15 Powerful Apps That Can Make You More Productive in 2021

Can’t focus? Always procrastinate? Can’t help using your phone or any gadgets?  Well, the good news is we have a list of apps that can help you!

Given the situation we’re in, it’s pretty understandable why it’s not always easy to concentrate on a particular task, whether that’s answering assignments or finishing your work.

For this reason, we gathered the 15 Apps that will help you be more productive this year and beyond. If you’re curious about them, then let’s get started!

woman distracted with her phone


One of the best apps supporting the “Pomodoro Technique,” which allows 25 minutes to do your task and 5 minutes regular breaks to boost your concentration. With an ambient noise in the background, this can help your mind to focus better!

Not only that, but the Tide app will also help you take the needed power nap for a period to uplift your productivity as it wakes you up with gentle alarm music.


Everything can wait, and so does that article you’ve seen as you scroll your feed from the internet. The pocket app helps you save files for later use instead of tucking several minutes of your time to read or watch.

This would definitely help you get back to work after a short period of rest


Have you ever experienced the need to scan a particular physical file but ended up getting disappointed since you don’t have a scanning machine or so? The CamScanner app allows your phone camera to scan a file without you having to purchase or use a 3-in-1 printer in the office. 

Plus, you can secure each document with a password, so no one can access your files.

Camscanner app


A time-tracking app that allows you to track the time you use for a certain task or recreation, mostly if you weren’t able to notice how much time you spend on a certain thing already. 

But Clockfy could also be used to assign and track your member’s time performance when working with you, so you’d definitely see who’s doing their best and who’s slacking off.


This isn’t like the folklore creature the name is known for. The Buffer app made it easier to access and engage with your social media account in one place. 

1 place for 3 social media mini accounts. From here, you can schedule your social media campaigns, measure your content performance, and build online communities with extra features you can enjoy as well!

And don’t forget, all actions you made in this app are tracked and recorded.


Another project management tool app brings all your project tools, schedules, and team members in one platform. 

Monday.com is as if the software excel, slack, and google drive are all in a single clean interface with great work visualizations and customer support. This is something you and your team members can enjoy engaging from.


Cannot deny that Todoist has been one of the most popular productivity and project management apps for quite some time now. 

This app can be used by a single individual or a small team to list out tasks you need to complete, organize a schedule, and achieve peace of mind.

Todoist app


As virtual meetings becoming the norm, this proprietary software application allows you to screen share with your team members and control their desktop from a remote place. Meaning to say, if one of your team members cannot understand how to organize a file on their end, they can grant you permission to do it for them just by using TeamViewer.

But unlike other collaborative apps, this can accommodate up to 300 people even if you choose to use it on your laptop or phone. As you set-up an online meeting and a web conference for several people, TeamViewer allows you to record live sessions for those who have missed the conference calls.


Who’s not guilty of crowding their inbox with sponsored or spammed emails? The Spike has got everything under control. This app transforms your unglamorous email inbox into a place for total productivity. 

Spike creates a smarter inbox that streamlines and merges emails, chats, and calendars relevant to one another so you won’t have to miss important emails.

An app that conveniently and endlessly helps you cut the clutter from your inbox as you organize the priority messages and the lesser important ones below.

spike app


Were you ever annoyed when you recently changed your password, and you cannot seem to remember them in an instant? We’re not gonna blame any kind of sickness on this one, but we’re definitely gonna find a solution for this.

And wallah here is it – the LastPass app. This app acts like a password manager or a password vault for your, obviously, list of passwords. So you won’t have to waste your time getting locked out of your accounts and answering ridiculous security questions like the name of your mom’s cousin’s daughter or the specific address of the street your grandma was born.

But you don’t have to worry about other people opening the app and reaching into your account since it has a built-in password generator in your hands. 


Hey hey, don’t be afraid! Nothing terrible has happened. It’s just this app that allows you to track how much time you’ve wasted in a day, or more likely, rescue you from drowning yourself into useless recreations all day long.

It’s not as annoying as other applications out there as RescueTime runs quietly in the background of all of your devices as you set targets and alerts to wake you up from horrible procrastination and block them afterward.


The reminder app helps you achieve your goal, whether in fitness and training, health, productivity, and others.

Beeminder tracks everything you want to get recorded and helps you commit to your contract by making you pay a certain amount.  And hey, there’s no cheating since you can connect them with a partnered app that will reveal if you did stick to your goal or not. If you did, then it will reward you in your game too!

An app that gets you motivated and accountable for your actions. Something that we could all probably need, right?


Are you a nature-lover? If yes, by all means, this app is for you!

The premise is simple, you plant a seed whenever you’re ready to start the day for work. If you keep focusing on your tasks, the seed will continue to grow. But if you switch or quit using the app, the tree dies along before meeting your required time, the tree dies.

Thus, the Forest app manages your phone (or technology) addiction. 

But what’s impressive about this app, besides its time-tracking and gaming element, is it’s special real-world impart since people behind this app will surely plant an actual tree and let it grow on your behalf. Now, we don’t want to lose that chance, won’t we?


From the root word, “free” comes the aim of this app as it blocks every website or application that can take off your productivity in a specific time you set. Let’s say your working hours are from 9 am to 5 pm, then you can set a block-timer from 9 am in the morning until lunch break and continue from the following hours after your break.

Freedom is a next-level destruction busting app which allows you to do what matters and become a free bird. Okay, maybe not a literal bird, but free from the slavery of time-wasters.


The Trello app is the holy grail of all team management apps in the world! It’s easy-to-use and accessible, so beginners can actually catch up. 

This app was purposely used to coordinate with teams, share information, and keep track of the boards and cards’ tasks. Additionally, the list of tasks looks incredibly organized and scheduled in Trello.

Which of these apps works best for your productivity? If you haven’t used any of these yet, make sure to share your experience with us, and let’s help the world boost mental focus and productivity!


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