7 Ways To Find Your Strengths

For all levels of positions in every industry, there is one commonly asked question among applicants — “What are your strengths?” From the employer’s perspective, the main point of the job interview is to comprehend the things that you can do for their institution and why they should hire you instead of someone else. 

Despite the fact that this question emerged in about 80% of interviews, a lot of candidates weren’t able to answer it. If you can speak about your strengths compellingly and authentically, there will be a whole lot of great opportunities that will be waiting for you. 

Recognizing and developing your personal strengths is a big deal because it improves your performance as an individual and allows you to learn more about yourself. Strengths vary from person to person. While other people are good at arts, others are so much more comfortable with sciences. 

No strength is far above others. You could be a superhero with your power. But how are you going to find yours? We’re here to help you with that!

1. Find out what’s easy for you and hard for others.

Whether you know it or not, there is just something that comes easily for you— it could be fixing items around the house, writing, painting, dancing, and even organizing files. You probably have thought that everyone can do it because of how manageable it has been for you, but it isn’t really the case. Being extremely good at one thing can make you naturally stand out among other people. 

2. What do you have a natural inclination towards

Ask yourself what it is that you always want to gravitate towards. Is it music? Sports? Writing? Sometimes, getting back into this natural inclination can be pretty difficult because you’re allowing other people’s opinions to condition your mind. 

Perhaps, you have thought of a career that makes your heart race, but someone suddenly burst the bubble by saying that it isn’t a profitable field. You might not be aware of this, but societal conditioning might cause you to give up on your dreams.

You must turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to this negative conditioning. You need to follow your heart, and wherever it leads, you can find your strength. 

3. Rediscover Old Passions

What is it that you enjoyed doing as a kid? Or what wild dream it is that you have, which many people thought would be pointless to pursue? Going back to your old passion is one of the keys for you to recognize your own strength. 

Our childhood represents our pure self that isn’t tainted by the conditioning of society or other people’s opinions. The things you liked as a child weren’t due to society or the idea of other people. They emerge from within you. 

Rediscovering your childhood passion wouldn’t just help you find your strength. It would also help you redirect your life in the right direction, especially if you have a tough time figuring out whatever it is that you really want to do with your life. 

4. Find out the things you would do even if you aren’t getting paid for it.

You surely have one thing that you would do anytime without having anyone pay you for it. Of course, every work should be compensated for every task. However, finding out the things you would do even if you aren’t getting paid for it is a good strategy that can put you into focus. Once you discover your strength through this method, you can begin charging others to complete tasks. 

5. Ask your friends

Aside from your family, your friends are the ones who know you best. Ask your friends what they think about you and ask them not to give you a biased opinion. When you include your friends in finding your strength, it will be much easier for you to create a perfect balance. 

People who have known you for a long time surely have something to express. Ask as many friends as you can, and you will be able to create a list of strengths that have been consistently mentioned. The constant items will be your evidence strength.

6. Always ask for feedback.

Asking for feedback does not only allow you to discover your strengths and weaknesses. It also reveals that you are determined to do whatever it is that you really want to do. 

The feedback that you will receive from people around you will help you recognize your strengths and will help you comprehend how you can evolve into a better person. 

7. Know yourself

You will never ever be able to find your strengths if you have no idea who you are in the first place. It is necessary for you to understand who you are, your motivations, your dreams, and your passion since they are all necessary to uncover your strengths. 

Try taking personality tests to identify your personality. This would also show you how your nature of you would affect your life and relationships with other people.

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