A Simple Hack to Finding the Right Keywords to Rank #1 on Google

Search engine optimization which is basically finding the right keywords and improving their rankings really does not ensure conversions. This is because most times with the high ranking keywords, we’re still targeting the wrong audience.

If you run a business that ensures taking care of the elderly or you run a home for seniors, and your keywords on Google only get to people between the ages of 18 and 25, this is not your target audience. It’s kind of like marketing dog food to someone who owns cats, of course, there won’t be any sales.

So it is safe to say that traffic does not equal sales and though this could be frustrating, what it means is that you’re targeting the wrong people. It does not matter whether your site gets 3 million visitors or 10, it won’t matter.

So here’s a simple hack to find the right keywords to enable you to improve your ranking on Google and to get you the right traffic which will convert. It is kind of like an SEO hack that’ll bring results.


1. You’d need to go to Ubersuggest. Usually, you could search for your competitor’s growth rate using keywords. You could, however, search by pasting their URL on to the website. This shows you the traffic they are getting from their keywords, the keywords they’re using, how much sales they’re making with those keywords, how much cost per click they had to pay for the same keywords. Try inputting an URL of a company that you believe is making money so you could see how and what keywords they’re using.

2. On the same page, you’ll see the traffic overview of that URL. It will show you how much people are visiting their website and where they are from. Whether the USA, Canada or other places, it will appear on that page. You’ll also see their top pages. Click on that.

3. When you click on their top pages, you will see the pages that are driving their traffic. However, even if a page drives so much traffic, it doesn’t mean it is converting to sales. Look at all the pages and click view all under the estimated visits column. This will show you the keywords that are driving the traffic. Look out for the keywords that are driving a lot of traffic, that have a high cost per click (ideally in the dollar range because if it’s in cents it’s not a good keyword), have high volume (because it is suggestive that they’re sorting by popularity) and has a low SEO difficulty(ideally under 50 is good enough ).

So this will tell you the keywords to go after. Keywords that pass the above test are the ones that tend to get you results faster. This is because if someone is willing to spend money on a keyword to drive the volume, that keyword is also driving them the much-needed revenue as well.

4. The next thing to do is to take that keyword you found and Google for it. Look up all the pages that rank in the top 10, click on those sites, read the ranking content and understand it.

5. When you do that, you need to take the same topic and write about it. You need to poke holes in their content and basically make yours an answer to everyone’s questions. It has to be very thorough so no one can discredit it. Analyze and answer questions they did not. It should be so good that people would be willing to share it, talk about it and read it. This is the kind of content you need to create to save your business.

6. Just because you’ve created the right content does not mean you’ll automatically get the rankings and traffic. You need to follow these steps so you can go in a full circle and get the rankings you need. Anytime you link out to someone, ask them to share your content. You could say “Hi Casey, this is John. I really loved your content so much that I linked out to your site. You could look it up here. If you like my content, feel free to share it on your social network”. When you do this you’ll get better traction and with that better rankings. When you get better rankings, you’ll start getting sales because you have the right traffic.

When you follow these steps, you’ll rank for the right keywords, generate the right kind of traffic that will convert to sales. This isn’t a social media hack, this is SEO at its peak. Simply put, you’ll be selling dog food to the thousands of dog owners across the world. This is how you make money off the right keywords.

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