The Complete Email Marketing Guide for Beginners 2020

Most Digital Marketers tend to focus more on making use of the most popular digital tool nowadays, the Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In fact, I don’t think you and I are excused.

We’re willing to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for every SEO manager and specialist that will optimize our pages so more audiences are most likely to visit.n However, there is an underrated digital marketing tool that many of us neglect. It is called Email Marketing.

In this review, we’re going to talk highly about Email Marketing, and let you know, and any other beginners, about this tool, its benefits, and what’s the best way to get started!

What is Email Marketing?

What’s the first thing that comes up to your mind when we talk about the word ‘email’? And what about Marketing?

If I were to conduct a survey, most people would definitely agree that email has something to do with digital communication while marketing on promoting products or services, and leading prospects to make a purchase.

Now, just put these two ideas together, and you’ll come up with a self-explanatory definition of Email Marketing! But in general terms, Email Marketing is simply a marketing tool or strategy that is based on sending emails, developing client-consumer relationships, driving sales, and communicating important information.

Most importantly, effective email marketing can convert prospects into customers. As a matter of fact, a study conducted by Medium shows that Email Marketing has a return of investment (ROI) of 4400% more than any other strategy. And that’s above average!

This is why it’s highly important to utilize the use of Email Marketing so your company can enjoy a higher percentage of sales, and earn more money! Isn’t that the main goal?

Benefits of Email Marketing

The main benefits of email marketing is (1) to provide value to your prospects or customers, and (2) direct each person through steps within your website making their experience memorable and worthy!

But believe it or not, not everyone makes use of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (and many others). Not everyone tends to own a television at home, and watch hundreds of advertisements as well. But you know what everyone has? An email address.

Meaning to say, there are more people you can engage with using email addresses alone. It’s a portable asset that can tag along wherever you go. In fact, there are 2 Main Types of Marketing Emails or Email Distribution:


Broadcast emails are also called ‘Promotional’ email. If you think a certain content from your website is suitable for your entire list (or specific list), then don’t strain yourself, and send updates through your email. This includes newsletters and email campaigns. Just make sure the specific people you’re sending the list to are interested in what you offer.


Everyone is advised to have their own automated emails since you don’t need to be physically present when sending emails. It would do wonders in your time and effort. This could be in a form of welcome emails, receipts, order confirmations and such.

So if ever you plan your next trip outside the country or even in an area where internet signal is mostly off, then you don’t have to worry about updating your customers at all. Moreover, you’re not limiting your prospect into a certain country. You can go explore, and connect to various people all around the world!

This is a partial benefit of email marketing. You can even resort to my Top 5 Benefits of Email Marketing for Any Business.

Some benefits includes:

● Cost-Effectivity – it doesn’t cost much yet it gives more than its value.
● Interactive – this would help you strengthen your relationship with your prospects
● Measurable – you can quickly track and measure your progress and the effectiveness of your marketing tactic over time.

What are the Kinds of Email Marketing?

But don’t get overly hyped, and message everyone on your email list about almost everything you do on your website or business itself!

Prospects would get pretty annoyed, and may unsubscribe from your contact. This is why it’s important to learn the three basic and most important email fields so you’re well aware of what to send, and who to send it with.

Here’s the 3 Major Types of Email or probably the email that you’re only going to focus on.

Transaction Email

– Simply a transaction between the seller and the recipient.
– Most commonly are the receipts, order confirmation, email verification, password reset, order confirmation, double opt-in, and shipping details.

Content Email

– Any new content on your website is something to brag about.
– This could be in the form of a welcome email, promotional emails, guides, new blog posts, newsletters, exclusive content, social posts, surveys, and feedback.

Conversion Email

– A promotional email that would lead your customer to take action or make a purchase from your offers whether in the form of products or services.
– It includes email promotions, sales, discounts, upgrades, launching new products, andd affiliate offers.

The Fastest Way to Implement It

Since everything is clear about what email marketing is, how it works, the benefits, and the most important types, it’s now time to take action and get started.

The first thing that you should think of is to choose an email marketing solution that would ensure email deliverability towards your subscribers. If you thought you’re far from creating or designing email marketing software, then think again!

One thing that really helped me, and thousands others is the software called the MailerLite. What I really like about this email marketing solution is the fact that it’s friendly-user. Everyone, newbies or not, can surely enjoy their time exploring the software without any hussle. It’s even manageable on any device such as your laptop, tab, and mobile phone.

In instances that you don’t have much savings to spend, you can resort to the Free Plan that allows you to make use of MailerLite for FREE! The only exception is when you reach 1 to 1000 subscribers limit, and receive around 12,000 emails.

mailerlite price

You can get started, and create your own campaigns and newsletters without thinking about hiring web designers. It has several built custom templates, editors for every feature, and e-commerce campaigns that you can choose from.

This would help you grow your audience through attractive website builder, landing pages, pop-ups, embedded forms, and subscriber management. Setting these things would also help you to deliver emails according to your consumer’s best interest – personalized, segmented, and automated.

Surprisingly, it also has remarkable features including the possibility of testing, experiments, and streamlining your emails all according to your preferences. And finally, you can track your results and monitor your campaign performance! Everything was built all according to your benefit, and wise experience of email marketing for your company.

If you’re ignoring email marketing for awhile, it may have been the best time to reevaluate your strategy, and focus on what’s more effective, and of course, affordable. Debunked any myths you thought of before. So why not give MailLite a try, and let me know how it goes!

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