7 Micro Skills To Win At Life

We live in a highly competitive environment, so having a good attitude is hardly enough to succeed. Success requires action, and these actions take skills. Some of these skills are learned in school, some are taught on the job, and others we learn from simply living life in general. The common skills that are often taught to us are barely enough to make us successful, though.

Some people believe that business, money, or entrepreneurial skills make people thrive. However, these latterly mentioned skills are just the result of various micro-skills. These micro-skills can be found in every enormous skill worth acquiring. 

If you want to ace the game of life, here are the micro-skills you should possess:

1. Articulating An Idea

Many people have a piece of a good idea at the back of their minds. Yet, only a few were able to articulate them thoroughly to others. This means they cannot turn their ideas into words— they cannot explain them to others. And so, they struggled each time they were asked to present their ideas to others, looking unsure of what they were talking about even though they had figured entirely out everything inside their mind. 

No matter how good your idea is, and no matter how crystal clear it is inside your mind, if you cannot articulate it to other people, it would be pretty challenging for you to succeed. 

If you find it really hard to express what you are thinking to other people, freeze them on a piece of paper by writing them all down together. This way, your thoughts would be disorganized and tangled when explaining. 

2. Getting People Excited

Assessing yourself, do you think you make people bored, or do you get them excited? In life, have you encountered people who always sound so interesting when speaking to the extent that you get so hyped up when they talk?   

Getting people excited is a necessary skill that leaders should have. Thus, if you want to lead, you need to have the ability to get your co-workers moving, spurring them to action. Observe people in the executive position, and you’ll realize that this skill is often present to those who are on top.

3. Selling the Vision

Selling the vision means allowing people to see the potential you see in. a particular business idea. For instance, you have a concept, you see it happening inside your head, and you strongly believe that you can create something extraordinary once you hit the proper context and moving parts. But do other people see it too? 

At the end of the day, you can only go so far alone. You will need other people to see and acknowledge your vision to go further. 

4. Casual Networking

People think that networking means attending big events, slapping a name tag on, and introducing themselves to several people. However, networking isn’t all this and that— that isn’t likely to get you anywhere.

In an economy dominated by innovation and brilliant ideas, networking creates a channel through which ideas flow, creating fresh ideas. An extensive network, a body of carefully cultivated, ties one into not one a single body of people but a body of various relationships. And these relationships were more than just a totality of their parts. 

If you don’t know where and how to begin networking, you can start by reconnecting with people you have lost touch with you in the past few years. Talk with them without asking for anything, and then connect them with your acquaintances.

For instance, you have a friend who stands in need of legal advice, and you know a long-time friend who is now a lawyer. Ask them individually if they want to be introduced to each other, and if they agree, you could set up an appointment when they can meet and where. 

Usually, networking works by giving someone help while giving the other a client. 

5. Giving A Little More Than You Take

Surely, you wouldn’t love to put yourself in a position where you’ll be at a disadvantage. Why would anyone love that after all? However, in this extremely capitalistic world that we have, giving a little more than you take can be to your advantage because people who are worth doing business with won’t do that for you— it’s you who need to do that for them.

Giving more than you take indicates that you’re not just looking for your own profit but for mutual gain. If you give a little more to a client, they will always come back to you. If you provide a little more in a relationship, your partner will also do the same. 

Sacrificing a bit more will give enough pie for everyone to eat. If you’re constantly looking for quick money, you will only end up making a few. 

6. Listening To The Other Side

Without hearing both sides of the story, you will never ever understand something completely. You will remain biased, and with prejudice on the side, you don’t know, sometimes without even realizing it. 

However, listening to others has become relatively hard these days because social media is flooded with content you agree with, leading to complete deafness to the other side of the story. 

The social media algorithm will only show you what you want to see. This is a surefire way to get stuck in a bubble without even knowing how the world works. 

Force your way to see both sides to see the complete picture.

7. Focus Burst

Employees spend eight hours in their office but just spend around three hours working. Most of the time was spent waiting for the higher-ups’ orders, meetings, or breaks. 

The truth is, no one works eight hours straight in the office doing demanding daily tasks. In about two to three hours, a person’s energy gets depleted. No person could ever handle such pressure without tremendous loss in concentration and ability. 

If you can finish off all your task in just two hours, you’ll get more things done compared to your colleagues in the office.

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