Ashton Kutcher’s Top 3 Tips For Success

When I think about Ashton Kutcher, I always think about the characters he played in television shows or only in movies. Most of the time, he plays this ‘sweetest, funny kind-of guy in rom-com films. Sometimes, dumb roles too! 

But what hit me differently is the inspiring words he shared when he won an award several years back. Ashton Kutcher shared the three things that made him who he is today. Let’s talk about these.

Find your Opportunities

Ashton first landed his gig when he was 13 years old. It’s more of a typical job carried out by teenagers. He carried shingles up through the roof, washed dishes at restaurants, worked in a grocery store, and swept off dust in the factory.

Gray Concrete Building Interior ]

There’s not much difference between the ‘young Ashton’ and ‘young generations’ nowadays. You probably even experienced working with one of these before. 

But he felt like he could land on these jobs because he was ‘lucky’ and hardworking. It’s not the best thing that he does that made him employed. Yet, it’s more like a stepping stone that made him land his next job and the following jobs after.

He never really quit until finding an alternative job that can help him gain experience and probably buy some stuff for himself too. 

For him, opportunities are hard work more than a fortune can give.

Be Sexy!

I know what you are thinking and feeling right now, but the definition of sexy for Ashton is far different in general. It’s not about the physical appearance that makes a person sexy. It’s about qualities that make a person stand out. 

If you’re smart in making a decision, thoughtful to other people, and generous in giving what you have, you are considered sexy by the one and only Ashton Kutcher.

I don’t think he’s actually wrong. In fact, I kind of agree. 

It’s an opinion that many of us choose not to believe in. They always think about academically smart or top-ranked students in school. But it’s more than that. One should be any decisions that can affect him as an individual and the people around him.

Imagine, why would you buy a certain product just because everybody owns them? Why do you feel the need to change yourself just because other people told you so? It’s all marketing lies that can make you look like a fool trying to impress everybody.

Most people want to be sexy, so society can accept them. But the truth is, no is really accepted by society. Regardless of what you have or what you look like, there would always be a bunch of egoistic and hypocritical people who’re going to hate you. So why live for other people?

Build your Life

If you didn’t know, Ashton Kutcher played the role of Steve Jobs‘ in a biographical film entitled “Jobs.”  You know, one of the men behind the apple products?

Steve Jobs Iphone 5s

Surprisingly, he looks so much like him. If I didn’t know, I might’ve said it’s a documentary played by Jobs himself.  Anyways, that’s not the point.

But I wanted to share with you that one thing that he learned from playing the role of Steve Jobs himself (non-verbatim), 

When you grow up, you tend to get told that the world is the way that it is and that your life is to live your life inside the world and try not to get in too much trouble, and maybe get an education, have some job, make some money, and have a family. But life can be a lot broader than that when you realize one simple thing – everything around us that we call life was made up by people that are no smarter than you!“. 

Wouldn’t you just agree that life around us was created by people who want us to follow their path? Not everyone wants to pursue higher education nor see themselves building a family in the future.

Simply because not everyone should follow specific decisions. Individuals should pursue what they like and what they’re passionate about. Not because someone successfully made a decision doesn’t mean you have to follow them.

Why not build things on your own? Why not follow your own path of happiness where people can choose to live by? 

Just like how he ended his speech, “Build a life. Don’t live one.”

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