7 Strategies: How to Rank YouTube Videos In 2020

You might’ve tried different Youtube Ranking tricks and tips before but still couldn’t rank higher. And even if it’s effective, Youtube changes its algorithm depending when it’s necessary.

So today, we’re going to give you the 7 New Strategy to Rank Youtube Videos for this year!

Boost your Click-through-Rate

If you’re not familiar with the click-through-rate, it’s basically the percentage of users that can see, and watch your videos through the search results, and clicking on them.

When youtube pays close attention to a video that keeps on getting views, it would give your video a boost. This ‘boost’ is what you see when you search a specific title, and your video is shown on top.

But are there techniques for you to do it?

Yes, there is! By making use of the bracketed clarifications (parenthesis) and [brackets] at the end of your video, there’s a statistic that shows you can triple the number of clicks for a single video.

Why? Because it gives the viewers a sneak peek or suggestion about the content of your video.

Increase Engagement Signals

These Engagement Signals include what we always hear at the end of each video saying “Don’t forget to comment, share, and Click the Like and Subscribe button”.

This happens when a user interacts with you on your video. But did you know that videos also rank partially based on engagements? It’s because of this aspect is a big part of Youtube’s search and algorithm.

How can you do it effectively?

Simple! Ask your viewers to answer a specific question. What usually works is a multiple-choice question where they can just share their opinion instead of thinking thoroughly.

Like I’ve said a while ago, there should be a reason for people to comment, to share, to like, and to subscribe to your channel.

So instead of “Don’t Forget to….”, you can tell them “Make Sure you subscribe so you don’t miss out on my future contents”.

Easier but more effective.

increase engagement

Embed your Videos

Embedding your video including sharing it on other platforms, and using it as an out link video resources for a blog.

When you see the Correlation of Youtube Ranking Factors, this falls under the 6th place along with the rank of the positive rating percentage.

What’s the best location to ember your videos?

There’s no specific location required. Whichever you’re comfortable embedding it to whether to a press release, a guest post, or your personal website. As long as it drives traffic, the video can reap the same benefit.

Applying Tags to your Videos

I still remember the days where people add several tags that aren’t even related to the video anymore. It’s like they’re having fun typing, and complicating things for Youtube.

It’s true that video tags help your video to rank. But no matter how many tags you stuff into the description, it won’t matter anyway since it’ll be harder for Youtube to describe and categorize what you just uploaded.

Basically, it won’t work! If you’re confused, then so does Youtube, a platform created by man.

What can you do?

Easy! Make use of the strategic ‘TSC Formula Tag’. This includes:
a) Adding your targeted keywords for the first 2-3 tags.

e.g.: If your video is about ‘How to Lose Weight Fast’ then the tags are: How to Lose Weight; Lose Weight Fast.

b) Use 2-3 tags similar to your target keywords.

e.g: Effective Workout to Lose Weight; Healthy Diet to Lose Weight

c) Create at least 2-3 Category Tags that would describe your video and primary topic.

E.g.: Fitness; Workout; Diet

adding tags to videos

Rank in Suggested Video

Have you tried watching several youtube videos, and came across the suggestion videos located either on the right side of the page or below suggestions?

These are considered as the ‘suggested videos’ that you should look out for to rank.

How to Make your Video a Part of the Suggested Video Area?

The Youtube suggested videos are based on two factors

1. Based on what you recently watched.
2. Based on what you’re currently watching.

The trick is when you try to optimize your video to the same keywords that those ‘popular video’ uses, then you have a good chance showing up next to them in the suggested area.

Increase Your Watch Time

A self-explanatory feature where the total accumulated time your viewers spend watching your video. A percentage of the total time people have watched your video.

At first, I was a bit surprised to see that this is one way Youtube looked for in rankings. It’ll be more visible for people to watch if your viewers were able to keep up for a longer time. Meaning, even if you have 10 min straight content, they can still follow and if you’re fortunate enough, had the patience to watch it ‘till the end.

Are there Recommendations to Make This Possible?

First things first. Plan and outline the content of your video, and how long will it take. This helps to avoid losing viewers from unscattered information.

Second, add some spice. Not the literal spice but create some changes with your channel, with your video. You can edit the visual transitions and effects, add music, change the camera angle, and location.

Optimize your Video Description

The best way to make your viewer understand what you’re talking about or what you’re about to talk to is to add a video description.

This is located just below the video player.

How can you Effectively Do This?

1. Write a description that contains at least 100 words.

2. Include your target keyword in the first 2-3 sentence of description. It’s actually recommended to put the most keywords in the beginning sentence.

3. Mixed up and sprinkle your target and related keywords within the description. To do this, you can write the keywords handful of times.

Bonus Techniques are: Strategically Promote Your Video depending on your situation. You can do this with the use of social media sites, email listing, Reddit, and other engaging platforms but must provide an important reason as to why they should watch your video. No Spamming!

Another Bonus Technique is to Find Untapped Keywords. Do this by going to the traffic sources reports and find the exact words or phrases that your video rank for. If it ranked even without making it the main keyword focus, what more if you make it your target keyword?

If you were able to follow these 7 simple yet effective steps, no doubt that after a while, we can see your youtube video ranking and on our suggested area.

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