How to Find Lucrative Link-Building Opportunities in Under 60 Seconds

Links are one of the ingredients to ranking high on Google. Let us learn the secret to finding sites that are willing to link to you.

Assuming you are competing with Neil Patel, enter your competition’s domain or URL in the backlinks tab and click search.

It will load up this report in Ubersuggest. This generates the backlinks report that breaks down all the backlinks that your competitors have. This report breaks on their domain authority, their backlinks, their referring domain names (number of new unique websites are linking to them -specific domains, not just pages), and then organic monthly traffic that they are getting. 

Extracting the Competitive Insights

These in-depth insights have been designed to give you competitive intelligence data and will ensure you have a competitive advantage and a holistic picture to track relevant activity.

You can see a link graph of overtime of how many new referring domains are linking to them. If it is going down, if it is going up, and it will show you their new links that they are gaining every single day, as well as their lost links that they are losing every single day. This strategy will ensure you gain traffic by tracking areas where your competition is expanding and will enable you to capture opportunities that the competitor has lost. 

After doing this, you can take a deep dive into the data. You can do this by first clicking on advanced filters where you will see the options to include, exclude, referring domains, exact match, enter the domain name.

Using the Insights to Your Advantage

As a first step, click on follow. This only shows you the links that are currently being followed. Make sure you do this because the no-follow ones do not increase your rankings.

Moreover, make sure the one link per domain is clicked and highlighted in orange. And if you do that, you are fine. After that type in the domain that includes an anchor, which contains keywords that you are going after. You must enter the correct spellings for the keywords.

A tip would be to cross-check and identify the important words that you want to extract from your learnings. For instance, if you are going after SEO, you will enter the term and click apply. And this will start showing you all the links it is loading.

It will show all the links that have the word SEO in there. Use this for your competition and then go to each of the websites that have linked to them. You click this arrow where it says the source; look at the highlighted arrow in the picture. 

Start reaching out to some of these sites. Let us check out a break down as to how to leverage SEO and how to do it in three simple steps.

The Winning Strategy

The strategy here is to identify where your competitor is present, analyze its areas of opportunity and then contact the source and pitch your business, highlighting your strengths that directly show how you are better than your competition. Be crisp and brief when approaching sites and suggest the advantage they will gain by collaborating with you.

You should make sure that you are descriptive about your content, specify the advantage your content has over your competitor the more the probability of the site switching from your competitor to you.

If you are struggling to find a contact person at the website you must look for an author and then search for them on Google. The best way to find the author is to look right below the name of the article. It usually states the author. 

Alternatively, you can also go to Just enter the name of the site and click on find email addresses; occasionally you will be able to find the exact email of that person. Sometimes you will see it for other people, pick someone at that company.

Ideally, the ideal person who wrote the article is the best person to approach. A key benefit of using Hunter is that you can sign up for a free account you get 50 free searches. And this is the process first you find the email addresses and then do outreach and contact each of these people and try to build links. But remember the secret sauce lies in how well you have crafted the message, treat it like a compelling sales pitch and give it your best shot.

Lucrative Link Building Made Easy

It might seem like a tedious task at the start, but it has a high return on investment because it works. It will generate more links and increase your reach to more sites. Also, this method is the key to thrive in today’s highly competitive industry.

Do this for each of your competitors find the relevant articles that have links out to them, and try to convince them to link out to you. All you have to do is enter some key details after that our software will run its analytics. We will then extract findings for you from all across the world wide web.

Just spending an hour a day doing this can guarantee great SEO results, greater reach, competitive advantage, and stellar results. Do this for one whole year and watch your rankings go through the roof.

Ruthless prioritization hence does not focus on domain authority or anything like that. Just focus on quality links. The easiest way to figure out who linked to you is people who linked to your competitors. Moreover, people tend to link to other similar articles.

Neil Patel Digital and the team will do this for you. Doing this will result in increased traffic on your site.

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