5 Reasons You Still Aren’t Ranking

How long have you been running your site? Of course, you did not click here if you weren’t too anxious about your google rankings. On the other hand, I’m sure you’re one of those people who still have a problem with it! No matter how much you’ve thought of it and tried every SEO practice, you can’t seem to figure out why your site is still not ranking on Google.

It is as if you’re done everything you could, yet nothing worked! But worry no more! We listed down the most explosive realistic reasons as to “Why you still haven’t ranked on Google.”

Reality #1: You are not CONSISTENT!

“I don’t have time to create a single content every week!”. Then, why did you create your website in the first place when you know that you have no time to handle it?

As we’ve read in the past article, Dominate Facebook Marketing Algorithm, engaging with audiences is one of the most important factors to consider online. You have to keep writing content that everyone can relate to, create useful tools, and socially participating on websites.

SEO wasn’t as competitive before. But if you’re consistent, Google’s algorithm can check if a particular website is active with quality content, and there’s a possibility that they would make your rankings go higher depending on its relevancy.

It takes more time to recover the traffic on your website than creating one. Be hopeful with that small number of traffic and be patient as time goes by.

Reality #2: Your Content Sucks!

Why not ask yourself if anybody would want to visit your website and to read your content? Don’t get mad, but maybe, just maybe, the reason why you’re not still ranking is because of what your overall content looks like.

Remember, algorithms change. And one of the things that are included in this change is Google’s ability to read what’s worthy and what’s not. It’s like it has eyes and a mind of its own ready to pull out links that’s crappy and keep the links that are pleasing to read.

What we suggest that you can do is check Google’s Analytic at least once a month and look at the pieces on your website that underperforming or unpopular. This isn’t to encourage you to keep writing those but to do the exact opposite thing. STOP WRITING THESE CONTENTS! Would you be willing to waste more time and energy on something that isn’t helping you at all?

Start looking at what’s working and to dwelling more on that. It should always be original, authoritative, and plagiarism-free. In fact, you could even integrate some graphics, videos, audio podcasts to help your audience see how fun it is to visit your site and probably next time, they’d be interested in going back.

Reality #3: You’re using Backlinks but not on the Right Websites

In our previous article, we lay down the reasons why Backlinking is dangerous for SEO. But, if you still think that it is helpful, then get at least the right website to do it for you. Do not settle for those who aren’t getting any increase in ranking as well. You are both going down the same path!

Try to hit up the links of the site from the right sides or the so-called ‘Authoritative Websites’ who produce lead quality and quality content articles that drive traffic. But don’t forget to ask them back to link on your website. Even if it means that you have to email 100 people and only 5 of them replies back. It takes time but it would work! Just make sure that you put enough internal links within your article, and soon, external links would take over.

Reality #4: You’re choosing a space that is too competitive. Pick a Specific Niche!

The best and the largest companies even have their own niche! Whether you’re doing academic research, content writing, and thereof, you always have to focus on one space, one niche.

Given, for example, is Socialyy. It is mainly a Digital Marketing website. Anything in relation is, of course, included as well. Digital Marketing have sub-niches that it can relate to such as Entrepreneurship, SEO, online tools, and even Social Media. A new strategy of focusing on one specific niche with sub-niches.

Once your website niche is established, you can expand it as time goes by. Try to work your way up little by little.

Reality #5: You’re just Focusing on Keywords

Try to put yourself in the position of those who use search engines. You’re typing because you have a problem and you want someone to help you with that. In the same way, they were there to look for an answer to their question in the first place. And you would want to be the one who’d answer it for them. Your content should be a place where people can find information about what they were really looking for, even if it means that you’re not using the right keywords to rank.

You are not a robot without emotions. You are writing for people, not for any search engines. If people are interested in a topic or content, then the search engines would adapt. Not the other way around.

Let’s just say maybe you just haven’t really tried every step that could get you up with the rankings. Even if you do all these at once, it would really take time for Google to index your site and contents in it as well. But, there could be a vast difference in knowing all these than what you tend to do before. Again, It’s not about the number, but it’s always about the quality.

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