How Long Does it Take to Rank on Google

Before getting started, it must be clear that we’re not talking about ‘how long does it take for an article to rank 1st’ but to rather talk about ‘how long does it take to rank higher (than usual) in Google’. Newly Marketers, SEO and Content Writers were trying to think of a way to get their articles on top searches. Some of their questions include: ‘Would it possible to rank higher?’ ‘What should one do to get the traffic that they’re asking for?’ and ‘How long should all of this take?’

Some use and pay different search engines for them to reach higher ranking yet there’s no guarantee for this. This not as easy based on statistics. A study shows that it approximately takes around 35 weeks for the newly-established websites to bring 90% of its potential traffic within one article. But this is considered as a definite range which means that it could take much longer or shorter than that.



How long will it take

According to, an SEO content Specialists’ site, the amount of time it takes (in weeks) to reach 90% traffic for:

• Brand new is approximately around 35weeks;

• Moderately approximately 25 weeks and;

• Very Well-Established is approximately 18 weeks.

As per the statistics show over the years, there is no stability on how one site can reach the estimated peak of 90% of the SEO traffic even if the site is brand new or firmly built. There are lots of variabilities to acknowledge and it changes over time. Remember that the website creates epic results based on the SEO, domain age, keyword competition, content quality and length, number of posts and clean domain which you could already consider right before starting.

Graphs and Backlinks

When examining a graph, always focus on the movement of the bars or lines inside it. In a normal graph (other types of graphs, bars, and statistical graphical representation can be used), everything starts with a tiny bump (although sometimes, spikes for a well-established site). It could stay dead for many weeks, however, there are going to bench over time. The first bench shows that the site’s traffic is improving. This means that the article is what the users are probably looking for. When it eventually goes to bench number 2, it goes critical because there are no assurances that it could rank higher or stays the same for a very long time.

This is Google’s algorithm if your article is effective for the users and a significant piece. They measure relevant data about a website and then analyze it to “rank similar websites from highest to lowest in regards to which will show up first in the search engine and rankings pages.”

What’s peak now doesn’t mean will stay there for years and what’s at its lowest doesn’t mean it would stay dead for a long time. There are sites that rank higher quickly than usual yet don’t stay there in the long run. If Google doesn’t see the worth, it would eventually drop down.

Can we shorten the time by doing link buildings

Before, it’s safe to say that you’re probably going to rank faster than other websites with backlinks especially links from authoritative websites. But nowadays, it’s no longer recommended as it takes too much time and energy for content writers and managers instead of focusing on making the content better. Some articles can rank more quickly but not traffic in the long run.
Yes, three to six months might seem like a long time. But avoid falling for shortcuts from other search engines because you could get yourself penalized by Google which is far riskier. Instead, earn the search engine’s trust and in return, it’ll reward you.

Will it rank faster

It’s clear that there are possibilities even for the newly-built website to rank higher in Google results and there are data that could support it. Although they’re people who give and searches through data, there’s no convincing proof to support that one article could rank faster than usual. It would and have to take time before reaching the potential of 90% of the traffic.

Why are we Concern by the time it takes

Simply because we’re just a bunch of impatient people. Marketers or not, it’s natural to get impatient especially if we worked hard for something. Patience is probably one of the most important characteristics you need to succeed online.

Search engines are administered by complex ranking algorithms. You also have to consider that there is huge competition between digital marketers and SEO content sites that could generally take time to convince them that you deserve one of the top positions in their rankings. But just like a farmer who woke up early in the morning and endured the hot and sunny weather, sooner, for some time, we would also see the fruits of our labor.

Remember that it just takes time. You have to be patient no matter what and build your article or so-called farm right with the amount of great and better content along then, you’d see that it’s worth the wait. The harvest is awesome. Laying the initial groundwork can be difficult. But you will reap the rewards for years to come. Just keep posting articles without worrying too much of the traffic. Eventually, you can monetize the website.

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