7 Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021

Have you noticed that it is hard to rank your content on Google? Or have you noticed that when you share your content on Facebook it gets fewer shares, less reach, and fewer reads? That is because there are billions of blogs on the internet. Just think of it in this way that there is one blog for every seven people and yours is not getting enough attention

Everyone is trying to crank out high-quality content. So how do you succeed in this race of content? How do you get noticed?

Let’s just dive into a breakdown of emerging trends in content marketing this 2021:

Do not rely on SEO

automate through a drip or triggers

The first trend in content marketing is that you cannot rely on SEO. The same goes for social media. SEO is not dead but it takes longer to get rankings. Moreover, it is not that efficient and you have to wait to play the long game. Social media, on the other hand, is continuously cramping down on how much reach you get unless you spend money on ads. Therefore, you need a new way to promote your content. One strategy that you should adopt is push notifications. You will see browser notifications like this also called push notifications where people can subscribe. You can then use it through tools like subscribers.

As soon as you post a new blog, you will send out a notification to the subscribers and they will get notified within their browsers. It works just like as you get birthday notifications on Facebook or new videos on Netflix.

Perhaps, you can actually drive a ton of traffic from push notifications. In the meanwhile, you will get so many clicks like 27,000, 86,000, etc.

Do not stop here. You can also adopt other methods like messenger bots, email marketing, remarketing, and even repurpose your content and leverage that same piece into audio form, video form, or vice versa. 

So if you start relying on all these strategies except SEO and social media, you will notice a big change in your content. Your content will get more views, leading to better results. 

Translate your content

For more traffic, you need to start translating your content. You can no longer just focus on English. As per Google, the majority of people in the world are not English native speakers. This implies that these people use all other languages to search on Google. However, English tends to be the most competitive language in SEO. Hence, if you look at famous corporations you will notice that majority of their traffic comes from translation. So, you can translate and transcribe your content in other languages. You can use Ubersuggest for this purpose.

Traffice graph

You will get different rates of traffic in various parts of the world. For instance, the United States helped in generating 20% of the traffic from translation. Similarly, Brazil, Germany, and the UK created 18 % and so on. 

Traffic by region

You have to start translating your content to get your content noticed.

Keep on Updating old content

The third trend is to spend maximum time on creating new and unique content. It doesn’t matter if you post 1 blog per week. But keep on updating the older content from time to time. And if you look as to how much updating content contributes to increasing traffic, it is unbelievable. Most of the traffic comes from updating your older posts. So when you update your content it will generate more traffic than if you just focus on writing more content. 

Now if you are new to blogging or have a new site you cannot update much. But once you have established your spot for a year or two you can easily do this drill.

Company hiring based on optimizing CTRs

Rand Fishkin did an SEO experiment years ago where he asked people to click on the 4th Google result instead of others. Technically he said to click on the first result. Then click the back button and then click on the fourth result. Within minutes, that result went from the fourth position to number one. It remained there for a while because of the click-through rate. That is how Google tells people about listings. 

Google search results experiment


Therefore, you need to get more clicks by optimizing your title tag and Meta description venture. You will then see how companies are hiring people only for that.

Other than that, you can use ten hacks to get more clicks. Questions and titles tend to give more clicks. 40% clicks can be achieved from 5 to 40 character title tags. URLs, the ending part of your domain name also plays a pivotal role in increasing clicks. Power words like amazing, extraordinary also optimize CTRs. You get a 7.3% higher click rate from titles that contain emotions. Meta descriptions, titles with years, titles that resemble education, and paid ads are few other tips to adopt for maximum clicks. 

Learn a new form of SEO

You have to learn SEO in a new form. Meaning thereby, that content these days is not just about the text but also videos. You get paid on YouTube for the amount of traffic you generate. Moreover, paid ads make the task easier for you.

However, you can do this without paid ads too. So the fifth trend is to learn YouTube SEO for more clicks and traffic. You are supposed to promote your video in the first 24 hours harder. You can use UberSuggest for adding in keywords and Meta description. Add the tags. Mention those keywords within the video. You can also use Hot Script by Sunny to hook people in.  These all are the examples of YouTube SEO that can help you rank higher. Therefore, you need to start learning this stuff because the content is not just text-based; people love video these days more.

Spend time on CRO

CRO stands for conversion optimization. For better understanding, let’s consider this. How much revenue does your content drive?

You will find that you keep getting more traffic through content as you do SEO, but how much revenue is it really driving?

You may double or triple your traffic but is your revenue doubling or tripling? The majority of you would say NO. But why is it so?

Well, people are writing content for traffic but they are not optimizing for conversions. You will see so many companies hiring CRO people to adjust their content to optimize for conversions. For example, are you talking about your products or services within your content? Chances are, you may not. Are you adding ads for your products or services in sidebars? Probably not. Are you doing exit pop-up emails and then drip people over time to convert them into customers? These are all ways to generate more revenues from your content.

Free tool is cheaper than content marketing

Ubersuggest is one free tool that you can easily use. It will give ideas on keywords; track your rankings, etc. You can do so much for free. It will also tell your competition, the traffic, and the keywords they rank for.


Moreover, you can log in for free to use it more and more. Just fill in all the information. Get ready to generate a ton of leads

Register tool

Can you guess how many leads in a month? Over 200,000 leads a month. It is a way more powerful tool than content marketing. Also, it is more efficient in working. It is cheaper in long run too.

People using this tool find it more valuable than content marketing. Go and try the above-mentioned new trends in content marketing and make lots of money this 2021.

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