failure. Although it may not be easy to do, try accepting reality, and do something about your performance, instead of acting as a defeatist. 

Hanging Out With The Wrong People

The people you spend your time with could either push you up or pull you down in achieving your goal. Let’s say you want to improve your finances. If you stay with people who often eat out and shop, you will not be able to achieve your goal because you will be inclined to their habits. If you stay with people who are also into saving, motivation to achieve your goal will grow. 

Spending most of your time with folks who take pride in their poor life habits could hold you back. It may be hard to let go of familiar faces and bonds but keeping away from obstacles is necessary for forging a pathway to success. 

Biting Off More Than What You Can Chew

There must be a time you took a big bite and had a hard time swallowing the food. It surely leads to an unpleasant feeling. Eating more than what the body can take may make you feel sick. Besides eating, negative consequences can occur if you try to do more than you truly can.

Avoid overextending yourself too much. Only commit yourself to things you can handle to maximize the potential of success. 

Waiting Until The Last Minute

The way you value time is the most significant determinant of your victory. Successful people are diligent workers who do things on schedule, while failures are those who often talk the walk without getting things done. Leave behind all procrastination and avoid doing things minutes away from the deadline. 

Not Working With Others

Recognizing the importance of collaboration is crucial to success. Although it may seem like you’re the cream of the crop in your workplace, don’t be a knucklehead and do everything on your own. Look for people who had started in your field of expertise way before you and start collaborating for new ideas. 

People who have first-hand experience can drive you to change your perspective and fire you up to achieve your objectives. To establish a good collaboration, you have to work on building a strong relationship by listening to every single thought that comes out, may it be good or bad. 

Taking Setbacks Personally

If you take random setbacks personally, they may lead you to a bad life pattern. Rather than heading in the wrong direction feeling so victimized by an unfortunate event, make a U-turn and shift your focus to the things you can still do. 

Let your setbacks turn into your advantage by overcoming that particular situation you are in. Success doesn’t always come in linear. Most of the time, it is the zigzag roads that lead a person to success. 

Fear of Trying

Michael Scott once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” There will always be a possibility of failures in every opportunity that comes, but the likelihood of success is also present. See every opportunity as a possibility of victory and try things even if they scare you. 

Choose to gamble and don’t box yourself in 100%. Remember, even a 1% probability of success could actually take you there. Don’t hesitate in taking chances because of fear of what the outcome may be. Taking a step forward is the only way you could progress. 

Lack of Curiosity

Intellectual giants like Leonardo da Vinci, Richard Feynman, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein have one thing in common— curiosity. It surely is an important trait of a genius.

Curious people tend to ask questions and search for possible answers in their minds. It enables mental exercise. Since the brain is like a muscle that grows stronger through perpetual exercise, curiosity allows the mind to get stronger. Being curious opens up new horizons and possibilities. 

Setting Unrealistic Standards

Setting unrealistic standards reinforces the possibility of not achieving them. In arranging a goal, make sure that your work capacity can meet your deadlines. Don’t pressure yourself too much and set realistic deadlines that will enable you to be more effective and productive at work. 

It is essential to take a short break to refresh. Step away from your work desk to grab a snack or go for a walk. If you can’t get away from your workplace, you can simply turn away from your computer and think of non-work-related thoughts. 

Lack of Persistence

Lacking the tenacity to persevere despite downfalls is one strong enemy of success. You are technically taking the road to frustration when you don’t persevere. You are bound to fail if you give up on a goal due to minor inconveniences, even when you still have the strength to move forward.

The truth is failures in life and the lack of motivation isn’t the factors that drive you away from achieving your goals. The true obstacle is your lack of persistence. 

You will always find a reason to stop moving ahead but resist it. Life will sometimes play with you, holding you back one way or another, yet don’t any reason make you give up on your aspirations. 

Making Excuses

Once you develop the habit of making excuses, you will find yourself constantly justifying all your actions. Most people keep rationalizing themselves because they are afraid to venture out of the unknown. They are afraid of rejections, failures, and embarrassment, which locks them in a prison called a comfort zone. 

To stop making excuses, erase fragments of fears in your life. See every opportunity as a challenge to learn and succeed, instead of turning away from them and making excuses. 

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