10 Warning Signs You Will Be Fired

“You are fired!” is a catchphrase that brings real horror among workers who live off their jobs. Unpredictability surrounds almost everything, and that’s why job termination is a possibility for any employee. Unfortunately, employees don’t always seem to notice when they’ve reached the end of the road with their bosses.

Being aware of the signs of a nearing termination is important because it will give you a chance to fix any issue that might cause you to get terminated or a time to prepare and figure out future plans in case termination becomes irreversible.

If you love your job and want to keep it, continue reading this article so you will be able to recognize the ten signs you might get sacked soon.

You’re Getting Left Out

Finding yourself left out of an important conversation, crucial decision-making, tea parties, or any communal gatherings— even if you are a key team member, maybe a sign of termination. Although there is much other reason that might be the cause of this, one might be that your boss no longer has confidence in your opinions and abilities. This is much obvious, especially if you are part of the upper echelon of the company.

Being left behind of the information shared within the company might be a sign too. Perhaps, your mailing list being blacked out of the company’s mailing list. Little by little, you feel as though you no longer need to be updated about the company. You think of slowly getting cut off. If this is happening to you, be wary about the situation. 

team members gathered together looking in front of the laptop

You’re Receiving Bad Reviews

Receiving bad performance feedback could highly endanger your job. Evaluations will speak for the culmination of your attitude, behavior, and work as a whole. And it’s more likely to speak about your gray areas.

According to Michael Kerr, one quick review to a very quick succession is a very bad sign. Once a review comes in, and it contains less ideal feedback with discouraging phrases in quick succession, then you might be in trouble. A negative rating you get might not necessarily mean you’ll be fired instantly.

In the general run of things, a company will allow you to improve your performance and make amendments before finally deciding to terminate your contract.

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You’re Getting Fewer Project

Employers basically hire a worker to do a job, so if you find yourself having nothing to do in your workplace, or if you’re receiving less work than usual, there might be an underlying issue. 

It is possible that you are receiving fewer responsibilities because your manager is assigning your work to others, preparing to terminate your position. Of course, why would they bother to give you more projects if they are about to fire you soon? 

If you receive lesser and lesser projects, raise your concern with your boss and express your thoughts. At the same time, prepare yourself mentally so if you do get a let go, you will not be too shocked.

You’re Getting Disregarded

Being ignored is obvious, but a lot of people are still oblivious of the message. They think it is about personal conflicts or out-of-the-work issues, but it could mean so much more.

There’s a chance that you’re getting ignored and disregarded because you’re about to get kicked out soon.

Your Perks Are Disappearing

The privileges you once have been gradually taken away from you. For instance, your colleagues at work are flying free to Ontario in business class for a conference, while you are told to pay for your own ticket. Or from a nice working station, you have been relocated to a smaller and nasty area. 

If you notice that the perks are no longer given to you, you have the right to be worried!

team members shake hands after agreeing upon something

You Are No Longer Praised

Can you recall the last time your manager applauds you for a job competently done? If it hasn’t happened for quite a while, this might be a warning that you’re about to get fire.

Getting appreciated for what you do surely brings a good feeling. But, having no one to appreciate you even after accomplishing a difficult job that’s almost impossible to get done might be a sign to start packing your things soon. After all, there’s only one feasible reason for not getting any acknowledgment: Either you are not deserving, or your workspace doesn’t deserve you.

You’re Not Good at Teamwork

Many people prefer to work independently, but teamwork is essential to bring the company to its peak. If you are not doing well with others, try finding a work that you are more suitable for. 

You might also want to read: What to Do If You Don’t Want A 9–5 Job

Your Boss Has Warned You

No matter what angle you examine it or how deep your relationship is with your boss, receiving a warning might be a critical sign that you’re about to get sacked. Warnings were never a good thing, and if you receive any, there’s a big chance that bad news is coming your way.

When you are getting reprimanded and warnings from time to time, you must prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario— losing your job. Criticism may help you grow and taking the initiative with your employer to go over it may show that you are willing to improve. 

Your Boss Becomes Stricter

If your boss becomes persistent over updates, submission of deadlines, and reports, you might just be closer to the exit door than you could’ve imagined. This could mean that your boss lost confidence in you, and he no longer believes that you could do things on your own.

woman stressed out in front of her laptop

Your Job Gets More Difficult

Way back when you first started your job, following steps and completing tasks seem easy, making you accomplish them accurately and efficiently. But now, your boss often assigns you a task that is beyond your capability, which comes with confusing instructions. While this might result from the company’s mismanagement, it could also mean that you’re about to get sacked soon.

Often, workers see it as though their bosses have a lot of confidence in them and want to give them a lot of things to accomplish. But sometimes, getting difficult jobs with unclear instructions could be a technique used by your employer to make you quit the job on your own. This intention is more recognizable when your boss or manager gives you a task that doesn’t have any relation to your specialization and skill set. 

Regardless of the possibility of getting terminated, remain professional and confident about the things you can do. Demonstrating your poise even after experiencing these signs shows professionalism and strength. If you think you’re about to get fired soon, approach your boss and discuss your concerns directly with the intention of learning and growing.

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